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Curiouser and curiouser

Paula Bee


Lori has me all curious about some of the cosmedic procedures. I don´t know if it is fair to my spouse or our retirement fund to spend anymore money. I am just thinking about my 40th class reunion in October,(which I wasn´t even going to attend at my presurgery weight.)

As far as surgery, I am feeling fine... much better than I thought I would at this point. I am anxious to get the port out and get home to my hubby, because I really miss him so much.

More later.. need to check out some of the cosmetic stuff

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Hey Paula, you know how to reach me if you have any questions! I'm so anxious to see what the PRP does for me. I've been reading a lot about what it has done for people like Tiger Woods & Kobe Bryant with their orthopedic issues, because it can help heal tissue, create new blood vessels, help collagen production... its really amazing stuff and its all from your own body - they are studying even more because they think it can help your body create new stem cells! Amazing! Those sports stars had to fly to Germay to get their treatment, I feel so lucky I can go to a doctor I know and trust! Dr. So is also great with the Botox! I haven't done any of the fillers yet, if the PRP works like I hope it does, I may not need that :)

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