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Everything posted by emmasmom60

  1. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz in May 2007 (the 23rd) and I have had it filled to 1.5 ccs with pretty good restriction. I am guilty of overeating on occasion, and I have issues with foods like whole wheat pasta and veggies getting stuck on occasion (never ice cream!). Anyway, in the last 4 to 5 weeks I had developed some right upper quadrant abdo pain (really far right - over top of my liver). The pain was mild and I didn't have any other symptoms, and there were some other things going on for me at the time (I have Raynaud's and I was having unusual changes in the circulation to my fingers). So, I went to my GP and because of the circulation issues and some subsequent bloodwork, he was wondering whether it had something to do with connective tissue disorders. So he changed some of my antihypertensives and made a referral to a rheumatologist. In the meantime, my pain has continued and it has moved so that it is a bit more central, and I started having trouble with some reflux, so I started to wonder whether my band had slipped. I removed the fluid from my band earlier this week to see if that would improve things, but so far that hasn't happened. Should I be trying to get an xray and barium swallow do you suppose? Thanks, Laura Wilson 250-386-8458
  2. Hi, You probably could still do weight watchers after you are banded. You probably shouldn't lift anything over 15 lbs for about 3-4 weeks after your surgery. I am a registered nurse, and I went back to work (not too much lifting without helpers, though) about 3 weeks after my surgery. Cheers, Laura
  3. Hi, I had my surgery at Dr. Ortiz's in May and the nurse that put the IV in was pretty slick (and I needed 3 sticks when I had my C-section a few years ago). She got me on the first poke and it didn't hurt much. No deadening (that needleprick would be worse than the IV start, I think), and they often use the back of the hand. Just remember to keep breathing, image you are someplace else, and above all...don't look! Good luck, Laura
  4. Cheryl, That sounds soooooo bad! I don't use a liquid vitamin, but I do chew 2 kid's vitamins and that seems to work ok (I am two weeks out and I figure that is like crushing my meds). I don't know if that would be acceptable to you, but I think that all the liquid vits are probably grotty. Cheers, Laura
  5. Hey Robin, Just a few more days (yikes!). I am arriving about 11:30 am, how about you? What kind of nursing do you do? Cheers, Laura
  6. Hi Robin, I am arriving on the 22nd also. I am looking forward to meeting you! How are you doing with the pre-op diet thing? Have you heard much from OCC, or did you just get the patient forms to fax back? You are an RN, too? Cheers, Laura
  7. Hi, I have tried a deviation on a South Beach dessert recipe and it tastes pretty good for the full fluids/mushy/pre-op stages. Take half a cup of light ricotta cheese, a slosh of Toriani sugar-free strawberry syrup and blend it. It's pretty good! Cheers, Laura
  8. Hi to all you May Dayers, My surgery is booked for May 23rd - anyone else that day? I thought I might try and make the last few weeks less painful, and have started (not very dedicatedly, mind you) a South Beach/Glycemic Index diet. If I can keep my hands off the goodies, that is! Cheers, Laura
  9. Kris, Thanks for posting that message. I am going to be banded in May, and seeing your post (and picture) gives me a great boost! Congratulations and continued good luck! You look fabulous! Cheers, Laura
  10. Hi, I have paid my deposit and faxed all my health questionaire, etc back to OCC and I received an email from Rene that he would confirm my payment. My date is May 23rd. So, what happens now? Do I get a telephone consult from Dr. Ortiz? I have read that people have received emails from Dr. Miranda - about how long after you booked did that happen? I'm curious, curious, curious. Thanks, Laura :-?
  11. Hi, I am being banded by Dr. Ortiz in May and I have been trying a few things. I bought Webber Naturals
  12. Hi, How much cash did you take with you to Mexico. Did you leave it in USD or did you convert to pesos? Thanks, Laura
  13. Hi, My name is Laura, and i have just put a deposit down for surgery on May 23rd. Anyone else? Cheers, Laura
  14. Hi, I probably should be directing this towards the support people, but I just thought I'd ask this to see if anyone knew off the top of their heads. What time do we need to arrive San Diego by on pre-op day, and what time can we expect to book our return flight out? Thanks, Laura
  15. Hi Larissa, My name is Laura and I am a fellow Canadian! I live in Victoria, BC, and I think I am going to have Dr. Ortiz band me (I just have to make the call). Where in Alberta do you live? I think that there are some fill doctors in Calgary (Dr. Mitchell), but if you go over to www.lapbandtalk.com and go to the Canadian support forum you can get a lot of info there. As for me, I think that I will go back to Mexico for my first fill, then either try a doc on the Lower Mainland or go to Washington state for my fills. I have heard good things about an RN in Arlington, Washington. Good luck to you, Laura
  16. BSN, I'm sorry to hear about all your troubles, especially your not being able to go to Africa. I hope you get it all sorted out - are you going to go see Dr. Ortiz? I feel fortunate that my husband was on the bandwagon right from the get go...now I just have to decide where to go. Please let us know how it all works out for you - I hope you get to keep your band and stop barfing! I'm sure you'll figure out the husband thing and that you get the support you deserve. Cheers, Laura
  17. Lori, I don't suppose that FillCenters USA are going to expand into the west coast of Canada anytime soon, eh? I think Richland, Washington is as close to Victoria as they get, aren't they?
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