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Posts posted by Littleroo27

  1. I don't eat a lot of the lunchables because of the calorie count, but I looked up the snack packs and the turkey/mozzarella are only 130 calories each, so eating the two pack is still only 260 calories. High in sodium? Um, yeah, but I don't add salt to anything that I eat, and my health stats are perfect (except for the fact that I'm super fat, of course!), so I can handle it once in a while.

    I did a little better today. Not great, but better. Had purple grapes and cheese for breakfast (about 1 cup total). I did get some trail mix at work (my weakness), but much less than I usually get, so it's a start. Lunch was leftover turkey and pork & beans with cottage cheese. Dinner was two lunchable snack packs. Evening snack = 2 single servings of sugar free jello pudding. Yup, I know that some of those foods go straight through the band, but I went for the sugar free jello instead of the chocolate ice cream in the freezer. baby steps!

    A few minutes ago I went to the kitchen and stared into the fridge, closed the door, and got a huge glass of ice water, because I recognized that I was thirsty, not hungry.

    When I went to the big store today (that's what we call Costco & Sam's club!) I bought a package of baby bell cheeses. They are awesome for snacks because they are tiny but really fill you up. And - SOLID, unlike the cottage cheese, lol!

    Tonight, instead of sitting on the sofa all night watching TV and surfing the web, I pulled out boxes of stuff that I'd moved back home with (yes, I had to move back in with my mother at 28, sigh) and they have yet to be unpacked. I went through a bunch of them and either tossed or sorted the stuff in them. Not only did I find things I'd been looking for, but I kept busy so I didn't do boredom eating, which is about 85% of what goes into my mouth.

    I also pulled out my loom knitting stuff so I can start making scarfs again and keep my fingers busy and away from the snacky food.

    So... small steps in the right direction with a long road left to walk!

  2. Since you seem to have this down (and good for you!), I have a question. Would you consider ground turkey to be a good food for a bandster? I can't eat red meat at all, so last night when the family made hamburger and Pork & Beans (an old family favorite), I had turkey & Pork & Beans. Low in fat & high in protein, though obviously not the MOST healthy meal ever, lol. I'm trying to replenish the fridge with more solids as I run out of the semi-solid type foods. And when my mom asked me if I was getting any ice cream at Costco, I reminded her that there was a good reason that neither of us is losing weight, and didn't buy any for either of us.

    One of the "easy" foods that I enjoy are Lunchables snack packs. Turkey chunks, mozzerella cheese, and itty bitty ritz crackers. The Protein is filling and good for me, and the ritz crackers clog up my band just enough that I don't dare keep eating, lol. I need to work to add in more fruits and veggies, but for now, I guess portion control is A number 1.

    Its a 1/4 cup portions, pretty standard measuring for bandsters.

    So you start with a 1/4 cup of protein (salmon is my fav) 1/4 chopped vegs, 1/4 cup chopped fruit and 1/4 cup carbs if you have room. I will subsitute dairy for my cards as well.

    And here's what do for my arms, I am into weight lifting - but I start every day off with 30 push ups and 30 sit ups and I don't include that as my workout - its my morning wake up.

    I also do yoga and palates, they really can build the arms - and I do free weights about 3 times a week.

    I'll PM you as well - I do a pretty standard free weight program.

  3. Actually, I almost NEVER eat fast food, and when I do, it's grilled chicken / baked potato type stuff. I never ever eat anything fried (IBS + fried food = OUCHY) or super high in fat.

    I have two major problems.

    1) I snack at work to keep myself going. I have yet to find a good low-fat snack that I can eat over an afternoon. I bag of popcorn would do it if I could eat popcorn, but I can't... I am currently using wheat thins as my snack of choice.

    2) I suck at portion control. While eating good solid foods helps a lot, I don't always eat good solid foods. For dinner, I love cottage cheese with sliced peaches. But I go way over the cup I'm supposed to be eating.

    For breakfast, I usually have cup of purple grapes & cheese cubes.

