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Band to Sleeve Revision Surgery

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Fat Brain.... does it ever end?

If you were to meet me, not having known me in  my past... you would probably never guess that I used to be a fat girl.  People are always surprised when I tell them, or when they see a picture of me pre 2006.  People who have known me a long time do forget how much space I used to take up in a room!  I showed my mom my "before" picture from the OCC Facebook page... and she said "that's not you!" she couldn't believe it because her mind has made that switch... this is Lori... this is the space s



It works... it really really works... but you have to work it too

Its been a long time since I posted.  We are so active over on Facebook these days where interaction occurs immediately, that blogs just aren't what they used to be... But I intend to start posting here more, because the information is easy to find and more permanent, so I want to start updating here more. I get a lot of private messages from people asking how i've done with my sleeve, how i've REALLY done long term... i think so many things have failed for us over the years, that we are af



I reserve the right to bare arms!!! I finally got rid of my batwings!

Yes my lovies, I finally did it. I had that arm lift I have been waiting for... I've always had large arms, I am of mostly Norwegian, German, and Irish descent... and we are known for thicker arms, and I for sure got that from my Norwegian Grandma. It had come to the point that when i was working out (or waving to someone) that my upper arms kept up the motion long after I had stopped... It was also causing some pain and friction during my workouts. I was going in to have a fix to a breast l



Hair loss after surgery

I thought I would share this post about hair lost after surgery from the OCC Nutritional Team. Many patients experience early postoperative hair loss, which is mainly due to telogen effluvium, an alteration in the normal hair cycle, a dormant or resting stage, that results from emotional or physical stress (i.e. surgery). This event is unrelated to protein malnutrition or vitamin and mineral deficiencies which is a common misconception. Hair loss experienced 3-5 months after surgery, ​



Happy Sleeviversary to ME! 3 years baby... and still going strong

CELEBRATE Good Times C'mon.... let's celebrate! woohoooooooo 3 years ago I had by Sleeve surgery - my band to sleeve revision surgery. I can tell you I haven't regretted it for a single solitary second! I still love my sleeve. I love what is has allowed me to do... I'm at a healthy weight, my cholesterol is 115... 9 years ago it was over 240. I feel great and... ok ok... i get to buy clothes off the really cute rack... usually in a small or medium. If you've read my blog you know I had



She believed she could... so she did...

A simple quote... but wow... super powerful. I was reading though some things today, super busy at work, but this really caught my eye. I think in my head, sometimes, I still put myself down for resorting to weight loss surgery, like i gave up. Why do i do this to myself? When i know that 95% of people that try to lose more then 50 pounds on their own will fill. They either won't reach their goal, or even worse (and I had been there many many times) they will hit that goal... and s



Head Hunger... what is this beast?

Head hunger... we all deal with it but why.... what is this beast and why is he constantly knocking at my door...errr stomach.... head - whatever - it feels the same! I battle this beast too often. Why is that? We all know this beast too well... or maybe that's the problem, maybe we don't know him. What is really causing this "hunger"... are we bored? Do we feel we "deserve" to eat more food... are we hiding from something... trying to soothe something... trying to fill a void. Are we fo



parlez-vous poppin' tags? how to shop after weight loss surgery

I know this isn't a new subject for me, but I think some of our newbies need to hear this again. After weight loss surgery your size will be changing rapidly. Why spend all that money on clothes that you won't be wearing for very long? C'mon people.... let's go pop some tags! I bought almost all of my clothes at thrift stores or consignment stores as I was losing weight. And to be honest... these are still my "go to" stores. I love antiquing and I love browsing for that next great find a



Support! (and no i don't mean a good bra...although...)

Don't minimize the benefits of great support. Be it a good bra, compression socks, Spanx, family, friends, or the kind I'm going to talk about today... Sleeve sistas (and brotha's). When we are going through weight loss surgery we NEED support - for the pre-op phase, for surgery, and especially for after surgery. There are so many things we don't consider for post surgery... eating isn't just about nourishment for most of us - we know we should "eat to live not live to eat" but most people do



Sleeve surgery - This is why we lose weight!

First, let me apologize if this post is too graphic, I just think its a fabulous way to educate you on a sleeve surgery. When I was at OCC the first week of December I had the amazing opportunity to observe several surgeries. One of them was a gastric sleeve surgery. We know that the sleeve surgery has fabulous results. Our OCC Sleeve patients get results similar to a gastric bypass surgery without all the risks and complications. And this is why...look at what is removed during this surger



Awesome Sauce!

What a great week I had! Last week I got to spend 3 days at OCC, observe surgeries, learn more about the amazing advancements in surgical technique happening at OCC, meet with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez and Lucia, spend time with the great staff there, record some videos...and the best part, the awesome sauce, I got to meet face to face with patients. I rarely get to do that, and I got to do that in spades this time. I was able to meet an entire family of patients, some that have already had



Happy Thanksgiving!

Count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done! This is the time of year for reflecting on our blessings. I am thankful for so many things! Faith, a merciful God, I'm even thankful for my trials, that is often the times when my richest blessings reveal themselves. I am thankful for a loving husband, my family and friends, my 3 blessings that call me mommy. Thankful for a warm home and food on the table. Thankful that I am able to help thos



Belly Dancing and me

Sorry its been so long since my last blog entry, things have been very busy! I have always wanted to take a dance class, but before I lost weight, it wasn't something I was comfortable even really considering. I can be shy, I know that isn't the way most people would describe me, and if I have a "buddy" with me, I'm good, but entering into something new, all by myself (I tried and tried to get someone to come with me... my friends were even more intimidated then I was) was really scary to me.



