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Help! Just got a cold-surgery in 2 days

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I have been following this forum for a few months to educate myself on this whole process... so thank you everyone !!! Your experiences,knowledge and communication has been such a great learning tool for me... not to mention putting me at ease on some days where I was having cold feet!

I am getting my surgery on Tuesday (Feb 3) ...3 more sleeps! I am in a panick though as i woke up with a cold yesterday. Usually when I get a cold it goes straight to my lungs and I end up with horrific cough...so needless to say, I am worried that this cold will end up the same way and I won't be able to have my surgery. I started taking COLD FX to try to stop it, but I don't think it is working. I was trying to stay "clean" during this pre-op diet, but broke down and took some tylenol cold as my sinuses are plugged totally.

Has anyone had this happen or heard of anyone that could not get their surgery done because of a cold??? I am so sad at the thought that I am this close and may have to postpone my surgery.

Any feedback would be muchly appreciated!!!

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Hi Brenda ~ Normally you wouldn't go into surgery if you have a fever of a 100 or more, I was told. My personal opinion is to contact your doctor and let them know how you are feeling. S/he may adivse you with alternative meds or suggest to wait on the surgery a little longer until you are much better and can cope more clearly. You don't want to deal with a cold after surgery. You are going to want your wits around you while dealing with the new heathier lifestyle changes. This is, of course, IMHO.

Good luck and feel better! 519297kthdrfa0sl.gif

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Thanks for your suggestions. Because it is the weekend, I figured no one would be working. I have been sleeping all day and am hoping that will help me. Luckily I have no fever with it!

Hey, Nicole... i will for sure check out Calgary Lapbanders on Yahoo... this is the first forum I have ever signed up for so I am very new at this!

Thanks again for the support!!!

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They'll take calls even on the weekend and this same thing happened to me (I called on a Sunday sick and worried about my Tuesday surgery) I talke to Dr. Acosta, he told me a cold wasn'ta worry and also the things that were...... and I was fine having the surgery with a cold after all. Good luck.


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