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Hello OCC world.

I personally have struggled with my weight since I was a child. When I was a teenager I was losing weight until I had my daughter when I was 17 since then I cant seem to keep it off. I eat healthy and exercise and it seems to go no where. I even had my thyroid checked to see if it was that but the levels were normal. I am now the same weight I was when I was 13 and it SUCKS!!! I am tired of being on the yo-yo ride.

My fiance and I have decided get the sleeve together and we have about 36 days until we leave. We have started the pre-op diet at the same time and I have about 5 more lbs to go and he has 10 to reach our target. He is losing it a lot faster than I am ( I know because he is a man) but he is having a lot more difficulty with the cravings. He seems to dwell on what he cant have. I try to help him the best I can, honestly he is doing a lot better than what I expected. If anyone have any suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated. I know he is getting tired of grilled chicken and salad. I have bought him some lean cuisines and he laughs at them but he eats them. He says they dont taste bad at all. We both like the protein shakes for the OCC website. The chocolate is the best, I am not that too big of a fan on the vanilla bean, I just wish they had more flavors. I also have found a brand of salad dressings that are 0 calorie,sugar,fat,carbs,etc called Walden Farms. The tastes take some getting use too but the raspberry is my fave. I even freeze the 0 calorie drinks to make Popsicle. If anyone else has any ideas to help keep him sane, like I said it would be greatly appreciated.

I am anxious and excited for Nov to get here. It seems like it is taking forever. I think I would probably get nervous as it gets closer but right now I am more impatient than anything. I wish everyone the best wishes on their future.


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