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About JosieB

  • Birthday November 11

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  1. I got the plication surgery and I have 120 lbs to lose. So far it's working well for me. I have already lost almost 35 lbs. I had my surgery on Jan. 13th. I didn't want to get the band because of the problems people have. So when I saw that something was available other than the band and that wasn't so drastic as a bypass, I went for it. It's important to follow a good diet and to not snack between meals. But I find that I'm not as hungry and that I stop eating when I'm satisfied. I had my first experience of eating over capacity the other night and was miserable! I ended up trying to vomit just to get some relief - definitely NOT recommended. So, yeah, in answer to your question, the plication surgery is good for people like you and me who have 120 lbs to lose.
  2. Almost any canned soup can go in a blender! If it's a can that you're supposed to add water, I do that before blending. Otherwise I will add some broth to make it a little thinner. It also makes it very tasty! I like drinking the Atkins Advantage shakes. They're not overly sweet and no sugar. Some of the other ones are too sweet for me. But I find I really like to drink water with them. They leave a weird coating in your mouth if you don't wash it down with something. Drink them slowly. I like drinking Kefir. I'll mix it with juice, water and protein powder for breakfast. Or, instead of juice, add half a banana. Delicious!
  3. I had my surgery Jan. 13. A day after surgery I was starving! I had done the liquid protein diet before surgery and never felt hungry, but for the first 4 days on just juice and broth I was dying! I was getting sugar spikes and crashes from the juice and I was almost constantly light headed. Once I was able to add protein shakes, it all went away! I've been making some tasty soups that I put in the blender and blend them smooth. It's been a nice change from always drinking protein shakes. I drink my liquids slow enough that, so far, I haven't found my limit as far as stomach capacity. But I definitely reach the satisfied level sooner than before. I'm trying real hard to stick to the post-op diet. I am looking forward to eating normal food, but that will be another month yet. The only complication that I had was that I tore my stomach muscle a bit. The driver of the van that picked me up at the hotel to go back to the airport drove like a maniac! He hit a pothole and I felt an intense pain in my stomach area. I thought I had torn a stitch! Then when I was getting off the plane I reached up to grab my suitcase I felt the pain again! But when I checked my stitches, they were fine. The pain continued every time I walked or my stomach jiggled. When I finally figured out what had happened I started wearing a girdle that came up high enough to support my stomach muscle but wasn't so tight that it irritated the stitches. After about a week I was mostly fine. Two weeks out I'm still tender and have to watch how high I reach. So far I'm averaging about a pound a day. I'm sure this will slow down once I start eating real food again. But actually I wouldn't mind it slowing down. I'm not ready to go shopping for new clothes yet!
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