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What foods do you find you stay fullest from the longest

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I had my fourth fill today and i am at 6 cc's. I still dont have restriction and still eat like a horse. Just wondering what kinds of foods everybody finds keep's them the fullest??

Protien definitely stays with me longer. I am trying to start every day with a Whey protein shake. I do not really like them so I "doctor" them up a bit. This morning I did a chocolate peanut butter protein powder with water, 1 tsp chocolate syrup, 1 tsp peanut butter powder and 1/2 banana. This comes in at about 450 calories and keeps me through the morning and actually allows me to eat really lightly at lunch. Hope this helps

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When I eat Oatmeal and fruit in the morning (8ish)

I usually get my lunch break at 12pm.. I feel like I can NOT eat anything until maybe 2, so I usually eat at my desk around that time and Oatmeal completely throws me off but keeps me really full in the morning.

Now salads, (lettuce, spinach, mushrooms, carrots, balsamic vinegar, and some type of protein) hardly ever keep me full. Usually because it has very little protein.

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I had my fourth fill today and i am at 6 cc's. I still dont have restriction and still eat like a horse. Just wondering what kinds of foods everybody finds keep's them the fullest??

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Agreed, heavy proteins such as steak and chicken are best - followed by shell fish and seafood for me. However, if are at 6cc's, dont have restriction and still eat like a horse - I'm going to be perfectly honest, you may need to adjust your fill or you may have pushed it and eating like a horse could have stretched your pouch. So stop eating like a horse even if you can.

You need to measure your food, look at what you are eating, amounts and how you are eating. (Protein first ¼ cup, followed by veggies ¼ cup, then fruit ¼ cup and then last ¼ cup of carbs) you dont mix you finish your protein first each bite gets 30 chews and they are small bites I used a Childs silverware set when I was in the middle of my weight loss. It helped me to understand the size of bites I should be taking. Its pretty simple and dont drink when eating.

Quick questions, did they check your pouch out at the time of the fill or did you do it blind. Im not trying to scare you, but Ive seen a lot of people ruin their bands by stuffing too much into themselves.

Ill be honest, there may have been times that due to less restriction I could have eaten like a horse, but I never did I never tested or cheated my band. My thought was if I was going to spend thousands of dollars for this thing it was going to work it was my last chance at freedom.

Look at yourself, how you are eating, adjust your band if needed and adjust your mental attitude about food. And I get that its hard I lost 140 pounds myself, you have to stay on track and keep working hard and dont push your band. Its a tool, you can break it and fail with it. But then you own it if you do. Its not worth it I cant tell you how my life has changed. I am such a better person and I do so much more Im living now and I didnt know what I was missing I wasnt truly living as a morbidly obese person, I missed out on so much. Keep pushing yourself but dont push your band stuffing yourself like a horse is nothing being fit and healthy is amazing.

Good luck,


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