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Still here



well, October is right around the corner and I am so excited to be going for the surgery! I wish it were this month. I've read so many stories on here and hearing how well everyone is doing. I can't wait to join you! I wish i had done this a long time ago!


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Hello, my name is marc and my future wife is Lori, we just been banded on the 26/8. the decision was not easy for either of us, we both we playing Yoyo with our weight. Me 305 and her 225. we were going on an other diet when i told her that i had heard about this procedure and that i was tired of dietting up and down. Luckuly she also agreed to do it. so it is easier. we started August 4, 2008 me 305.5 and her 225.. we followed to the letter the pre op diet, shakes only etc. on the 26, i had lost twenty and a few pounds and she 15 or so. believe it, tomorrow we will take photos of each other and we will post them on our personl profile. I hapo that by tomorrow i will loose the othjer 1/2 pound that i need to and then i would of have lost 40 lbs in one month. and lori about 25, we will see as we will weigh our selves tomorrow.

I believe that the key to how is simple. follow the pre-op to the letter. Follow the post op diet for the first week. chicken, tomato, vegetable broth, nothing in in not even a few piece of meet or noodels nada, nothing. and you will weight disapearing. that is what we have done. yesturday was the first day that we had anything else then broth, Drinkable yogourt, for 2 days, then soup, with out meat and protein.

Dr. Ortiz said that people want to cheat the band and test it, some blend pizza so that they can swallowit earlier. dont! some tempt themselves by trying stuff at wendy's don't just follow what your doctor tells you. and this will work. Good luck

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that's great, you guys are doing so well! I really plan on following the pre-op and post-op diets to the letter! I've read about so many success stories on here that i am really excited to get going. I have about 6 weeks before my surgery. Have you experienced any side effects with the band? Pain, any discomfort?. If you can, please share all of it. I am anxious to learn everything that I can before Oct. 20.

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