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Posts posted by Jacklynrae

  1. I am starting to feel old by utilizing the term "spell" for a problem I had. On Friday, while getting ready to go to my dr. appt., I got to feeling kind of nauseous and dizzy. I have had this happen many times before, so I wasn't super concerned about it. Typically it happens when I have my arms up working on my hair or face and if I will just drop my arms I will recover. I dropped my arms this time, but didn't recover very well so I sat down for a minute. After still feeling like I was going to pass out I made a mad dash for my bed. After about 5 minutes I started feeling better and got up to finish getting ready. Then, it happened a second time and I went directly to my bed. It got worse while I was laying on the bed, but did eventually subside to the point that I could function. I was ready to call my plastic surgeon to say I would be late and then call my staff to come pick me up and take me to the doctor, but after a glass of milk and a little more time I felt like I could drive and get there.

    When I got to plastic surgeons office I had regained my color, but not my demeanor. They offered me some peanut butter crackers and Sprite, but I didn't want anything at all to eat. This had absolutely nothing to do with my plastic surgery, it was just their office I was going to. I told him I was going back home after the appointment and he felt like I was okay to drive so he did let me go, otherwise he said I would not have been going anywhere. When I got to my car I changed my mind and called my primary doctor and they worked me in.

    My primary doctor ran some blood pressure tests and also drew some blood (boy was that fun with cut up arms and no good veins in my hands). I have always had good blood pressure and pulse and still did even when it tested its worse at the office. The problem was that my heart rate had a 10 ?point? difference between when I was resting and when I was standing up, and there should have been no more than a 5 ?point? difference. My primary thinks that I may be low on sodium, which means I am kind of dehydrated. I have been drinking plenty of water, but if I do not have enough sodium in my body to retain that water and hydrate myself I just pee it out without getting much benefit from it. So, I was sent home and told to eat some sodium. I am not a salt eater, never have been and never will be (makes me nauseous thinking about eating it), but I am now paying attention to the amount of natural sodium in my food to make sure that I get enough. I have felt much better in the past couple of days and did not have a problem while getting ready at all this morning, and in the past few months I had most mornings.

    Sodium content in foods was in the news this past week so I did go on the Chili's web site and see how much sodium was in my favorite salad there. It has 2650 mg, which is a lot, but when it takes 4 meals to consume that entire salad I get about 650 mg per meal - which may be off a little because I get the grilled chicken instead of the fried. If I have that for 2 meals a day and then add in my milk and breakfast I will be getting less than 2000 mg for that day. I am supposed to try and get in between 2000 and 3000 mg.

    He did say something about putting me on blood pressure medicine to keep my heart rate steady. The problem is, that when I work out this will not allow my heart rate to go up. I don't like this idea and will fight it tooth and nail. If my heart rate doesn't go up when I exercise, will I be benefitting cardio wise from exercise? Right now I am just hoping it is the sodium issue and that I will be able to correct it by eating enough. The lap band is supposed to help people that have blood pressure issues, not create the problem in someone that doesn't - not that it is the fault of the lap band, I'm just saying.

    So, for now I have a privelege that many people only wish they could have, a directive from my physician to eat more sodium - who'd have thought this would ever be an issue?

    Very weird that I read this today, because I have been having the same problem. But then the past couple of days my stomach has been cramping and just yucky feeling...don't want to eat...hmmmm. Maybe I need to try a sports drink or two myself! Thanks for your post!


  2. I agree with Lisa, eat when you are hungry. But for me I do get hungry during the day and a snack is a must (I get a bad bad stabbing shoulder/neck pain if I am hungry so that is my trigger!). However I really only eat 4 maybe 5 times a day. I eat when I am hungry and what I am hungry for, in the morning it usually is a protein shake because I'm very tight and just worked out. In the afternoon it might be salad and a couple of hard boiled eggs. But the afternoon when I am working I truly get hungry and either eat an all natural whole grain popcorn, some almonds, or sometime just 1 cheese stick light. I always make sure to measure out my snacks so not to overdo it but normally a whole serving is too much. I loose better when I eat more than 3 times a day and I have a lot more energy, but if I'm not hungry I'm not hungry. Plateaus SUCK so you need to know what is right for you, because obviously we all have our own special techniques. Good luck and we know you can get through this!!!