    At work, I buy lunch. It's usually fairly healthy, and my portions are usually pretty good. It's the afternoon snacking that kills me (see #1 above). My work can be incredibly dull, and I feel like if I'm not shoving something into my mouth, I will take an involuntary nap.

    At home, I have cottage cheese, fruit cups in light syrup, low fat / sugar free pudding, lunchables (turkey or chicken), or sometimes a frozen meal. If I had any one of these, I'd be fine. it's the grazing throughout the night that kills me. I just always seem either hungry or munchy. I TRY to realize when I'm really thirsty and drink water instead, but it doesn't always work.

    I think if I'd get back into a workout routine, it would help a lot. After I ranted at myself earlier, I went downstairs and put in "Sweatin' to the Oldies 1." A serious flashback, but at least I don't die while doing the workout!

    Mom and I rarely eat together, so even though we have the same bad behaviors, I don't think it should be too hard to break out of that mold if I make myself do it. Maybe I need a food schedule... like 1 cup of veggies at 3 pm, 1 cup of fruit at 6 pm... something like that. I don't know.


  4. I got banded in September of 2007 at 307 lbs... currently I'm waffling around 300 lbs. I was down near 260 for a while, and then I found out my band too tight, and had to be completely unfilled... and gained 30+ lbs. now I have a fill again, and I lost a few lbs, and then gained them back, and now I'm so frustrated and mad at myself.

    I was so hopeful when I got the band that I would be down in the 100s by now. Even the upper 100s would have made me a happy little camper! Now I feel like I've spent the last two years doing NOTHING, which I know is not true, but the result is the same.

    I know the band is a tool and not a magic want. The problem is, I feel like I've completely forgotten how to wield it properly. I may or may not have proper restriction right now, as I'm honestly a bit scared to get too tight again. I know that more than another fill, I need to learn how to control myself. Portion control, calorie counting, cutting out certain foods, exercising, I know in theory how to work the band properly. The problem is putting all of the rules into practice. I could join Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim 4 Life, or any other program out there, but I KNOW THE RULES. My problem is following them!

    I think that a part of my problem is simply that I cannot eat all of the foods that are low in calorie and/or good for you. I suffer from IBS, and even though it is 99% under control right now, it's under control because I don't eat things like raw veggies, popcorn, and other gut-destroying foods like raisin bran and other whole wheat products. I can't eat fruits high in citric acid, which cuts out a lot of yummy options. I don't cook, and I'm bored with frozen foods.

    So many people on this list are SO SUCCESSFUL and I have to admit - I'm jealous. If I asked how you did it, you'd probably respond "I ate the right things, exercised, and worked hard."

    I think I need a kick in my plus-sized pants. My mom isn't losing any weight either, and I think she's doing the same things. Neither of us are working out at the moment (though I was losing weight when I was working out on the Wii...) and we eat the same foods.

    I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks, and though I'm very happy with myself (ignoring the whole part where I lost my job and had to move in with my MOTHER at 28!) for the most part, I'm frustrated that I went through all the trouble to have surgery and I'm not working the band like I should.

    Do I regret having the band? Heck no. I'd probably be 400 lbs by now if i hadn't. At the very least, it keeps my weight stable. Now I need to work on getting it DOWN.

    I could use a motivational speech, a success story, a plan, an idea, or just someone to tell me to get off my butt and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  5. Wednesday I got my 2nd "re-fill" at Midwest Surgical Centers. I'd only lost 3.2 lbs, but that's fine by me. I'd spent the previous 2 months gaining 30 lbs, so any loss is great! I feel a nice increase in restriction now, and am trying to be a good girl and measure my food so that I don't eat more than 1 cup in an hour.

    We had an office pot-luck today... I did good but not great. My lunch was no more than a cup, but I had to have a slice of pudding-cake (flan cake) too! I didn't feel extremely painfully restricted after, and I didn't yack anything up, so I'm probably okay, but I need to work on the will-power!

