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I think I am a food masochist



In all seriousness, I am sitting here watching "Bacon Paradise" after just watching "Pizza Paradise." Why? Probably because I am too tired or lazy to change the channel. lol Actually, I moved only one week after surgery, and then went back to work the next day. It is just how my life has worked lately. But anyway, I know I did too much too soon, and now I am vegging in front of the television. I know I should be walking a bit more. Thankfully, though, my dog is forcing me to walk every 4-6 hours for at least 5-10 minutes at a time.

Generally I feel really good and don't feel hungry or crave any specific food. I have had no pain, and my incisions are healing really well. Today I woke up very achy, like flu achy, so I decided that the plans for the day were cancelled (final Christmas gift run). It was finally time for me to relax a little with my new tv and cable. So what have I chosen to watch???? shows about two of my favorite things, bacon and pizza. Can we all say food masochist?

My mouth is watering about some of it, but as I watch people eating way too much food, I am not jealous or envious. I am glad that isn't nor will it be me again. I have all plans to enjoy those things I did in the past, but to never eat a whole meal out again. I don't know why in America we have to serve such huge meals. The thing is, I know now that my body can and should run more efficiently on much less calories, but that doesn't mean I should never have a slice of bacon or piece of pizza. It is all about moderation.

Well the point of this entry really is to memorialize my food journey. I will go back to my creative shakes and smooth soups with dreams of a piece of cheese in the future, and if the stomach gods allow a piece of pizza someday.

I anyone is ready, I wish you a safe and healthy holiday season and a wonderful new year. I know I can't wait to see what 2014 will hold.



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I am a food masochist right along with you! Besides commercials that show at least one food related product what seems like every 15 seconds I actually have tivo'd The Chew. lol

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Don't feel bad. As time goes on and you become healthier, your brain will start to rewire the attachment to food and you'll likely not find such things as interesting anymore.

This will be the hardest breakup you'll ever survive, and you'll be the healthiest you've ever been once it's over. Not just physically, but psychologically as well.

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