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Posts posted by hockeyMOMinWA

  1. I hit the 40 lbs mark this morning, whoot hooo!!! And even after a week's vacation!!

    The best things about losing 40 lbs:

    1) Walking from the cottage to the pool this year and not being winded.

    2) Struggling to keep my bathing suit on (now too big).

    3) Being able to wear a bathingsuit wrap instead of shorts and walking comfortably without getting rub rash.

    4) Fitting comfortably in the lounge chairs at the pool and not struggling to get in them.

    5) Starting to feel like me, not a "fat" person.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me reach this mini-milestone, I couldn't have done it without all of your support!!! Here's and cheers to the next 40 lbs coming off!!!

    I am in the process of booking my surgery.. I am the same size as you cand can't wait to reach a goal like you are... how hard has it been? What is the hardest part? The easiest part? How much weight do you lose a week average? Did you change your exercise habits as well?


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