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Posts posted by magpel

  1. Great article! I do wish it touched on the 'getting stuck' aspects of the band. I get stuck all the time - I've been filled, unfilled, filled, unfilled. It seems like there's not rhym or reason. I can get stuck on morning coffee, or afternoon soup. It's made me get almost all the way unfilled, and I've gained back weight. I admit - I'm not eating as well as I should be - however, the getting stuck has nothing to do with that.

    Depressed and more.

  2. I, too, agree with Dawn.

    What we all need to realize is we are all different and the band works different for all of us.

    Support is the most important thing we can give each other. Helpful thoughts go a long way.

    Here's my deal -

    I am always tight after sleeping - at night or naps in the afternoon. So I know that I need to drink warm things in the morning and afternoon. I usually drink a few cups of coffee in the morning, and then have a protien shake just before noon - sometimes around noon - then later I eat solids. Also I know for me when I get something stuck - I don't eat anything the rest of that day. I am too irritated, and learned that it's not worth the pain and suffering to try and eat in hopes of the food getting down. If I am ever feeling so hungry that I need to eat something after I've had something stuck, I make something more filling - like a latte with a little cream or a mocha or something - it's much more filling and gets me through until the next day.

    I have never been able to eat a bunch iwth the band, and had some troubles along the way - but now that I've got things going again, I'm loosing weight and eating small portions. My hair isn't falling out, I'm not lacking energy and making sure I'm taking all my vitamins, etc.

    Good Luck!



  3. Sabrina, that's so cool - only 20lbs! I've got 26 to my goal, and then will evaluate.

    I have not had a great week - I know it! It sucks! I can totally feel it, too. When I eat things I should not, I feel super full and heavy - greasy almost.

    Today wasn't so bad - but starting tomorrow again, I'll go back to my 'usual eats'. I find that I'm happy with eating the same thing just about every day - when I start mixing it up too much, my taste buds go wild and I end up eating things that aren't so great. I could feel this mroning that I was retaining water - from the salt I ate last night.....but I LOVE salt! LOL

    What I've learned through this whole experience is that I can't beat myself up over a few bad days. I need to look at what was going on with me and then I can usually find something going on that was making me pay less atteention to what I was eating and more attention to something going on. My man has been working the last several days in shifts where he's only home a few hours a day - and I think I've just been missing him, and a bit bored once the kids go to sleep -- then I start to snack. He's almost done with this crazy work thing - but I caught it in time - only a fews days of going off the calories allowed. For the next few days I will limit my calories and try and make up for it.

    PS - I love Skinny Cow. I also LOVE Weight Watchers 'Candy Bar' icecream! only 150 calories and SO good! :-)

    Keep it up and let's try and keep each other on the path!



  4. This is a tough question/answer.

    We all eat what we feel is the right amount for us. I usally end up eating about 3/4 cup per meal, with the occasional snack. If I cook a healthy choice meal or similar, I don't always finish it. I always go for the protien first, though. I always have a protien shake for breakfast (after my workout) In the shake alone I get about 30 grams of protien - that's a low estimate.

    Some days I feel full after just 3 bites of a meal. I stop eating when I feel full. Also, I eat much slower. I found that if I eat slower my 'full' button is noticed ealier than if I ate a bit faster, and then all the sudden I'm too full. I HATE that feeling now. So I always wait. If I feel hungry about 15 minutes later, then I get some veggies or something. For the most part I can tell how much I should eat. But some days I get full super fast - and let that just be.

    Your band is differnt during times like your period, etc - you can feel more tight, and full faster during the week before, during or after... we are all differnt.

    Good LUCK!

  5. Just another update -

    I'm doing so great - this past week I lost 4lbs! I've been consistantly loosing 2lbs a week, but this week it's 4lbs!! I'm so excited! I am going to reach my goal - and see how I feel there. Perhaps I'll decide I need to loose 10lbs more, who knows. No matter what, I know I am getting much healthier, and every week I have just a bit more confidence in myself - knowing that I CAN do this and I AM doing this! I've now lost 18lbs since the middle of June when I got my fill.

    I'm heading out in a bit for our Sunday morning Family Hike! I'm so excited for it!!



  6. Hi everyone!

    So I am wondering what my goal weight should be. Like many of you, I have not been thin since childhood, and I really have no idea what I should be shooting for.

