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Posts posted by SValentino

  1. I've been out of the loop for a while and am sure I missed all sorts of posts regarding left-side pain. Man, my left side just kills me sometimes. Every day. Ibuprophen is not helping and I refuse to take anything stronger. For the last six or seven months, I could not figure out what was the deal, what was causing this awful aching. It only oiccurred to me a couple of weeks ago that maybe it's the port. Hello! Any ideas? Thanks!

  2. Oh, girl! I want so much to tell you there is absolutely nothing to be about. I can promise you that. It is such a piece of cake - no pun intended.

    I've never been treated so wellas i was in MX. I had no pain - I'm not kidding. It sounds like the anticipation of this unknown thing is getting you very worked up. Please follow through with this. It really and truly will make you laugh at how simple it is.

    Wow! For being so young, you sure are astute. The band is a fantastic tool, no qustion about it. And as you say, the real issue is in your head. I learned to get out of my own way and let the band do its thing. It's has been relatively simple for me to trick the band and I came to see that the real problem is the disease of compulsive overeating. A real disease. I'm involved now with a program that is helping me in ways I never imaged to overcome my compulsion to overeat. Just my band and me was not enough. So now I'm using the band to do what it's designed to do while I get out of the way. I am thinking of you and sending you all good vibes and love!

  3. Hi Everybody. I've been incommunicado for a while. Into my isolation thing. But I logged on today to see what's been going on.

    I was banded 6 months ago. I"ve lost 30 pounds (only) and have not had any loss in two months. I started to lose hope and believed for a while that I was right, I will never lose the weight. Then I realized that even though I really did believe I would not be successful in losing the weight and I don't know what it feels like to be thin, I thought why not try thinking I could be successful and lose, even if I don't believe it. Pretend. Does that make sense? Even though I've never been thin and really don'tknow what it looks like for me (or feel like), maybe I could pretend.

    One thing I know for sure: Thoughts become things. No wonder I'm still fat and not losing despite this great tool of the band. I've deep down believed that I won't lose the weight even with the help of the band. So maybe if I begin to visualize , change ...

    I have been unemployed for over two years, and in spite of that, I cashed out my measly 401K to have the surgery done. The hope of losing this weight was worth sinking my last penny into it. I've been feeling so disappointed and angry with myself for not helping the band more to get me to where I think I want to be.

    I'm not afraid to be thin. If anything, I'm terrified of letting myself down once again.

    I defininately eat less and drink much more water. I exercise, tho not very much. I have MS and have been guilty in the past of using it as an excuse to not move more. I can do more. I eat junk more often than healthy food. I'm a food addict, band or no band. I don't overeat. Just eat the wrong food. So duh, no weight loss; right?

    I've avoided the forum so I wouldn't read about others who have been successful. How low is that?

    Anyway, thank you for letting me vent.

  4. Thank you for your comments. I am relieved to know that I'm not alone out there with this. There are a few factors for me that can be contributing to this weirdness. I'll follow your advice and go liquids for a few. Like I have a choice! I drank my coffee this mornng and so far so good.

    Thanks again!

  5. I had my second fill Jan. 5 and everything was going along well. This week, tho, I'm having a helluva time swallowing. Three weeks after the fill! The fill gave me restriction and I loved it. All of a sudden, I cannot swallow any solid food and just enough liquid. I chew everything like crazy. What's the deal? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  6. I had my second fill last Monday. Each fill was done at OCC and each time I drove myself there and drove myself home right after. I live 2 hours north. The fill takes about 20 minutes. I never felt any discomfort after the procedure. For the 2nd fill, they didn't suggest I hang out and eat and/or drink to determine how the fill was working (too much, not enough). I just got in the car and headed back.

    Good luck to you.

  7. Hi all,

    I'm 2 months post-op. I'm doing all right. had my second fill this past Monday and wow! I know what restriction feels like finally. Anyway, can anyone recommend some liquid protein ideas? I really dislike slim fast. I heard a while back about something called a protein bullet that you add to bottled water or something like that. Does that ring any bells?