  6. Oh my god, I feel you. I gained around 30 lbs in the 6 weeks I was unfilled. Now I'm just starting to lose it again. I went from 8 ccs to 0 ccs and am now at 3. I think I've lost 5 lbs in the last month, which is good - a hell of a lot better than gaining 30, right? But it feels so awful to have to re-lose that weight you worked so hard to get off!!!

    I must say I'm very proud of you for eating like a "normal person" while on vacation. When I had no fill, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I felt like if it was standing still (or even moving slowly), I would eat it. I'd completely forgotten how fast and how MUCH I ate before I was banded... and I don't want to go back there again!


    I have just returned from almost three weeks in Maui. I left Boxing Day at the lowest weight I have been in my adult life (166 pounds). I decided to get another complete unfill en route to the airport because for the two previous days (Christmas Eve and Christmas day) I couln't eat solids and was starting to have trouble with just water. The same thing had happened a few months ago and OCC advised a complete unfill for three weeks at that time. Although I gained 9 pounds with the first unfill, I figured I would do it again to ensure I wasn't far from home, dehydrated, in danger, and as a result ruining our family vacation. Besides, that nine pounds came off in no time.

    As an experiment, I decided I would try to eat like a "normal" person while on holiday...three meals per day, no snacking, plenty of water. I was good for the most part; my biggest downfall being the Mai-Tais and Pina Coladas my husband kept making me after the kids went to bed so I would, (in his words) "loosen up and live a little". We had more fun together than we have in years, but boy am I paying for it now. Get ready for this...............in 18 days, I gained 14 pounds!!! I swear on my mother's grave that I was eating "normal" (not lap-band normal), but not going crazy at all. We had a condo so we cooked our own meals, and I even asked that he didn't keep any junk in the condo to tempt me. I'm guessing I was eating about 2000 calories per day. Of course, I normally only eat about 800 per day but 14 freakin pounds?! REALLY???? Back to get filled up tomorrow. Here we go again!


    PS- Pic below was probably about ten pounds ago!


  7. Well here we go. I sent in my deposit. My paperwork goes in today. April 19th is my surgery date.I'm already nervous and hope I can do this. I just got back from a cruise and many of my reasons for doing this were reaffirmed on this trip. I think now that I have a date I will start posting more. I went to my primary doctor the other day and she is very glad I'm doing this. She to was appalled when I told her the cost in Madison. About 24 to 26,000 dollars and that did not include fills. So which hotel should I stay at ?

    There are other posts about hotels that you can find suggestions in, but my mom and I stayed at the Lucerna last November and loved it. It was beautiful and they were so incredibly helpful. I was banded in the states about 2 1/2 years ago and was going down to TJ for my mom's surgery, so I was the one that spent most of my time in the hotel room. If you're going in April, you and your travel partner will be able to enjoy the pool (at least you will before your surgery, right!) in the beautiful courtyard. It was too cold when we were there.

    http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp23/littleroo27/Trip%20to%20TJ <---pics here!

  8. Yeah, I have to agree with everyone else. Rice = EVIL. I can have it in soup or something, but not on its own. Chicken depends on how it's cooked... if it's nice and moist, or if I can add a sauce to it, it's not too bad.

    I've PB'd a LOT over the past year while my band was too tight, but I never slipped it, so I don't think one episode is going to hurt it. Your stomach may be a bit swollen for a day or so, but then you'll be good to go!

    Ok.. so here I am two week out since my last fill. I have been taking it easy and doing pretty good. Well... tonight I decided to be brave and try some chicken teryaki and fried rice. Man.. I shouldnt have done that!!! I guess I ate too fast or apparently cant do that kinda chicken or rice. But I got stuck and PBed!!!! OMG.... never again!! I hope my band is okay!

    Should I do liquids for a few days or just see how I feel in the morning?

    Thanks for any advice!!!!

