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Better everday! still not hungry!



Still recovering from surgery of course, but feeling better every day and increasing my physical activity, while following the post-op guidelines.

I'm doing well getting down my liquids. I do best with hot tea or soup (Miso is my favorite!) but the colder liquids are getting easier. I did give myself a treat and had a no sugar added fudgesicle... what a delight!

I still seem to have some issues with the protein shakes. Not sure what it is since I've eliminated lactose by using the soy protein powder and they aren't high in sugar, but they send me running to the restroom. Of course this happened after my original band surgery, too, so I'm not too worried.

Before surgery the Protein shots tasted fine, but post surgery, they just taste way too sweet, maybe its my taste buds changing already - not craving the sweets? I may try to dilute them down a bit since they are a great source of protein. I'll keep you posted.

The recovery from the sleeve revision is going really well. I was able to sleep on my left side last night, so I slept much better. I'm a left side sleeper and since that is where the drain was, I was a little sore on that side, but that is really lessening as the days go by.

I would do the surgery again in a heartbeat. If you've been following my blog, you know I had some nervous moments leading up to surgery, I even begged Dr. Ortiz to let me be one of the early surgeries, even though revisions typically go last. I guess it helps to have friends in high places :) But the surgery was easy and I felt really great even right after, had a few "crampy" moments with the drain, but once that was out, its been smooth sailing!

I'm anxious to get through this liquid phase and take my new "shrimp stomach" for a ride and see how it feels to eat again.

If anyone has questions about a revision surgery, either from band to sleeve or from bypass to band please email me at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81


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OH MY GOSH... I just have to say - Panera - Cheddar Broccoli soup - blended... took me to my yummy place tonight! I know its not low fat - but I ate maybe a 1/4 cup. me so happy :)

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Lori, my daughter and I were talking about getting to go to Panera for some soup after my surgery!!! Tell me about these protein shots you have talked about.

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Hey Carol - they are New Whey Protein shots - they are thinner like juice so easier to get down then the thicker protein shakes... I bought the Acai, I kind of wish I had purchased the variety pack so I could try different flavors - GNC may have them - I ordered mine on Amazon. They have 42 grams of protein per 3.3 ounce shot. Last week they just seemed too "sweet" and I couldn't get through them - going to try again this week - maybe putting them in tea or something to get through them better.... I can't just drink them right now.

I still have a bit of my Panera soup - its thicker so you can't each much at a time, but its ohhh so good! And I tried making my own Miso from a mix - its nothing like the good stuff from a Japenese restaurant!! Just strain it.

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