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An effort to keep myself honest about my health

Entries in this blog

Day 2

Not a lot to say today. Didn't work out today. Should feel bad about that, but in the grand scheme of things, I only need to work out 3 days a week. So feeling bad is not a good thing. When there is two days left in the week and I haven't worked out……time to feel bad. Not gonna happen till then. So for today, I feel good, am happy. And that's the way it should be. Thanks for listening



Day 1

I consider this the first day because it's the first day of journaling. Which can help me grow. And I need to grow. I had gastric plication February 11, 2011. The best thing I've done for myself. Well, among other things. I started my journey at 258 lbs. OCC asked me to lose 20 lbs. before my surgery. I figured it was to show I could be disciplined. I did that and went into the clinic at 238 lbs. I stayed for three days to assess my vitals. When given the go ahead I came home. I had



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