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PPD5 (Post Plication Day 5)



This is Post Plication Day 5 for me. I had my procedure July 20th. I had to stay an additional 2 days near the OCC because my stomach swelling was slow to reduce and I was having some phenomenal gas pains. Wow, can gas really really hurt! Everyone at the OCC was fantastic and the Dr.s took good care of me, very reassuring and very thorough on follow up testing to make sure that what I was experiencing wasn't anything to be concerned about. And as it turns out, it wasn't. I got home yesterday and wow am I happy to be home. I did my first weigh in today and weighed in at 200 lbs!! OH MY GOSH! I am soo very excited. I may actually be seeing some 1's pretty soon instead of these terrible 200's! And when I say terrible 200's I want to make it absolutely clear I am referring to myself alone. All total, I started out at 221 lbs. lost 15 lbs prior to my surgery weighing in at the OCC at 206 lbs., gained 3lbs after the surgery (you gain 3-5 on average right after surgery due to gas and swelling etc.) so then weighed 209 lbs 2 days after surgery on 7/22/12 and now wow, lost that 9 lbs and am at 200 lbs. I am just so happy! Overall I feel good. Trying to adjust to drinking in as much liquids as possible. One of the benefits of the barium test is that the Dr.'s noticed that the post operative sips I was taking were too small, they said sipping that little was only going to take in more air than liquid thus adding to my gassiness! Yikes! Like I need help with that! So they had me continue taking bigger swallows until I was where they wanted me to be and so I know what that means. It's essentially a 1/2 oz. of liquid. I was probably taking in 1/8 of an oz. with my sips... So every day I take in more liquids. The first day post surgery I maybe took in 3 oz.s all day. I just was not hungry or thirsty. For me, post op, smells were really strong too! I smelled food and I felt nauseated. ew. Today so far, it's 3pm I've taken in 16 ozs of water and 5 oz. of half apple juice half water. I haven't been hungry really. Tomorrow I get to start on full liquids meaning protein shakes and blended soups so that is going to be nice. I also started taking my 1500 mgs of calcium today and added in B12 and 800 mg of D Vitamin for good measure. My bariatric vitamins are on order and I will start those as soon as they arrive. All in all, I am feeling very excited about having had the procedure and what wonderful things will come of it health wise. Having now lost 21 lbs. I have 51 lbs. to go! WEEEEEE!


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