  8. Hi all

    I was watching Biggest Looser last night (for the first time) and they showed the Bodybugg briefly. I thought it looked cool so looked it up on line and it looks like a really neat tool. Has anyone ever tried it? If so what do you think of it?

    FYI if you haven't heard of it, it is a monitor that you wear on your arm that monitors your steps, pace, sweat and temp to accurately (92%) to calculate the number of calories you burn based on your gender, height and weight. You download the info from the device daily and then input what you eat and it tracks your calorie deficit. It has different tools that show you what deficit is required to achieve a weight loss goal (ie 500 calories per day for 1-2 lb loss/week).



    I saw them for sale at 24-Hour Fitness today. I'd never seen them before.

  9. Yeah, same here. Driver's license and birth certificate to cross the border now, passports starting June 2009 (if they do not change it again). I had one border patrol officer give us a hard time about not having passports/passcards but usually we do not have any trouble. We walk through though, never tried driving across.

    I have the utmost respect for our border patrol and the difficult job they have securing our borders. I don't mind if they ask me questions concerning my right to legally enter the United States of America. Having a driver's license is not proof of citizenship. Calling a federal law enforcement officer a b*tch for doing her job...well, I just do not know what to say about that. Is it just me or has the whole world gone crazy? Okay, I'm done "venting" now.

    As to fills, I was told they were $100 dollars for the flouro. I was never told that blind fills were available for free. There is going to be some bad information floating around, it is always best to check with the OCC before. They usually send me an email with the cost details/method of payment before I go down.


    For the record, I did not call the border lady a "b*tch" to her face. Hello! She asked me a couple of questions that were clearly not within her realm of authoirity to ask ("How much is your car payment?" Excuse me?!!)

  10. I went to OCC in TJ today for my second fill. I was told by my advisor initially that a "blind" fill was free for life and that a fill under flouro was $100. Due to my dire financial circumstances, I wanted to opt for a blind fill. So I get there and was told that they do not do blind fills. What? I didn't go prepared with $100 and told the gal what I was led to believe. She went and talked to someone and came back and relented "this one time" to accept a credit card. What? When I went into the room to see the doctor, I specifically told him I couldn't do the fill with flouro. He said okay and did one with flouro anywy. What? Okay, in a perfect world, we would all love to do it under flouro. I am in dire straits financially and really couldn't afford $100.

    Anyone else been told that OCC does blind fills for free? I'm really curious if anyone else has had a similar experience.

    Also when crossing the border, my friend only had a driver's license. I was 100% positive that crossing back into the US was fine with driver's license until June of '09 when passports will be required. The border lady gave us a VERY hard time. She let him through on his DL "this time." What a b*tch. I was furious and was one step away from coming undone with her. I'll double check the id requirements. She was just not wanting to let us get through without making it very difficult. Excuse me, b*tch. If my friend has a CA DL, doesn't that tell you he got his DL with his birth certificate and that's enough proof of citizenship? God, I'm getting worked up just reliving it.

    Anyway., I'd appreciate any about blind fills that anyone may have.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  11. Do be truthful, if I could stand the thought of sticking myself, I'd do my fills myself haha.

    (true story coming)

    I was sick real bad one year, and my father has a farm, so I went to his place, measured out some anti-biotic by weight, and gave myself a shot of cow anti-biotic haha. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I have a hard time justifying a trip to the doctor when I already know what's wrong with me. (the main difference between that stuff and people stuff, is the buffer solution is different. The animal kind is an alcohol suspension and burns like hell, but is effective.) Or the time I took some tribrissen for horses when I had bronchitis. (also works for strep) My cousin's wife is a vet haha.

    Me too, Trav. If I knew how to do it, I would give myself fills. I have no problemo sticking myself with a needle. I don't know where the port is, however. That might be a problem. Oh, well. it is what it is.