  9. Mom continues to yack up. I'm gonna call the clinic and tell on her if she doesn't call them tomorrow!!!

    While it's true that you may need another fill, it also sounds like you're eating so carefully to begin with that you may never hit that hard stop, thus it feels like your band isn't working. I know, I know, that's what the doctor told you too, and it may be 50/50. One, you were eating soft foods that go through much faster. But two, you may also need more of a fill, since you were able to eat an entire wrap, including the bread bits.

    This may go against everything in your controlling, diet centered mind, but why don't you pick one day (a fun weekend day?) and chose for that 24 hours not to measure your food. Eat only really solid things (sandwiches, chicken breast, vegetables, etc), and wait until the BAND tells you to stop, or until you really feel full. Write down what you ate and how much you were able to eat before you felt that urge to stop. This could give the fill doctor a really clear idea of how lose you really are.

    I look forward to my next fill. While it's been a joy to eat pizza for the first time in 2+ years (thin crust, chicken, mushrooms & spinach), I'm willing to give it up for the restriction. However, even with just 3ccs and very little restriction, I've noticed that I'm almost never really hungry anymore. That ravenous orange monster from the WW commercials lived with me 24/7 while I had an empty band, and now he only creeps up once or twice a day. Such an improvement.

    I've also been being a big girl and working out! Not constantly, and not for long enough to call it a "routine" but usually my attempts at exercise last 3 days. Then I hurt so much that I never do it again. But using my Wii and all the exercise games that you can buy, I've had fun (gasp) working out! I do think I overdid it a bit tonight. I did 30 minutes of cardio, which was fine, except my right knee is telling me that I need a chiropractor to put it back in place properly, lol. Stupid joints. Yay heat patch and a comfy bed!

    Night night world : )

  10. Poor Mom is PBing left and right. I swear, if she doesn't call the clinic tomorrow, I'm gonna call Mitch (our fill dr) and tell on her, lol. I got home today and she said "I didn't throw up once today!" and I said "That's great! Did you eat solids?"

    Her response: "I had cereal for breakfast and soup for lunch." Ummmm, yeah. You're TOO TIGHT, woman! Learn from my failure!

    Hey Beth! So glad to hear that your pouch is okay! Welcome back to restriction.. you will get that weight off in no time!! I am still adjusting to restriction since I just had my first fill 2weeks ago... very interesting! Actually had my first PBing experience today.. I hope it was the last!

    I have also not got into a regular exercise routine so I feel you on the 17min!

    We can do this!!!!! Good luck!!

  11. I just want to remind you that "sneaking up" on your sweet spot is not a bad thing. Mom got her 2nd fill last week and is now at something like 8ccs... and she's been yacking up everything she eats ever since. I told her to call the clinic today and ask about getting a slight unfill, but I don't know if she has. Of course, she's also been eating things like thin crust pizza and toast. You know - everything that sticks in the band when you have restriction!

    Me, I'm only at 3ccs right now and while I can eat a fair amount, it's still a fair sight better than when I had no restriction. I've been trying to work out a couple days a week, and I think I'm down 5 lbs since my re-fill.

    You might just be over-thinking your band... I mean for me, unless I'm in the toilet yacking up what I just ate, I'd try eating a chocolate cupcake, I don't care how much I just ate! That's why I need the band in the first place :-D



    Today I received my second fill at the OCC since getting my first on 12.17.09 (surgery was 11.13.09). I have an 11cc Realize band by J&J and the first fill was for 3cc and my second fill was for 3cc as well for a total of 6cc.