    I've got a medium build/bone structure and I'm 5'8. I was thinking 170 would be a good weight for me. I've been doing research and it says if I weigh 170, I am still 'overwieght'. I am wondering how real that is. I dont really think I'd be overweight at 170, but according to BMI, and websites, I would be.

    I've been looking at a lot of 'weight tickers' on the message boards and a lot of you have your goal weight lower than mine - so I'm wondering if I should really have a goal of about 155lbs or something like that. That would bring my BMI under the 'overweight' to a healthy weight.

    What do you think?

    Thanks for reading and responding.



  7. Great job!!

    I also am now down below 200!!!

    I'm so excited! I had a period where I struggled with the band, but now that I'm back on track eerything seems to be going pretty great!

    I can't beleive it - I am feeling so great, and it sure is inspirational to hear all the good news from others.

    I will never be this heavy again - I really beleive that!



  8. Hello all!

    I'm now joining you in the 50lbs LOST club!!! I'm so freakin' excited to be under 200lbs! Really - I just want to shout it out to the world!! I'm so inspired. I see what this is doing to my life, and how it's changing. I can see myself actaully reaching my goal weight. I can see myself feeling confident in all areas of my life now.

    My goal is 170 - I'm 5'8" and I think that's pretty reasonable, but I'm not sure how I will look/feel at 170. Perhaps I'll end up shooting for 160 once I get to 170. I'm taking it week by week!

    Three Cheers to us all!!!



  9. slightly off topic (ok - totally off topic)

    I forgot my password for the little ticker guy and I can't figure out how to get 'help' with it. Anyone know?

    I'm down to 200 now, and so excited that the 190's are just around the corner for me and want to post it!! :-)



    Down to 200lbs! That's 49lbs lost!!!

  10. I usually don't finish the broth - although it's pretty thick. When I do eat the broth, I usually have that first, and then the bottom of my bowl is filled with the veggies, meatballs and pasta. I eat that - and it keeps me full until the next morning.

    I have noticed that if I stay up late, I start getting a little hungry around 10:30ish - but I'm usually in bed before than - 2 small children who wake up around 5:30am - so I always go to bed full.

    I'm really just not a morning eater. I've always been a late day/evening eater. So I make sure I get protien and vit's and all that with my protien shakes. That way I'm getting what I need, and not feeling like I'm forcing myself to eat. When I'm hungry, I usually eat something. It's a small protion, but it curbs that hunger, ya know.

    How's everyone doing?



  11. I agree with everyone, too.

    I had some problems with my band over the last 10 months or so. I ended up getting unfilled, because I could not even swallow my saliva. Then I was too stressed, and didn't want a fill. So I went months with no fill. I finally decided I was ready to have a fill again, in mid-June, and I'm doing much better. I realize I need to take things slow, I never have anything cold first thing in the morning, and I always chew, chew, chew!

    I also live in the Seattle area - I've even met with Lisa once before becuase I was having a hard time and she was there to lift my spirits. I'd love to meet up with you - we could get a coffee and talk about the band, life with it, etc.

    Be well.



  12. Rockin' job, girl!!

    I'm close behind you. I had some trouble for about 9 months, but I'm back on track, and have good restriction, etc.

    My goal is 170 - but really, I have no idea what that really looks like. For now I'm focusing on getting under 200 - just a few lbs left to go! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

    I think whatever works for us, we do! I'm a few lbs shy of my 50 pound milestone too - It's so freakin' exciting!

    Let's keep each other motivated! I always need a little kick in the ass! ;-0



  13. You can ask anything you like :-)

    The soup I'm eating is filled with little meatballs, carrots, spinich and little round pasta. It's pretty hardy, actaully. Also, as I said, when I cook for everyone else, I nibble on their protein.

    This past weekend we had a bbq party, and I enjoyed some salmon, grillled veggies, hummus and guac with a few chips, too.

    Both the shake and soup have protien - I probably get about 50 g a day between the two, plus anything else I eat.

    Thanks for asking!



  14. I think you are doing great, Sabrina!

    I am back on the 'band-wagon' -lol. I was having some hard times, but I think I'm past it.

    I am SO close to being under 200! I can taste it - and it's the best taste I could have ever imagined!

    I sort of forgot the rules of the band for a while, since I had an unfill due to full restriction no matter how much of a fill I had. But I got a fill mid June and I'm down 12lbs since then!

    I'm not very hungry, so this is a bit strange. Now that I know I can't eat most of what I was eating, I have accepted it and I don't want it anymore. I've decided to make certain things my daily foods, and add a little of this or that along the way, but I always eat these same things.

