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Status Updates posted by Doug

  1. Wife and I had a good discussion. We are doing Weight Watchers together and hopefully the lbs will start to come off...still looking into a fill real soon...will be my first after the initial 3cc...

  2. Hi, another Canadian here...trying for a fill here in Campbell River...if the Doctor won't do it...heading to Mexico sometime in November, while on our Winter vacation in Mesa...hope you are doing well with your losses....

  3. Good Luck on losing...I'm heading for a fill in October or November 2010...

  4. Sorry I never got back to those of you who sent messages...We don't get our emails until we go home...our winters are in Mesa...Then, I lost my registration info...and just left everything....now I'm back and asking for input...I have gained..not as much, but I'm gettng worried..

  5. Not doing that great...gained 30lbs...really trying to get a diet working...tough...

  6. Kim, finally got home and on the Forum..had trouble accessing the forum every once in awhile...Anyway you're looking great!....I have lost 75 and another 70 to go...next season when we travel to the States, I hope to be close to my goal....

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