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Day 5



So far so good. I've been blessed that I haven't really suffered from stomach hunger. In fact, one of the first things I said to my husband after surgery was, "I feel full". I feel as if I've just eaten a decent meal. I imagine as the swelling goes down that feeling will lessen because I have no desire to eat right now. I'm thinking of food and want to eat out of boredom but when the rubber meets the road, I wouldn't be able to swallow a bite.

I bought the Isopure clear drinks but wasn't able to finish one after 2 days so I decided to freeze them and make granita and popsicles out of them and that's made them go down much easier.

Pain.. hmm. It really hasn't been that bad. My stomach is sore and I protect it but I've forgotten to take the pain meds and still have 2 of the 4 left of what they gave me. I did get that gas pain in the shoulder about 15 minutes ago and will take my dog for a walk as soon as I finish this. Like I said before I caught a cold and the coughing and sneezing did hurt but liquid NyQuil and DayQuil have helped with that.

I also shamefully blogged about my intestinal issues yesterday but.. meh.. I'm hiding behind my anonymity for now.

What am I eating? Broth, popsicles, Isopure, Gatorade, and a juice that I'll write about later (because I forgot the name). I have chicken, mushroom, vegetable, and beef broth. Last night I added fish sauce and soy sauce to my broth in order to trick myself into thinking I was eating Chinese food.

Making my liquids look pretty helps too. I put my "meal" on a tray with matching cups and bowls.

On the down side. I'm eating alone. I'm not eating with my husband or son at all. We always eat as a family and I prepare all the meals but for now the responsibility of them eating is soley on my husband and he's handling that very well. Kudos, hubby. I may join them later but I'm not sure I want to sit down to Kefir and a a cup of broth while they are tucking into a grilled ribeye.

This is the verse I've been meditating on today:

"...let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1

Gotta go.. I have a race to won and Ima win!


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I hope my experience is like yours! I'm a pretty fast healer, so I'm not anticipating much pain. It's the hunger I'm worried about--I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to hunger pangs!

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