    Dr. Acosta did my fill today at the OCC. I told Dr. Acosta that I was disappointed that I did not have restriction yet since I rarely am ever "full" after a meal and that I literally stop myself from eating any more food even though I could keep going. He asked me if I could eat as much as before I had the surgery and I answered that question like I always have (including on this forum): "I COULD but I will NOT." In other words for the last 60 days I have been running on free will (according to Dr. Acosta this has been by choice since I won't utilize the band but I tend to disagree, knowing my own body signals better than anyone else and paying close attention to them. He asked me what my meals were like and I went through a list of what I eat and he said that the reason I have not been experiencing restriction is because I have not been using the band.. What he means is I have not been eating solid foods like I should. I told him that I simply gravitate towards foods like Oatmeal, Cottage Cheese, yogurt, and the mother of all foods SOUP and he said that is my problem since most of this goes straight down and that is why I do not feel "full" or experiencing restriction. He reiterated over and over again that he wanted me to "test" the band and this is something I do not feel totally comfortable doing. By testing the band he wants me to eat "solids" until I get full. Well, that is like telling a horse it can have as many apples and carrots as need to be satisfied and is it not an old adage that a horse will eat itself to death if given the chance? I cannot allow myself to test this band to the extent where I am having 5 tuna sandwiches instead of 1 for lunch. I do not trust it, I do not love it and I must be in control at all times. Yes, these are issues I need to work on outside of the OCC but for me it would feel like a tremendous step backwards if I "tested" the band and it failed me and that failure came in the form of seeing a gain on the digital scale. My self esteem frankly could not handle that (case in point detailed below). I agreed to lay off the semi-solid, mushy foods for my 3 meals a day. But frankly that is all I can commit to at this time.

    Plus testing the band by playing the game of how much can I eat is not worth gaining what I have lost back.)

    First ah-ha moment: Dr. Acosta then asked me what my definition of "full" was. I am so glad he asked this. This is a question no one has ever asked me including myself and I needed to say it out loud and define it in words. I told him that full for me is being able to walk away from a meal totally satisfied and maintaining that satisfaction for an extended period of time, specifically 3 - 4 hours before eating again. He agreed that was also his definition of "full."

    On to the fill: - As I was drinking the barium he asked me to tell him if at any point I felt like it was difficult to drink and I told him no after I gulped it all down. He then had me drink some more barium and again I gulped it down with no issues whatsoever. Even though at no point did I ever feel as though swallowing the barium was an issue and that I could have drank a gallon more Dr. Acosta stopped the fill at 3cc. Weird...why would he stop it if I could have swallowed more barium on top of what I already drank? I know I could have had a 4cc fill and I would have not been overfilled but he is the learned Doctor and I am not so I just reluctantly trusted him when he said I was at my threshold and kept my trap shut. My friend of 20 years came with me to the fill and he told us we should both go get some lunch at that point. My friend who lives in San Diego, fluent in Spanish and has relatives who lives in TJ also came with me to the OCC for my first fill and so mentioned to Dr. Acosta, "Oh, she needs 3 days of liquids right?" and he gave us a big fat "NOPE." He said no more liquids for me going forward he wanted us to go have a lunch packed with solids and he wanted me to see how much I could eat (crazy, but he's the doctor right?) Carla and I walked over to Costco and she ordered the pizza (doctor said he suggested I order the pizza but I refused) and I ordered the turkey wrap (it is huge too). Well guess what, I ate ALL of it and I was still NOT FULL. I know, I wasn’t surprised either. What I was feeling at the point was disgust, guilt and disappointment but DEFINATELY NOT SURPISE or SHOCK.

    Second ah-ha moment: I told Carla I wanted to walk around Costco to experience the Mexican version first hand. She just rolled her eyes and went with it. While in the deli I started foaming at the mouth over these mini frosted cinnamon rolls and the light went on. I promptly told Carla I should have mentioned to Dr. Acosta that my second definition of "full" also include the fact that after any given meal I play this little head game with myself whereby I ask myself "If someone put a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting (or slice of cheese cake) in front of you right now could you eat it on a scale of 1 - 10? If my answer is 6 - 10 then I am NOT full or satisfied to the level I need to be. There have been meals (3 I can think of off the top of my head) where I was finished and I would have refused the cake right in front of me but for the most part my answer has been in the 10-6 range and walking through Costco deli after eating a large lunch made me keenly aware of that.

