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Posts posted by sissy

  1. Absolutely!! When I got my fill on Saturday, May 3rd, I weighed 200 - by Monday I was 199. I weighed again on Friday and was 197. So as you can see my fill is working. Not only that - I do have a lot of restriction. Friday I made myself a lean cuisine for lunch and could only eat 1/3 of it and I was full. I won't re-weigh until Wednesday but I will keep you posted.

    Hi Ladies, When you say you couldn't eat anymore...do you mean you feel full or you get that feeling that something is stuck? Can you give me an idea of what and how much you eat in a day? I was banded 3 months ago but in spite of having had 3 fills already I don't feel much restriction. A couple times I took too big a bite or didn't chew enough and got that stuck feeling but other than that I wouldn't ever know anything was done.

  2. Sissy what size band do you have?? Lora

    Lora, I have a 4 cc band. I came home Monday with the 3 cc fill and it was obvious very quickly that was too much restriction. I wasn't able to eat anything solid and liquids took a while to go down. Not a fun experience. So, I went back today and he took me back down to 1.6 cc. I could do that cause I only live a couple hours north of Tijuana. Being over restricted caused me to have acid reflux the last couple days so I had some irritation and inflammation around the band. I know you're anxious to lose the weight, I am too, but it is really best to take it SLOW.

  3. H :wacko:

    Hi everyone - I'm looking for advice on the easiest route into T.J - previously I would drive to OCC directly from my home in Orange County- the drive to was quick and painless , yet coming back over the border would take me 1 1/2 hours just to get from the clinic back over the border. I've heard you can leave you car at the last off ramp (in San Diego) before the border and take a bus in ? Can I take a taxi to and from ? What are the fees and my best Way to avoid the border lines.? any advice you all may have would be greatly appreciated , my next fill is May 31st .

    ><' Lynn

    Hi Lynn, I'm from Huntington Beach and I just did this on Monday. There is a nice parking lot with security for $5 a day behind the Jack in the Box at the border. You walk across the border and the taxi to the clinic (be sure and take the address for the driver) cost me $8. Coming back I had to wait in line about 30 minutes to get back to the states. Sissy

  4. I see that some people have a second fill so soon after the first and don't understand why. Is it because the first is not working? Shouldn't it last longer than a month? Does the saline solution drip out?


    Hi. No, it doesn't drip out. I had my first fill 6 weeks after the procedure cause I felt NO restriction at all with just the band. The doctor put 1.2 cc in the band my first fill. I went home for 3 weeks and still felt no restriction at all so I went back for a second fill. He put 1.0 cc in and told me to go eat lunch and see how it felt. I ate the whole lunch and could have eaten more. I went back the same day and he added another .8 cc so I am already at 3.0 cc 10 weeks after being banded. I definitely can feel the restriction now. Dr. Romero said everyone's anatomy is different. Just have to be patient while he fine tunes your band to fit you.

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