  3. I was in your some position I was stuck at 222 for 3 months! You will get through this just keep working hard and doing what you know it right! I know you don't want to hear this, you just want the scale to go DOWN but you can get through it!!! Keep us posted and good luck!


  4. Hi everybody!

    For the past couple of weeks, I've been incredibly tight, So I made an appiontment to have an unfill next Saturday. Dr. Martinez recommended I follow a liquid diet until then, as I have had several episodes of Pbing in the past two weeks or so. Has anybody been through this?

    I went for a fill this past Wednesday and felt fine, but by the time I made it home (after a little more shopping and a flight) I was so tight I could barely drink water. It worsened the next day and by Friday morning I KNEW I had to do something. I would say that you should listen to your body because although it is tempting to have such great restriction (especially when wanting great weight loss) it is not worth the suffering. Just listen to what your body is saying, you will be surprised that it generally makes the right decision.

    Good luck and keep us posted!!






    That is my favorite pizza too Pammie! Sooo good! I too only eat the toppings, today I ate the toppings off of one piece (pepperoni and olives) and a small boneless wing. I was full. Luckily I got my unfill on Friday because I truly think I am at my sweet spot now! LOVE IT! Cheers for being "normal" eaters now!! :D


  6. Oh yes you will know. Empty means that the saline pouches in the lap band do not have anything in them, fill is referring to the fact that you are getting saline injected into the lapband, this is what makes the lap band a tool that can be modified to fit everybody's needs, as everyone has a different amount in their band. And a refill can be either after all the saline was taken out and put back in or can be that they are just adding more to the existing amount. I may not be 100% on these so if any other bandsters want to jump in and help that would be great.

    The greater amount of saline in your band the more restricted you will feel. If it is very loose you will have zero to little restriction and too much you will be PBing and/or throwing up everything from spit to food. The point of the fills is to find the sweet spot so you can reduce meal sizes but still be able to eat nutritiously. Once you begin being able to eat more or being hungry you know you need a fill. A fill is given with a needle into the port site which has a tube leading to the band and inflates the band like a balloon. I am a needle phobe and it isn't nearly as bad as I thought!! Everybody has different fill amounts and usually go through several until their weight loss journey ends. Some people have 7 I have had just 3 (and one unfill yesterday....tooo tight!!) in one year. It really depends on the person, their size, and their ability to take small bites, chew chew chew, and eat nutritiously. I hope this answered some of your question. Let us know if you have more!


  7. I think you are right Lisa, I drank a good amount today so not in danger of being dehydrated, but it is the first 24 hours so I will be patient. I had actually planned on being on liquids for 7 days (more than the OCC recommends but what this dr thinks) However, I know the first 24-48 hours are the worst as far as swelling, but don't want to be stressing about something that may fix itself. I guess Ill try to take it easy, haven't had much sleep this week so that could be it too!!


  8. So I got my 3rd fill yesterday and while my experience was great and I found a fantastic doctor, I am a little worried I am too tight. I can barely drink and while I haven't been hungry all day I couldn't really eat any soup. I can't exactly take another day off work and fly to my fill dr AGAIN so I am just seeing if anybody was this tight and after the swelling and stuff went down they were fine. I could be just stressing over it and worried about my finals coming up but I am just a little worried that I got it a bit too tight. (he decided to just put .5cc in there not try different amounts as I am used to) Hopefully I will be fine once the swelling and stress go down, but I don't want to be miserable!


  9. I owe Denise and Dana a great big thank you for recommending Dr. Jay to me. He was amazing and even my needle phobia was put at ease. He was extremely nice, very quick, and can't complain about the price either. I had a great day with my mother we made a whole day of it and went shopping and to the museum so I am so grateful that I found a great fill dr close to home and got a mini vacation! I can't thank you enough.