Babies after weight loss surgery (no, i'm not pregnant LOL)

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We have been really busy at OCC and I've been really busy at home. Graduations, end of school, water polo season starting. Crazy train - woot woot! I recently read this article about weight loss surgery and pregnancy and long term health of the child, and breaking the cycle of obesity in a family. I had my weight loss surgery after I was done having kids, so I can't say I have first hand knowledge of this subject BUT... (and that's a big but) I will



Happy Sleeve-iversary to ME!

Today is the one year anniversary of having my band to sleeve revision. What a year! I am at the lowest weight I've been at since... well... jr. high maybe? I feel great, and I'm not braggin' but I think I look pretty great too. I've stayed at the same weight now since Christmas and I'm happy with it. I still need to work out more and build some muscle, but as far as weight loss goes and this is the FIRST TIME in my life I have ever said this, but I'm not looking to lose any more weight! I



Cheap, thin, and faux tanned - a retail therapy story...

So, I had another very successful shopping trip to Goodwill this weekend. I got a pair of capri's, a pair of shorts, and 3 summer blouses for under $20. I also delivered another huge bag of clothes for donation. Its strange to be picking through through the clothes on the rack and see things you recognize from your closet, but in a good way! Sometimes you think, why did I hold onto this so long? Did that ACTUALLY fit me at one point? or the most common - what was I thinking? lol But anywa



Love, Laughter, & Support

There is about to be a love fest up in here... so if its too hot for you, best to leave the kitchen now Really, this is all about you guys! I love it when someone has read my blog and contacts me all excited about my journey, or looking to start a new chapter in their own life. You guys are so great! I appreciate your support, enthusiasm, excitement so much! You keep me inspired to keep on keeping on, and I love being able to inspire and support you as well! If you are ready to make a ch



My daughters wedding... and not fearing the camera

So... my daughter got married last month. It was a beautiful, intimate, very romantic and meaningful wedding. We had it at church in our smaller sanctuary - about 75 guests, we all sat at the reception tables for the wedding. My dad said a prayer. We had dancing (I got to dance with my 85 year old daddy... a treasured moment... no that's not my dad in the pictures, that's my husband!! - OK i switched up pics - that is my husband beside me and my daddy behind me) and a dessert bar and a love



Four, 4, vier, fire, cuatro, chetiri, quattro, yon, quatre

Four... no matter what language you say it in... I just fit into a pair of size FOUR jeans... yes, me! I love thrift store, bargain hunting. Its a huge thrill to me to find something that i love for less then $10. From my amazing, full length wool coat for $8.88, to my wool peacoat for $6.88 to my Ralph Lauren cords for $3.33 or my Stuart Weitzman pumps for $4.50... I love a bargin, but I have to admit, pulling those 4's off the endless jean rack and looking at them and thinking "no way" - t




As is fairly typical after a sleeve gastrectomy, I was having some reflux issues occassionally, even while using my acid blocker medication. Now remember, I'm not a doctor, but in doing some research, and from my own experience adding a probiotic to your daily intake (or like me 2 or 3 during cold/flu season) seems to have really helped this situation. From some of the literature i've read, after having a sleeve surgery, the addition of a probitoic supplement can be helpful in many ways... a



Wow... Amazing! I love my sleeve

My whole life, my goal has been to lose weight, never been satisified with where I was, always had my eye on where I was wanting to be. Today my scale sits at 135. ME!?!?!? 135. Can't be! never! I see myself as I was... when I look in the mirror, most of the time I still see "fat Lori" - I think someone that hasn't had a life long battle with the scale could never understand this! I was walking this weekend and saw a shadow on the ground. Of a slim/trim woman. I was thinking wow I'd lik



chew chew chew

So the last several days I've noticed that I've had a harder time eating. I know its doesn't help that my allergies are horrible and I feel like a slime manufacturer half the time - so much "gunk" - and since I have a very small stomach now, it fills up pretty easily, plus I'm sure I'm a bit swollen or irritated from the "gunk" - but I also realized, I've gotten very lazy in the chew chew chew department. My band forced me to slow down, chew my foot thoroughly, and wait between bites. The sle




There are some great patient video's on OCC's blog - if you haven't visited recently - stop by, take some time, and watch the videos... maybe you'll even see one of me http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/blog/



Drink slowly my sleeve sista's (and brotha's)

As my norweigan grandmother would have said "Uff da!". I wasn't paying attention and drank my sugar free strawberry lemonade a little too fast. OUCH! Sometimes I forget how small my little "shrimp" stomach is. It didn't feel like I was drinking that fast, but wow... that hurt! Its been a little over 4 months since I had my band removed and converted to a sleeve surgery, but I am still getting used to a much smaller stomach. When I had my band, I could drink more, a bit more quickly because



Single Digit Clothing Size

I did some shopping on my lunch break today, and I saw this really cute dress on clearance with an additional 30% off... I fell in love with the dress, but it was an 8 and I just knew there was no way it would fit, but I had to try it on to see if there was a way I could make it work (when a really cute $50 dress is on clearance for $14 you at least have to try, even though you know you'll be heartbroken) well... it FIT, it fit it fit it fit! I still can't believe it! I haven't been in a singl



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