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Posts posted by leahsmom1027

  1. Hi,

    I am 9 days out. I too am feeling really lousy. Very nauseaus, headache and sore. I have a very hard time with taking medicine or vitamins without food..... thats a bit of a problem since I'm only on day 9. :blink: I've had a couple of drinkable yogurts but really can only tolerate water, gatorade and tea. Has anyone tried the anti nausea medicine they have at the drug stores? Would love some advise.

  2. I went through the same thing about two years ago. I was seriously addicted to Diet Coke. My family kept printing those things about aspertame and how bad it is for you and how it kills you. But I didn't care. But about two years ago I went cold turkey. I was sick of everyone telling me I was addicted. Well, I was! It took me a very long time but I am Diet Coke Free ><' for two years now. I even tasted it the other day and it was gross. I just got banded last Friday and I couldn't even imagine drinking anything with carbanation. I would try giving it up. You will feel crappy for a while, but remember:

    Diet Coke does NOT taste as good as THIN feels!!!!!

  3. Hey Girl!

    It's Sarah (the smart one that sat in the front seat of the cab). How are you? I couldn't agree with you more about overdoing it on day one. I was soo sore the next day.

    So the first couple of days were hell. I finally feel pretty good today. I was in quite a bit of pain and very nauseaus. I just had my first drinkable yogart and that made me feel so much better.

    I hope you are doing better, and please keep in touch!


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