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Posts posted by Mammaof2wins

  1. ok so about 3 years a ago I did three rounds of HCG shots and lost 20 lbs each time I did them. I had a book about it which I have thrown away since. However I did end up gaining all of the 60 lbs I lost back. It was extremely difficult. The first 3 days you are soooooo hungry but after that the HCG is in your system and you are not hungry at all. I had to make myself eat. It did work for me and 4 other family members too.

  2. AngelaAnn

    You look amazing!! Good for you! Before you know it you will be in onederland. I am so close now I can feel it. I got a fill on May 5th and weighed in at 216.5 and today I am 205. I can't wait to see a 1 on the scale. I think I am going to cry, scream and freak!!


    I love your new picture!! You look beautiful. Congrats on your weightloss of 50lbs at 7 months that is wonderful.

  3. OK so here is a strange question...Does anyone carry more weight on one side of their body then the other making them appear lopsided? I am not talking about breasts I know that is pretty common. I am talking about around the mid section. I am carrying more weight on my right side of my stomach. I am wondering if anyone else experiences this or for the people closer to goal if they experienced this and if there is anything they did about it? I am hoping there is an excersise I can do to help?

  4. Celia,

    We are VERY close to 199! Is it EVER going to get here...lol . Lets work really hard and we can get there together!



    Isn't it exciting. We are getting very close now. I am very determined to get to 199 by my 1 year bandiversary. I know we can do it! Our hard work is going to pay off. We are going to make it!! I feels like it is NEVER going to get here but before we know it we will be in ONEDERLAND and the two's will be in the rear view mirror!


  5. Hi April and WELCOME!!

    This is how I handled the "TO TELL OR NOT TO TELL DILEMA" ....after I had researched the band completely and my hubby was on board, I decided I was going to have the surgery. At that point I was ready to answer any questions thrown my way so I had my Mom and Dad come over to my house so I could tell them about the surgery. I thought they were going to flip and be totally against it. To my HUGE SURPRISE my Dad was extremely excited for me and my Mom insisted on going with me to Mexico (which she did and I was soooo glad to have her with me!!!). After I told them of my decision I asked them if they had any questions that I could answer for them. I did this to make them feel more at ease and also to show them I had done my research, was well informed and was ready to move forward. I have one sister and one brother. I did call both of them not knowing what the response would be and told them the same as I had my parents as well as answered any questions. They were both suportive as they have seen me struggle with my weight all my life. My brother even offered to lend me the money if needed!!! I had already planed the money out but it was a nice offer I must say. Beyond my immediate family I have told very few people. I only told people who I know will be happy and not judge me. I didn't need that.

    So my advice is trust your own judgement on who to tell and not to tell. If you don't feel like you should tell people then you probably shouldn't. If you want to share then share away (it is nice to have a small support system). Remember this is your journey make it as HAPPY AND THE BEST IT CAN BE. Best of luck!!


  6. Monday before last I started a Food Journal where I log my calories and proteins. For the past two weeks I will get anywhere between 1100 and 1200 calories a day, around 90 grams of protein and 60 oz of water in each day. I also am walking 3 miles every other day. Last week I lost 4 lbs and this week, since Monday morning, I have lost another 2 lbs.!!! That is 6 lbs in a week a half! I eat REALLY high PROTEIN foods and count every little thing that goes in my mouth. My snacks are HIGH PROTEIN snacks and I do not eat after 7.

    Hey Carrie,

    I am struggling to get enough protien in my diet. What kind of really high protien foods and snacks are you eating??



  7. Samantha,

    Hey girl I totally understand your frustration! I have been stuck at 213-216 for 7 months!! I finally went to get another fill yesterday and hope that this will be the one that helps kick my weightloss into motion again. I can't wait to see if I have restriction. I have been going to the gym consistantly for 2 months now and just don't understand how the weight isn't melting off. After talking to my fill doctor yesterday I am going to make sure I start eating 60 grams of protien, drinking enough water and increase my calorie intake slightly on the days I work out. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted on how you are doing.



  8. Celia,

    Just wanted to say thanks and good luck on your fill tomorrow... :D


    Mammaoftwins - Good luck with the fill!!!

    I just got off my period so I am hoping this week is better for me... I stayed the exact same weight all week.... which i guess is good since usually i would have gained a few pounds.

    Still at 220... :(

    Thank you for the good luck you sent my way... IT WORKED!!! I am sooo excited. My fill went GREAT yesterday. I was only expecting to get another .25 cc's but she gave me .5 cc's. That puts me at 2.75 cc's and I really think it will get things moving!! She found my port first try and I was done with my fill soooo quick... Last time it took over an hour! My port is tilted and makes it much more difficult to get to...ugg!! I weighed in at 216.5 yesterday morning and this morning was at 214 so that is totally encouraging. I am headed in the right direction. I hope that when I get past 210 I will be off of the plateau I have been stuck at for 7 months!! My only fear is that I would have to get an unfill if I was too tight. Since that has happened to me in the past it kindda worries me. It is like taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. So far so good though!!