    Morning: 2 cups Coffee with non-dairy creamer 15/30 calories

    Late morning/Afternoon: 14oz protien shake, with liquid vitamins, banana, benefiber, skim milk, whey protien and carnation instant breakfast. 350ish calories

    Evening: Cambells Healthy Requests Tomato Basil Soup and Heathly Request Italian Wedding Soup. (I mix both cans and eat half of it, save the other half for the next night) I top it with a tablespoon of feta. ~ Really - try this - it's a wonderful meal!! 350ish calories

    Before bedtime: Weight Watchers Candy Bar Icecream Bar 150 calories

    I drink water through the day.

    I have a pinch of this or that - salmon, chicken, carrots, etc when I'm making dinner for my husband and kids. This adds some more calories. I always feel full, too. Sometimes I add some spinich to my soup and carrots, too.

    I can't wait to loose a few more lbs and be under 200! I really can't wait until I am down to 170!! One day at a time, though - I know this. So I can't focus on the big numbers, just try and get through the day with good habits.

    I also work out at least 4 days, I try for 5 days a week. I spend a little over an hour in the gym working out, and then on weekends we, as a family, try and get a hike or two in, which is fun! I'm finding muscles I never knew I had and I love it. I think I'm actaully starting to like to work out - it's crazy - and don't quote me, but today, I'm excited to have had a good workout, and think I might go on a family hike before dinner tonite!

    Let's inspire each other!! I love to be inspired, and I would be jazzed to help inspire someone else! Celebrate you! I celebrate me and it gets me excited!

    Let's talk, keep in touch and hold ourselves accountable.

    Peace to you all!!


  15. Hey there -

    If you have any bras left, I'd love one or two :-)

    I'm starting to swim in my bras - my breasts need a bit of a lift and hold, and these bras just are not doing it. I have passed down some of mine to someone else, and am hoping to get a few too.

    Thanks so much.



  16. Thanks for all the kinds words, ladies!

    I mistyped - I was banded in 2008 not 2007. I've corrected on the original post.

    Anyway, I've lost a few lbs over the last 2 weeks, and while it's not much, it's something in the right direction!

    I'm taking hikes, working out at the gym and eating less.

    Can somone remind me - I forget how many calories we are supposed to be eating. I know we are to eat less than someone without a band, but I can't remember how much less.

  17. Hi Lovely People!

    I was banded Feb 2008.

    I have had some struggles over the last 16 months. I ended up getting pretty much a total unfill for about 6 months because I could not even swallow my own saliva - I would contantly vomit from it.

    About 6 weeks ago I finally decided it would be time to try and get a fill again. I'm now with 1.4 cc's in a 4cc band. I've lost about 10 lbs since, and am pretty happy with it. I am back to working out at least 4 days a week and I now wear a Body Bugg to help keep track of my calorie intake/calories burned. It's pretty exicting.

    Over the last 10 days, I'm at a standstill and it's frusterating. I have not lost any weight in the last 10 days - and I've really cut back my calories and watching what I'm eating.

    I need a ltitle refresher, I think about how many calories I should be eating at day.

    I also would love some words of encouragement and for others to share how you are doing.




  18. "I'm only down about 7 pounds, but I'm happy to give up the XLs and 14s to a happier place when I'm safely in the 10s. I'm in Phoenix (*shock*), so my clothing tends to be on the lighter side. Most of it is corporate stuff. We're going to need a Flickr or Yahoo account to post pictures in size groups! "


    I'd love to receive some of you stuff now that you've grown out of it! Let me know -

    Thanks so much -

    This is a cool idea!



    maggie at peloquin dot com

  19. Did we get banded on the same day? If so I was wondering how you were doing? If not I am sorry to confuse you with someone else from WA. Hope you're doing great anyway!!

    Hey Julie,

    I'm sorry - I was banded on Feb 15, 2008 - you must have me confused with someone else.

    Thanks - and I'm doing pretty good. Everyone has ups and downs. I'm happy to be on a UP right now. - One day at a time, right.

    Good Luck to you!



  20. It is SO hard not to drink, but you do whatcha gotta do, right?

    In the end, that water before the meal is great, and after an hour, that water will be really good! I've had a few sips here and there while eating, but I made sure I didn't eat more than I was portioned out.

    Everyday is a new day, and everyday I try to stay focused and realize that we are like babies - we need to relearn how to eat.

    Good Luck!



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