  12. Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little put out that most likely not a lot happens after the first fill? I'm having my first fill a week from tomorrow. I'm reading everywhere that some (okay, most) people don't feel any restriction after the first fill. My problem is I don't have a lot of money to spend on lots of fills. I have been very good not to overeat, eat slowly, do everything I know how to so as not to stretch anything. I guess I'm just venting about wanting restriction now since I don't have the luxury of having many fills . I"m freaking out a little because I really need for the band to work for me without spending hundreds more dollars. I live in Southern CA and plan to make the trip to TJ for fills. That's not a problem at all. It's paying a hundred dollars plus each time I have a fill. Thanks for listening.

  13. So did you guys get some kind of a handbook from Inamed (?) at OCC after your surgery? I was reading a post earlier today and it was suggested that if you had questions to refer to this handbook. Also that Dr. Miranda in meeting with some people, suggested target weights. I never discussed that with her. I wasn't weighted, norhing like that. Do you think if I called OCC, I could get a copy of that handbook? I'm getting my first fill Dec. 15 so maybe I can pick it up then.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm out in the cold on some things I should be aware of. I'm grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences. I really appreciate it.

  14. You are great. I think you have a beautiful spirit and seem really in tune to what you want and need. It's beyond great that you've decided to get banded at 15. At your age, I was obese and it prevented me from participating in life. You have this opportunity to nip it now and save yourself from a lot of torment and misery (at least being fat was more than miserable for me.) I'm a lot older than you are and would have jumped at the opportunity when I was your age if this technology was available back then

    It sounds like you have much support, with the exception of your sister. You touched on a really important factor, I think. The genetic component to weight issues. I have that in my family. It's not an excuse as I am the one who stuffed food in my mouth. But the genetic component is nonetheless very real.

    The very good news about the band is that you will not feel hungry and a small amount oof food will make you feel full and satisfied. There's going to be a bit of work on your part, especially to retrain your thinking about food and eating. But it is by no means impossible. Some more good news. You will have a much better chance of keeping the weight off. The band will do great things for you.

    I am very, very proud of you and the decision you've made. I believe this will be a turning point for you. You're not obligated to tell anyone you don't want to tell about the procedure. It's all about you.

    Best of everything to you, darling girl!

  15. Doing the procedure on November 20 and getting my first fill on December 27 at the OCC....(Taking my family from Mesa, over to San Deigo on the 26th for the day, then back to Mesa as they fly back to Canada on the 28 and 29th...rush!!!) If everything works out I will get my final fill prior to my wife and I heading back to Campbell River in early April.....


    Campbell River!? That was one of my dad's favorite places on Earth

  16. i decided not to tell anyone. then i told my three closest friends. i knew they would support my decision. and they did. you are righjt. it's no one's business really. if people are curious about your weight loss, then you can be as straighforward as you want. remember that you need support, not judgment. i was 100% fine with my decision and would do it all over in a heartbeat, i'm only three weeks post-op. this is your life, your decision. you are very loved and supported here.

  17. Ugh... I really hate rude people. I know with my work, when I'm bringing in a presenter or consultant or such and spend hours on the phone in negotiations... whether male or female, once we meet face-to-face I can always see the look of OHMYGOODNESSYOUAREHUGE on their faces. I get that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and want to crawl into a hole and hide and die. Sighs. Why can't people accept each other for who they are in the right-now-present-moment. Big people have feelings too. And, I sometimes wonder if those judgmental people have the capacity to truly understand that.


    I think you hit on it right there. The shallow people just do not have the capacity to understand. They don't want to because they don't have to. So let them wallow in their narrow-minded, ignorant selves. Those of us who have spent a lot of time on the receiving end of hurtful remarks and actions can be thankful that we do have an enormous capacity to accept everyone as they are. What a blessing that is.

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