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Posts posted by losew8

  1. I was banded at the end of November and have lost 22 lbs. While I would never change my decision to be banded there are a few minor setbacks. If you overeat, eat the wrong foods or eat too quickly you can experience some discomfort as the food can get stuck. However, I view this is a good thing as the band is teaching you to eat slowly and to eat small amounts and chew, chew, chew. The only other encounter that I have experienced is passing wind (more than I did before I was banded).

    Overall the whole experience to be banded was very minor as the surgery very minimal and I would do it again in a heart beat.

    I searched endlessly on the internet for something to be posted that was negative and other than the normal risks of surgery I could not find any.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Hannah my dear I feel so bad for you. I am sorry to hear about your situation with your father and cannot imagine how you feel. It sounds like you have a great mother and I suggest that you speak to her about this and/or the doctors at the hospital.

    Having elective surgery is a big decision and you have your whole life ahead of you so take your time. Life is full of ups and downs - these are how we develop our character and learn to make well thought-out decisions.

    I would wait a while until you have had time to think this all through and you have given your father time to digest the idea of your having surgery. Then approach him again, discuss it with him but before you do just image him smiling with you at the end of your conversation (visualizing the outcome works!).

    You are doing great with managing the weight (better than I did last year) so pat yourself on the back! You should be proud because you are managing a problem that many people never conquer.

    Good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. I was banded in November and my husband was banded just a week ago. I make soups that are simple and tasty and then freeze them for later in the week. I will post my recipe for pea soup below which is really fulfilling and helps to bind the solids after the clear liquid phase. Also, you might want to try Costco as they have a Lobster bisque that you can have as there is only a small amount of lumps (discard them). Finally, have a pudding to help fill you up and frozen yogurt is also great.

    Cut up three large onions (white) into small pieces

    Cut up some carrots (cut up into small pieces)

    1 garlic - cut up into small pieces

    2 spoons basil (tea spoons)

    8 cups of chicken broth (I buy Wolfgang Pucks brand)

    1 package of dried peas

    Salt and Pepper

    Spray Olive oil.

    Spray large pan with Olive Oil

    Place carrots and onions in pan with salt

    When they are soft add chicken broth, garlic and basil

    Bring to a boil and add peas.

    Bring to a boil and then lower the heat to the lowest possible and cover

    Wait until everything has completely completely disolved.

    You can use this recipe (other than the peas) to make other soups, Salmon is great because you can mash is down to a creamy substance, add Clamato Juice with the Salmon.

    Hope this helps. I know it is hard but I am living proof that the band works. Lost 21 lbs and 44 to go~

  4. I completely understand because I believe I had an emotional relationship with food and when I chose to be banded, the decision was to end my 'relationship' with this 'friend'. I loved food, still do but it was not a healthy relationship. If you have ever had a close relationship with someone, perhaps a boyfriend who you knew was unhealthy for you, yet it was difficult to get away from. I used food to make me feel good when times were tough, which in turn made be feel bad after I had overeaten.

    My thoughts are that anyone who makes the decision to be banded is brave because it is a major decision, one that hurts on so many levels.

    Bottom line is that you don't need to be so hard on yourself, just understand the relationship is plays in your life.

    Does this make sense?

    Good luck, you are about to enter a whole new better life!

  5. 1.`Name = Catherine

    2. Location = Laguna Beach, CA

    3. Age = 51

    4. Band Date = Turkey Bander (Day after Thanksgiving)

    5. Married = Yes 20 years in March

    6. Children = Yep, one 15 year on son, one Maltese, 2 indoor cats and 2 cats outside who adopted me.

    7. Hobbies = Making jewelry, painting, reading, traveling

    8. Work = Own a business with my husband. (25 years!!!(

    9. Deciding Factor = Two bulging back disks, rotten knees and my son asking me if I was obese!

    10, Interesting factoid = Born in England, lived here for 30 years, lived in South Africa, Germany and kiss the ground like the Pope every time I return to the US~!

  6. OK so everyone knows that I am totally addicted to chocolate and my favorite American chocolate is See’s Candy. I have been known on many occasions after a hard day at work to skip dinner and enroute home to stop by, at a 3 mile deviation, See’s and get a bag of chocolates and gorge them before I reach home. This is my favorite dinner!

    Well, Christmas at my business is always challenging because a lot of the companies we do business with bless me, I mean ‘us’, with boxes of chocolates and goodies that are just too hard to pass. Yesterday was my first big test as a beautiful, delicious, mouth watering and bulge out your eyes box of mixed favorites arrived care of our accountant. The intoxicating smell when I opened the box was enough to make me delirious, my creative spirit was fixing ways that I could actually eat one. I thought about cutting one up into 14 pill size pieces, sucking one for an hour or two, saving some for when I could eat, I would have resulted in anything to get one!

    But I didn’t. I was good. It was a test of my soul, my commitment to losing weight and my character.

    However, enroute home I did stop at the store and get some chocolate pudding! (allowed)

    Banded 11/28/08 225lbs

    current weight 212 lbs

  7. I have had a C-section, Tonsils taken out and an ovarian cyst removed. On a scale of 1 to 10 they were all around 6 from the difficulty, pain and was also nervous and questioning my decision the night before and the day of the surgery. I spoke to two people in the waiting room who had had the lap band surgery and they said it was 'nothing' and not to worry. THEY WERE RIGHT! This is the best decision that I have made for my health in years and would do it again in a heart beat! The pain for me was minimal, yes I had some gas and a little discomfort but managed it through deep breathing.

    I was extremely impressed with everyone at OCC, they know what they are doing. To give you an example, the IV that they put in the back of your hand normally bruise badly - I had no mark, no incision scab nothing!!!!!

    Being nervous and worried is normal, it would be abnormal if you weren't. Hang in there, you will regret it if you cancel.

  8. I am on day 7 and made a huge mistake when I was making salmon soup and put a piece of salmon in my mouth, chewed it and ate it! Habit for me as I am an habitual eater and I was not thinking. Now I am nervous that it pushed my band down and that is why I am feeling hungry. I have kept to the diet since then, although I am getting sick of soup, but since then I have pain on my left side - did I rip the incisions?

    Any suggestions????

    Good news is that I have lost 10lbs but my stomach is still very bloated, when does that go away???


  9. Cindy Husband and i will be there for per op on the 27th and surgery is Nov 28th hope to see you there

    Shanalee...me too going down tomorrow and scheduled for being banded on Friday. Excited and nervous. How has your pre-op diet gone? Mine is tough with all the thanksgiving festivities. I would love to hear from you as I will be there alone the first night, my husband will join me on Friday and Saturday. How are your nerves? See you down there...Catherine

  10. I'm scheduled for surgery on November 27, 2008...Thanksgiving Day. It's pretty symbolic for me as Thanksgiving is always just an excuse to eat for the next month!

    So for this New Year, I will for the first time in years be sticking to my New Years Resolution!

    I just scheduled today. I got approved for my financing earlier in the week, I'm going to send in my $500 deposit to Dr. Ortiz tomorrow, and I'm all set!!!!

    My husband is being super supportive and I am happy for that. We are planning to get pregnant by the end of next year, so this is a way for me to get healthy and stay healthy as a new mom.

    Well, I guess I'll be a regular here now. I wish my surgery was tomorrow!!!!


    I am scheduled for the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was told that there was no banding on Thanksgiving and Dr. Ortiz takes the day off. Are you going down on Thanksgiving and banded on Friday like me?

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