    Also I now have 2.5cc in my 4 cc band so I am getting on up there. I feel super super tight so I am hoping this will be my final fill, I lost 50 with two so why not 30 with one. I hope that is. But anyway I just wanted to let everybody who is struggling or plateauing right now know that a fill is necessary. I know that I am going to have to recommit to the band, eating slowly and small bites, but I know that it will get me out of my almost 2 months of no weight loss so if your stuck don't give up get a fill!!!

    Although I do hope it loosens just a little...I am sure when the swelling goes down I will be in a great spot! So thank you ladies for helping me out tremendously!!


  10. I have:

    breakfast: Slimfast with 1/2 scoop of Protien Powder added - 20 grams of Protien

    Lunch: 1/2 cup of light cottage cheese and some roast beef slices - 25 grams of protien

    Snack: either string cheese or small amount of veggies -

    Dinner: What ever I make for my husband, but I don't do the noodles. If we are having Spaghetti, I put the sauce and meet on top of lettuce. Tonight we are having steak and steamed veggies and he will have a baked potatoe aswell. I usaully get about 3 oz of steak and then some veggies.

    After dinner snack: Honestly I love Skinny Cow ice creams. I don't have one every night but if I want one I have one....

    Hope this helps..

    Also I try to drink 102 oz of water every day.

    I love using spaghetti squash when I make the noodle dishes for my husband, it has even gotten him to eat more veggies!!! You could try that to get that some "spaghetti" effect but stick with your hard work and get the veggies you need! You had great examples I think I might need to try eating cottage cheese. Thanks for the break down!


  11. I can honestly say that I am exactly with you, I was banded at 20. I have been banded for 1 year and although my weight loss hasn't been dramatic I feel much better about my health, about my future, and about being able to live my life and teach my future children to have a healthy relationship with food. My fathers side of the family has serious eating disorders (bullemia) while my mothers side is all overweight. I too did not suffer from any health problems but have always been a very self conscience person and when the weight really started piling on it got worse and worse. I was able to self pay, but I don't feel that this weight loss I have had could have happened without the assistance. Whatever you have to do to be healthier, happier, and more confidant is worth it. I am not to my goal but I know that the huge changes that I have made like daily exercise and cutting out fast food are important changes that can all be contributed to the band. It may seem like a mountain to climb now and it may take time to gather the funds, but I think for the sake of your well being do whatever it takes!! Good luck and hopefully you can give us some good news soon. The forum is a great place of knowledge, tips, and support.


  12. Thank you so much for posting this. I have been in a rut for the past month and a half, but with your post I know that I will need to get my fill and keep at it. It isn't easy and I wish people understood that. So congratulations on your success and thanks for keeping me on the right track with my weight loss. Great Post!


  13. You are looking amazing! Not just the changes in your body but your faces just screams happiness!! So good job on sticking with your workout, that is the hardest part sometimes. I know it is frustrating not seeing the scale drop we seem to be sharing that right now, but all the hard work you have put in has paid off. Hopefully you will get a little relief here soon with the extreme restriction, but not too much haha! Good luck and hopefully everything will start moving soon.


  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Denise and Dana for helping me find a fill doctor so close to home! While I would have loved to go to Mexico because those guys always do a wonderful job, but for now this is going to work much better for my schedule. So thank you ladies for helping me find a wonderful dr. (I've read a lot about him even on other forums) and I can't wait!

    Thanks soooo much!


  15. If you are really concerned about going to Mexico, pay for the transportation from the airport to the center and back, that way you're only outside of the van when you're right in front of OCC.

    That's what I was planning on just because my husband is worried, but great idea Evette and that most likely how it will happen. I'm not too worried because nobody has had any problems on here but ya know how family worries :)



  16. That's what I was thinking, despite all of the rumors and incessant negativity towards TJ I never felt uncomfortable there, but you know the family! I would like to know who has been to the fill center in Vegas and if they would recommend it, my hubby's choice....not because he doesn't want to go to Mexico, but just loves Vegas haha!

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