    My Theory On A Physical Reaction To Barium: My first fill was the first time in my life where I exposed my body to barium consumption and coincidently went home with a head cold for a week. The tingling sensation on the tonsils is what I experienced after that fill and then I knew, "uh-oh here comes a cold." The tingling was followed by allergy symptoms that worsened into a full blown cold by the next morning. Anyway, I mentioned this to the doctor today and he said that was just coincidence and that barium was just a metal (but since when did ingesting a metal become normal and what rock was I under when it did?) yadah, yadah, yadah... Guess what folks?!? I did not have the tonsil tingling this time around BUT allergies kicked in FULL ON. I have been congested for the last 5 hours since leaving San Diego and the itchy eyes are bothering me too. It is bearable but uncomfortable.

    Carla discovers a treasure in TJ: Carla is bugging me in the waiting room of the OCC saying, "since there are 3 people ahead of you let's walk across the street to the pharmacy for something to drink, I'm thirsty." Now mind you, I have been on my feet in 5 inch Carlos Santana stilettos all afternoon at this point and dodging traffic in them at this point was not my idea of a good time. I suggested she go get something on her own and I would wait for her. Being fluent and knowing her way around I knew she could handle it. Luckily she took the bait. When she came back she shows me this fantastic cold, bottled, flavored water she got for like a dollar called "Be Light." NO CALORIES, NO SUGAR AND IT IS 1.5 Liters in size!!! Same principle of pre-mixed Crystal Light and it tastes FANTASTIC!! 1.5 liters = basically you total daily water intake! Turns out they sell this stuff in a lot of convenient stores and pharmacies throughout TJ. Not to mention they had 12 packs of this stuff at COSTCO for $6.00 USD!!! (Smaller bottles at Costco (like 20 - 24 ounces). On our walk back across the border we got excited because we walked by a pharmacy that had this stuff stocked in more flavors and we bought 2 more bottles to take home :lol:

    In conclusion:

    1. I will devote myself to solid foods for my 3 meals and only choose cottage cheese or soup for snacks as opposed to meals.

    2. I will not test the band since I am built like a horse

    3. I will patiently wait 2 weeks for restriction to kick in before I pick up the phone and make my next fill appointment at the OCC for February 15th (President's Day & my next 3 day weekend).

    4. I now can put "full" into words and know what that means for me.

    5. I am going back to TJ for more Be Light and taking some home with me.

    6. My body reacts negatively to barium - a warning? God, I hope not!

    7. A side note: my parking prayer works again! "Mother God Full Of Grace Help Us Find A Parking Space" and like magic one opens up again. 9 times out of 10 is the guaranteed success rate for a Costco parking lot. One the street where I live this works every 6 out of ten times. Go figure.

    Thanks for reading my long and detailed journal.

  12. While it's true that not everyone does well on the band (some people have unexpected swelling that closes of their stomach, etc), I would strongly advise you to go somewhere else (run, as fast as you can!) and have them look at your band first. Maybe something is wrong that can be corrected without removal of the band. Maybe you're too tight, causing your pouch to enlarge. Maybe you're just too tight. maybe your band slipped. Maybe you have allergies or athsma or something else that caused your organs to swell and cut off the opening into your stomach.

    At the very least, even if you decide to have the band removed, it's important to make sure that nothing is really wrong that could physically hurt you while waiting to have the reversal surgery.

    I hope things get better for you soon (hugs). Please keep us up to date about what happens.


  13. Thanks Littleroo27...

    It sux big time doesn't it! But im the same as you have to have a positive attitude otherwise well ull just cry... As the saying goes good things come to those who wait.... I think yourself and I have waited long enough but 2010 will be the rewarding year for both of us... I have lost 2kilos in a 5 days so hey if i keep this up im on the way to achieving that dream I have always longed for, for years!!

    Definately will let you know the go with it all.... Are you getting yours fixed hun?

    I hope we both get the success we wish for in so many ways!!!

    I spent 2 months with no restriction and gained... a whole lot of weight. 30-35 lbs I think. THAT was depressing!

