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Posts posted by NotAsPleased

  1. Rid

    I was VERY sore for about 2 days after. I felt like I had been kicked in the upper stomach by a horse. I couldn't go back to work for 2 weeks and then 6 on light duty, but my job required heavy lifting. I was out of the hospital 4 hours after my surgery. I did sleep alot afterwards, but I was up and moving around the house the same day. It helped though that my doc supplied me with one of the nausea relief bracelets. If you are not supplied one, I would definitely invest in one, most pharmacies have them for around 10 bucks. It REALLY helped me while the swelling around my band was going down. Good luck!!

  2. I have been banded for, I guess, 4 years. I have lost count because I am not very satisfied with it. Total, I have lost about 80 pounds. The lapband didn't work as well on me as some people because I have been overweight all my life, so I could still work, move around, go up stairs without losing my breath, and so on. For the past few years, I have stayed at my current weight. From the beginning, there were certain foods that I couldn't eat, however, they were not the foods that I was told I wouldn't be able to eat. I was told beforehand to start getting used to not having rice, pasta, steak, bread, and so on. I do not have a problem at all with any of that stuff. I have a problem with lettuce, tomatoes, apples, grapes, plums, corn, peppers, etc. Anything with a tough skin or requires alot of chewing, I can't eat. I think I am in worse health since I had the lapband put in, than I was before. I have developed GERD since having the band, my cholesterol has gone up. Some of my meds that I am on now cause dry mouth, so I have to sip something while I eat, otherwise, I can't swallow my food. I was told my other bandsters, before I got mine put in, that they were full after eating a couple of bites of food...that's not my case. Some days, I can eat a full meal, like I ate before my band. Just a few things that nobody seems to mention when trying to get you to have surgery, but a few things I think should be mentioned. Make sure you look thru all your options and what you will be giving up before you decide on having surgery.

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