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Posts posted by mysterymachine

  1. HI dave.. well i didnt know you before but interested in knowing more about your journey. How has your eating been since you got banded. and are you going to TJ for the fill. I am not banded.. I do not meet the BMI for USA.. i want to drop about 50-80 pounds.. I may look into this after we have a child since that is my priority GOD WILLING.. and hopefully using this as a tool post- baby :)


    My eating after the banding was minimal at first then gradually ended up being able to eat what i wanted (I've never pb'd) and almost as much as i used to eat before the banding. For some reason, I've held off the weight though and decided to get my first fill 5 months after being banded as i want to lose more weight still. I just didn't have the time to or right frame of mind to do it any earlier.

    I had my fill done locally here in Colorado as I dont have the time or money to go get my fill done in TJ. My Initial fill cost only $200 locally and will drop to $125 every one after that. Overall, i still definitely recommend Dr. Ariel Ortiz and his staff, they are great and I've had no problems.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I disappeared for a while there, almost 5 months!

    I have had a crazy and stressful past few months after getting banded. Its safe to say that I'm at the lowest point of my life now and its not looking any better. But, I finally scheduled some time locally and got in for my initial fill Tuesday (1/30). My weight loss is still holding well though. I thought I put on some extra pounds but i guess the stress helped with that. My initial fill was 3cc's and i don't feel any restriction yet but we'll see when i start back up on semi solids tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has been doing well!


  3. Teeners,

    I too noticed that I have been getting dry skin on my back and shoulders mostly. I also believe that its from taking in less fluids. I'm going to try some dove moisturizing body wash and try that as I use just plain old soap now. I also live in colorado and its very dry here too with winter approaching so that may contribute. If that fails, i'll give a call to a dermatologist.

  4. Does anyone here have a sleep disororder or had one pre-op? Have you noticed any change in your symptoms since the surgery either for better or worse? Have you found that weight loss has given you more energy or is it pretty much the same as before?

    I noticed that I have been able to sleep longer and wake up without a headache every morning like I was before. I haven't had 1 headache since the surgery!

    I haven't noticed an increase in energy but have found that i can sleep on my back now whereas before I felt like I couldn't breathe when trying to sleep on my back.

  5. B) Thanks for the info-- i am scheduled for surgery 10/10/06 - i went to the ticker page have my ticker done how do you post it on here? I tried the copy and paste thing but it just keeps it leaving the coding on? you have done wonderful so far....my husband will be my rock on this journey of mine- he is very supportive of teh decision to lose weight this way ----my goal is to run to the highway and back to my house - when I was younger I didn't enjoy running, i'm willing to try it again.....I see so many people running in my neighborhood men and woman -----


    First, go to where your ticker was created and right click on the finished picture and save it to your computer.

    Then, you'll have to register for free with an image hosting company like www.photobucket.com and save your picture from your computer to photobucket (or whatever other hosting company you decide). Then when in photobucket with your saved picture, choose the option that has brackets [] around the word "IMG" and copy and paste that whole long URL/Address into your signature. I hope that makes sense

  6. I'm planning an omelet too, or maybe a poached egg and toast. I can't wait either. I really want some chicken for dinner though. I am still trying to decided how to cook it. I can't wait for real food....just a couple more days.

    Dave, you are doing awesome. I finally started losing again, which is pretty exciting after a week of being stuck. So I am down 24 pounds now.


    Good to hear!!

    I lost another pound but holding steady ;)

    Plus, all my wounds have closed and the slight infection is gone!!!

  7. B) Mystery, your weight now - includes anything you lost just prior to surgery ---I want to do one of the cute little tickers how do you get them? and the normal would be to start off at what you weighed when i presume we started to inquire about the surgery? thanks for any info...Cyndi-n-AZ

    Hi Cyndi!

    My weight was 303 6 days before surgery. I started my diet late so I only had 6 days of dieting before the surgery. I am currently 274 now so im almost 30lbs lost in under a month!!

    Check here for weight loss tickers: http://www.tickerfactory.com/WeightLoss/we...loss.php?type=3.

    I have heard people of all weights and BMI's having the surgery, i checked into it for a while before i made the plunge. I have tried to make attempts for many years to lose the weight without success. I can lose the weight but can't keep it off and the lapband is a wonderful tool to help me achieve that!