    Got 3 ccs added in last week and am already feeling better. No more being hungry 24/7. No more eating the entire contents of the fridge for dinner. My restriction isn't great, and I have another fill scheduled for Feb 1, but at least I'm pretty sure I'm no longer gaining 5 lbs or more a week!!!

  14. Could you stretch your pouch before you get your first fill?..how do you know when you stretch your pouch?

    It's virtually impossible to stretch your pouch out when you're not filled. That's why people get complete un-fills if their pouch does stretch. The food / drink goes straight through the band an into the larger part of your stomach. Even if you eat way more than you should, it will only stretch the part of your stomach under the band.

  15. Drinking during / right after eating can have another side effect too - that of making you puke. For example, if you just ate a slice of toast (for those who can actually eat toast) and then drink water, the bread can swell, overfilling the pouch, or gum up, which can cause food to stick. Both result in a return trip for your meal. Trust me, it's not fun and something to be avoided at all cost!

  16. Beth,

    I am so glad you are back on track and just remember this is not a race and just enjoy the journey. Sometimes there are unexpected suprises when we take the long route :D

    This new clinic you found sounds like one of those unexpected suprises! It sounds better than the OCC actually. I am tempted to ask for a referal and buy a plane ticket. Anyway, please post information about it when you get the chance.

    They really are awesome. He explained everything to me. What I was seeing on the X-ray, why certain foods go down and why others don't, how to avoid certain problems, etc. Can't wait to go back!

    Weight Loss Surgical Center

    8101 W 135th St.

    Overland Park, KS 66223


    Phone: 913-541-0230

    Fax: 913-492-0154

    Main Office: 800-777-6812

  17. Thanks for sharing that your pouch is back to normal. I have been a yoyo dieter for about 30 years, so I know what it feels like to be back at the same place again. But... now you know more than you did before and it sounds like you are more resolved to get back on track. I am happy for you, and I really appreciate your sharing your story. It helped me become more patient with the whole lap band process and that is exactly what I needed.


    I know it's only day 2 of having restriction, but any day is a good day to be happy with what you've done. Today I used the Wii Fit Plus for 17 whole minutes of exercise! Considering how incredibly out of shape I am, I think that's a good start. I love the Wii - it makes moving fun instead of a chore to be done. Maybe tomorrow I'll go for 20 minutes!

  18. WOO HOO! Watch me do the snoopy dance in joy - I have fluid back in my band!

    I was slightly terrified that when I went in to have my band re-filled that they were going to take one look and tell me that my pouch was still dilated (stretched / too big), but thankfully that didn't happen. My esophegous and pouch looked great, and I was able to get 3ccs added back into my completely empty band.

    Sadly, over the 2 months I was restriction-less, I gained enough weight to put me just 12 lbs below my surgery weight and 26 lbs below my top weight. Part of me feels depressed that the past 2 years were for nothing, but I'm trying to be positive and just get back on track. Instead of feeling hungry all the time, eating too much, or feeling deprived of food, I was able to eat a normal breakfast (egg & cheese english muffin) and a normal lunch (3 oz tuna salad with crackers). I had an afternoon snack of fat free pudding. I haven't felt hungry at all!

    I'm sure that over the next few weeks my restriction level will lessen, but I have another appointment set up for February 1 to follow up and get another fill, if necessary. In the mean time, I'm starting to feel less like a ravenous beast and more like someone who can control the amount that they eat, can eat slowly and still feel satiated with small amounts.

    I also have to say that this fill was awesome. I went to a new clinic after I found out my band was too tight. They do every single fill under fleuro while you're standing, for maximum accuracy. Also, the barium didn't make me gag. It was almost sugary sweet instead of chalky and tasteless.

    I know I have about 25-30 lbs to re-lose now, but I'm 100% ready to do it. I'm doing my best to make sure I don't eat more than 1 cup at a time, because I do NOT want this happening again. Lap-Band hell, indeed. Having no restriction certainly felt like it!

  19. She got filled on the 18th at this clinic in the area that does ALL of their fills under fleuro. I have an appt there on the 6th of January. She got... I think 5.4 ccs.

