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i've been eating nonstop. ehh bisquits and cheese. sourcream and chips. yeah that has basically been my diet for the last 4 days...oh yeah and chinese food...i feel disgusting. its funny because everybody keeps on commenting how good i look and how i'm still losing weight and i'm like REALLY?! i've been eating EVERYTHING and people are just like you look good. i took pictures with my sister yesterday and i was surprised to see myself in the picture because i do look good! hahahaa i mean you know i wasn't like ugh i'm fat and ew, i was just like oh those are cute..mom's birthday was yesterday so we went to dinner, chinese, then bowling.



i have to be up like at 630 in the morning. ugh it's almost 1 i need to be in bed now. this past weekend i've only got like 4 hours of sleep each night. too much partying..well i'm off for the next three days so i'm sleeping in except for tomorrow unfortunately. i wasn't late to work though i just got up lacking sleep and all.

i've been having a lot of drama lately with "friends". some with the bffs and some with friends of the bffs but whatever i haven't really thought much about it and definitely have not lost any sleep over it. i'm just so over people and their crappy attitude. i'm tired of trying to appease everybody and make nice. it's just not worth it anymore.

anyway i'm going to sleep now. gnite


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