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Posts posted by nervous&excited

  1. Hi.

    I am getting banded next week :) Can anyone tell me what I should bring? Ive heard gas x and bottled water. Can you take gas x pills? Also I get really nervous about hospitals. Lorie told me that I would be able to take something before my surgery to calm my nerves. Did anyone else do this? Thanks!!

  2. OK so yesterday when I said it would be $175 with the coupon I was "lying" I called today and scheduled my appointment for the day after my surgery and the $275 is the "sale" price....still incredibly cheaper than anywhere I've called here in Colorado! What the hell is a little belly ache for pretty teeth lol!!


    So I called and asked about the price and they said it would be $250 with the coupon. My friend that is going with me called and they said it would be $250 before the coupon. Sounds like it depends on their mood. haha

  3. that is so funny you said that about the bloody marys! i have a couple bloody marys every sunday while watching football with friends and they always tease me about my comments of having to make sure i get all my veggies in. of course the real reason is they soothe my stomach after going to happy hour on thursday with the girls, happy hour with everyone on friday and then usually there is a party on saturday night some where and saturday is the night i let loose so by sunday i am sick of all alcohol and bloody marys seem healthier in my delusional mind. (yes i know i am not the perfect poster child bandster out there but i am loving my life right now and happier and healthier than i have ever been)


    Hi Kym,

    I am a very social girl and I am getting banded next week! Like you I enjoy drinking beer and going to happy hour :) What drinks do you suggest after being banded? What can you order with out carbonation? How soon can you have a drink after sugery?


  4. I flew home and I was fine. However, I don't think that driving is a great idea so soon after anaesthesia. I was a bit flaky for several days afterwards and had a lot of trouble concentrating and just zoned out a few times. Don't you have any other options? Where do you live?

    Unfortunately I really dont have another option except staying another day in the hotel. Hum? What do you think?

  5. Hi,

    I am getting banded on March 28th by Dr. Martinez. I cant wait! I am having the surgery done on Friday and driving 5 hours home on Sunday. Should I be nervous about driving that soon after surgery? Also I work as a nanny for a three year old boy. I have told his mom about my surgery and so she is aware that I will have to take it a little slower but do you think its okay for me to go back to work on Monday after the surgery? How long before I can pick him up? He is 43 lbs. Also I am not able to find anyone to go with me for safety and support. Do you think I will be safe?

    Thanks so much! I look forward to your replies!! Any before or after surgery tips would be appreciated :)

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