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Posts posted by iatethelast1

  1. I hear people say, "you'll be vomiting a lot".

    What does this really mean?

    If I don't drink enough water, or eat too fast, or eat a bite of dense bread, clear liquid backs up into my throat. It feels like terrible terrible bad indigestion like my stomach is going to explode unless I get it up, or walk around for a bit till it goes down. But its ALWAYS been that way.

    This has gotten worse since the last fill, (Oct 23rd) BUT! I've already lost 15 lbs.

    Or is slippage vomiting referring to the type of vomiting from a sick stomach, like nausea?

    Its kind of sad that I now have different meanings for the word "vomiting".

    What's the deal, camile?

    You guys are awesome, by the way.

  2. Hiiii.

    Sometimes I've recently had my 2nd adjustment... over a year and a half... It just goes to show that everyone needs a different fill schedule. Also... i dont know this for a fact but it seems like something that is true.. if you eat more than you're supposed to.. couldn't the sack of stomach above the band stretch out just like the whole stomach could before surgery? I find even though i have this thing... if i eat more... to where i'm uncomfortable.. the next time i can eat more as well. I dunno. I've only done that once and i Reeaallllly try not to do that. Although i have no medical expertise, i felt normal again after taking care to eat extra small meals for a day or so. Then i felt like i was full after eating the right size meal.

  3. This is my first post. Hopefully someone can help shed some light on some topics that have been bothering me!

    I've had my lap band for about a year and a half. I have lost almost 100 lbs. I got the surgery done in Mexico because the docs here didn't take my insurance.

    Any who! Long story short, about six months ago, a pain started stabbing me in my left side, right under my rib cage. I found it happened when I drank anything with pink artificial sweetener... or any food incredibly synthesized. (sometimes i'm so busy that i eat a protein bar for lunch... some kinds irritate and some don't).

    The pain is not all the time, but even if i am not in direct pain, and have not eaten any of the things that bother me, sometimes the area feels a little sore or tender.

    I am scared to go to the doctor because.... what if they tell me i have to get it taken out? I know that is silly... i could be in danger. But i've worked so hard...

    Also, at once point the pain was so bad that I refused to eat in fear that it would upset me. I called a local doc that recently started seeing lap band patients and she refused to see me because I got it done in Mexico. I've recently found a new doc that has been giving me fills. When i expressed my concern about it, and asked if he could look inside there with the abdominal thing they use for fills... they acted pretty NOT worried about it and proceeded to fill me.

    I have no problems eating most foods, and i have no vomiting.

    Could this be non lap band related at all? Or gas? Has any one else had this problem, and if so what did you do and what was your outcome.... ?

    Thanks for any one's time, I really appreciate it!

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