  8. You and me both, baby! Good topic.

    I don't know what I'll have, but what I'm craving? Sushi, Ruth's Chris, and anything that requires chewing (I know, I'll soon come to regret that).

    Im planning to start my first day off with an omlett for breakfast! I can't wait till monday!!

  9. Im on day 16 of the post op and haven't cheated once but it sure is hard. I'm dying to have cottage cheese, or applesauce or pudding or anything with more texture than soup.

    It was easier when i started the soup phase but its just gotten me hungrier lately!

    Anyone else want to vent? hahaha : :D

  10. Hi everyone! I just got banded last Tuesday and have been doing very well. I was just wondering if I can ever drink beer or hard liquor again????? Also, when can I start to do this????

    As far as I've heard (someone will correct me if im wrong i hope) was that to stay away completely from beer because of the carbonation but liquor should not have any effects on you other than the added calories/carbs/fat or whatever is in it.

    I dont like beer anyway so this works in my favor :)

    I do look forward to the day when I can have a vodka and cranberry juice or something...of course in moderation :)

    I'm not too sure about when you can drink liquor though, i would assume when you go to full solids if not before as its a clear liquid.

  11. as im on this liquid diet to shrink my liver, im starting to realize how much my life is going to change. i also hear so many bad things about the lap band that i am just not sure if i should do it. i always wanted the gastric bypass but i have to settle for the lap band. the doc wont give anyone a bypass over 350 for some reason.

    What have you heard bad about the lap band? Thats funny because I have found exactly the opposite and have heard nothing but good about the procedure.

  12. Sorry Mysterymachine, I guess you were the last to post from this compuer at OCC.. I logged you out.. and reposted

    Well, I'm a bandster. All my fellow new bandsters are asleep and all the families have been shipped back to the hotel. Two popcicles down many more to come I hope and a Capri-Sun. Not to much pain just a knot or two in the stomach literally!!

    Did my 20 laps and now I think I'll go watch a football game


    No problem Tom,

    I deleted your post on my behalf ;)

    Glad to see all went well! Congrats :)

  13. Wow - you lost 17 lbs in 6 days? What did your pre-op diet consist of?



    Im not a big fan of the liquid shakes like slimfast and whatnot but I had for the first 4 days, 2 slimfasts per day and a salad with balsalmic vinagerette (small salad). Then on the 5th day I had only wonton soup and egg drop soup as i was feeling sick from the shakes but wanted to keep on liquids, then back to 2 shakes on the 6th day but with no salad. That seemed to work well for me but i've always been able to loose weight quickly.

  14. I've been to Tijuana many times in the past and i still have yet to find a clean/upscale part of town. That's not to say there isn't any but it sure affected my thoughts before going down there. If it wasn't for this website, i would have never considered it.

    I pictured a dirty, cockroach filled room that was dark and dingy with outdated equiptment and spanish being spoke quickly and without my comprehension. I pictured myself having regrets and being scared there with surgery possibly being done in view of tons of people...

    But thats not the case at all and i still laugh at what I "thought" it may be like.

    I agree, Humor is necessary!

  15. My tummy growling has not gone away yet since the pre-op diet nor has my head hunger. However with the remaining self dicipline i've mustered up, i'm able to ignore it alot of the time. I too am on day 10 and its definitely hard. The caffine headaches went away in 6 days for me and they haven't been back. I just keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it. I keep looking at pictures of the "skinny" me and think about times where i was embarassed to be overweight and that usually keeps me on track.

    The biggest thing thats helped me with the hunger is to keep busy. The more i sit around, the more i think about food and get hungrier

    Hang in there, it will get better but not after a little pain!

  16. Thats too bad we're not able to do it earlier. I have read in multiple places that the best thing for saggy skin or loose skin is to strength train as those topical creams and what not dont work. I'm losing weight quickly and will be a bag of skin by the time 3 months comes. I was hoping to help that as much as i could with lifting :(

  17. I know that we're supposed to wait about 3 months until we can do any crunches/situps, but when can we begin going to the gym and doing strength training with the exception of situps?

    I know alot of strenght training utilizes your core muscles and i'm just curious as to if we had to wait 3 months to begin lifting weights or not.



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