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Count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done!

This is the time of year for reflecting on our blessings. I am thankful for so many things! Faith, a merciful God, I'm even thankful for my trials, that is often the times when my richest blessings reveal themselves. I am thankful for a loving husband, my family and friends, my 3 blessings that call me mommy. Thankful for a warm home and food on the table. Thankful that I am able to help those less fortunate. Thankful for my job and the wonderful people I get to work with, including my patients.

What are you thankful for? Let's remember that our richest blessings can come from blessing others. Donating your time and resources to your church or food bank, charity, or community center. Reaching out to those in need. Give what you can, help when you can, really... in blessing others you are blessing yourself... and who couldn't use more of that this time of year.

Giving thanks... giving appreciation.... giving what you can and turning that into a blessing.

I am also thankful for my sleeve... which helps me to stay on track, slaps me back when I want to eat more then I should and keeps me healthy despite myself sometimes...

What are you thankful for this season?

I wish all of you a safe and blessed Thanksgiving this year... don't forget to stop and remember to be thankful for all that you have!


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