    Hahahaha! It is a good thing I have never tried a butterscoth cookie before ^_^

    So glad to hear that your mom has good restriction! When did your mom get her fill? How many CC's did she get?

  20. how many butterscotch cookies can fit in a cup, do you think? LOL! God, I hate having no restriction!!!!

    Mom PB'd for the first time last night. She was less than pleased by the experience, but I think she's happy to have some restriction!

    Angie, this is great advice for everyone! I have these small bowls I got from Ikea for something like 65 cents a piece and the hold exactly 1 cup of food. I use them now for all my meals. Weight Wathers also suggests eating off of small plates so that you can fill up your plate and it looks like you are getting a lot of food. It is 1. a mind game and 2. an easy way to portion control without measuring. You can also buy these really cool measure serving spoons from a WW center (no membership required for purchase) that you can use to dish out the food onto your plate without worrying about getting out a measuring cup, scale, etc. At work we have (spelling?) Carafs in the kitchen and I have found that they too hold exactly one cup of food so for lunch I use the carafs.

  21. Wow, I'm replying to my own post - is that egotistical?

    I just had to whine a bit, I guess. Mom bought me a pair of "fat pants" yesterday to get me through until I can get re-filled, as my fill level is at ZERO right now, and my eating is... not good.

    Weighed myself last night while trying on new fat pants... in 1 month and 5 days I've gained 22 lbs. *insert 4 letter words here*

    I have an appointment scheduled with a lap-band clinic for January 6 to check my pouch and (hopefully) get filled again. Mom had her first fill yesterday and said they did a great job. She thought I'd be really happy with them.

    Unlike the doctor who gave me a fill without fleuro (when I was likely already too tight), they do ALL of their fills under fleuro, then have you come back about a month later to see how everything is progressing.

    It's going to be a long haul to get this weight back off, but it won't be the first time I've re-gained and re-lost. It's just soooo frustrating to see the numbers move back towards my surgery weight. All that work, and 2 years... for this???

    Yes, this is why I got the lap-band, and why I love the lap-band... it's just so hard to feel like it's there, but it's not DOING anything... and I'm scared I'm going to get another fill and then stretch my pouch again because I don't know how to keep it from happening!

  22. So sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been off the site for a few weeks now, as my mom has been healing fairly well from her own lap-band surgery.

    As was already posted (and thanks for that!), yes, I did end up finding out that I was too tight. In fact, Dr. Ortiz was AWESOME and had his fill guru look at my band for FREE while mom was in having her surgery. How cool is that?

    He showed me how the top part of my stomach (above the band) was way too big. Thankfully, I have not slipped my band, but had I not found out about the stretched pouch, it could have happened. He unfilled my band completely so that it could heal and, hopefully, shrink back up. I'm trying to get an appointment to have my band checked out under x-ray soon so that I can see if it has improved enough to get a re-fill.

    What I can tell you is that my jeans are a LOT tighter than they were a month ago. I honestly had forgotten how FAST I could eat (and how much). I feel hungry all the time, and want to eat ALL THE TIME. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my pouch has improved, but I know my eating habits have deteriorated. Hello Holiday Season with NO RESTRICTION... it's like a hell made out of holiday cookies.

    To the other person who mentioned not being able to eat many solids - read my lips: YOU ARE TOO TIGHT!!! GET IT FIXED BEFORE YOUR BAND SLIPS! As much as I hate knowing that I'm gaining weight, at least I know that I can get my band re-filled soon and get back on track... if your band slips, you have a 25% chance of it happening again after surgical correction... so fix it before that happens.

    Best to you all!


    Grumble, Grumble,

    I just read that you are at 7.4cc in a 10.cc band. That really caught my eye because I'm at 7.4cc in a 10cc band, and like you my weight loss has stopped and I'm hungry and eating to much. Your entry is dated 10/16/09. Please tell me how you are doing now. Did you get another fill? What did you do to get your weight loss going again? Please let me know ASAP. Shane: Albany, Oregon

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