    Keep up the good work and before you know it you will be in onederland!! You can do it!! You are almost under the 210 mark which is a huge acomplishment!! You go GIRL!!


    Don't be discouraged at 220 you have come a long way and you are changing your life FOREVER! Just remember slow and steady wins the race!! You are doing great and I know you will continue to succeed... take pride in how far you have come and draw your strenght from that!

  9. Hey all....

    I am soooo darn excited about my fill tomorrow. :girl_dance: I am at 215 today after being away from home all weekend and not being able to eat as well as I would have liked to. I can't wait to see the 2's in my rear view mirror!! I am a little less then two months away from my 1 year bandaversary and would love to be in the 1's when I get there.


    Thanks for the menu sample of what you are doing. I always find those interesting and helpful! If I drink a G2 it is like maybe 2 times a month. I only drink one when I just need to drink something with flavor before I float away with all of the water I drink..LOL. By the way... 211 is good your headed in the right direction!!!


    Congrats on being in onederland!!! You did it... Keep up the great work =D>


    It is so frusterating isn't is!! Seven months later and still stuck....UGGG!! We can do it girl!! Let's get that scale moving :D


    WAY TO GO 200!!! You are sooooo close....thats wonderful!! But, why are you getting an unfill?

  10. Sabrina,

    Thanks for the encouragement. I really do hope that my weight loss will get moving again with this fill. I am a little bummed cuz I know that the lady who does my fill will only give me another .25 cc. and that will only put me at 2.5 which I was at on my second fill (before an unfill of .5). So here I am going for my fourth fill and will only be at 2.5 again. She is a fill centers usa dr. but says after the second fill they can only do .25 at a time. Has anyone else had this happen? I feel like I am going to pay alot more to get to my "sweet spot". I will let you know how my fill goes next week. I hope I can talk her into giving me more then .25 this time. Good news is I weighed in at 213.6 this morning so I am moving in the right direction. :D


    I think the journaling idea is such a good one if I can be faithful in writing down everything I eat. I think I might try fitday.com. The only thing I am not sure about is how to figure out calorie counts on food that is homemade and doesn't have the calories on the package if you know what I mean. I don't think I am getting enough water in my diet. I don't drink anything but water and an occasional flavored water drink (crystal light, G2) like twice a month. But I still don't get enough on a daily basis. I have never really counted my protien intake. I drink a protien shake every morning and I feel like I do ok on my protien. But journaling would put me in check with my counts for sure! Do you find that you are good about journaling everything you eat? I do keep track in my head thoughout the day approx how many calories I have consumed but some food is hard to figure out.

    Thank you to everyone for your support I haven't been on here in awhile and it is good to be back... :D

  11. Mommaof2twins!

    That is such a CUTE picture! My sister has a set of twin girls that are 11. They are so much fun! Good luck with your journey as well!


    Awww thanks Carrie.... it is very fun having twins and ALOT of work at times too :D You would think that chasing these two around I would be a bean pole LOL!!

    Sound like you are doing good with your weight loss. I weighed this morning and I am at 213.6. I am really triing to make the scale move. I haven't been under 200 since 2002 and I got to 199 but that only lasted a couple of days. Before that, the last time I was in the 1's was like 15 years ago when I was in high school. I think I will start a food journal too. I have never done it and think that it would help for sure. How are you journaling your calorie intake?


  12. Ok so I deffinatly belong in this group... I have been stuck between 213-216 for over 7 months!! I was banded 10 months ago so longer then then the rest of ya all I think. However for the last month and a half I have been going to the gym 3 times a week and still not moving the scale soooo I made an appointment for a fill for next Tuesday. I only have 2.25 cc in my 4cc band. I have been BEYOND FRUSTRATED as I can still eat too much even though I don't make it a habit. I am hoping this fill will help... SOMETHING BETTER BEFORE I LOOSE IT AND I DON'T MEAN THE WEIGHT!! :angry:

    I love my band and the fact that I have maintained my same weight is good but I gotta get this moving again!!

  13. Hi there!

    2 yrs before my band I took Isagenix. I lost 30+ lbs I did eventually gain it back but it took a lot longer to gain back then most quick weightloss diets. The program is pretty difficult to follow expecially on the cleanse days. The program is pretty spendy but I did feel REALLY GOOD while taking Isagenix and with lots of energy!

  14. I love love love this show!!! I really like the yellow team but I also like some of the couples teams...how important it is for them to get their health and weight in check to prevent the need for a parent child team in the future.

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