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Posts posted by bctracy

  1. Thanks for the responses. I really want to go, but after adding up all the expenses for hotels and transport the savings I found on a cheap flight are eaten up :o( I have to decide if it is worth the time too. Ah to have unlimited to resources and time to do whatever I want!

    Thankfully Northwest Fill centre isn't too far and they now have fluoro so I might have to change my plans.

    I have booked a fill at NW for May 12th and coming home May 14th. I see you are in Vancouver and I am in Nanaimo. If you are interested we could look at going to gether and sharing costs? I am going with a gal pal of mine so we can do some shopping.

    Let me know what you think?


  2. Let me first start out by saying I feel like a failure. :( I am two weeks out from having surgery, and I am bombing on my pre-op diet. I choose diet number 2. Which is 2 shakes, and a lean cuisine meal. I can have all the greens I want and FF jello as a snack.

    I started early because I figured it would be a good idea for me to "Just Do It." My starting weight was 280 and I was down to 273, then my TOM hit. I have been having a hard time keeping my envenings in check. I crave chocolate/food. I am not sure if it is water weight or cheats that have caused my weight to go up. I am now at 275. Because I have "cheated" on the diet plan I am finding it hard to get back on board. The other day, I was obsessed with food. I do GREAT during my day. I am busy and time passes. I get home in the evening. Cook for my family and that is where I feel the faulting begin.

    I know how important it is to stay the corse and lighten my liver as well as shrink my stomach as much as possible before the surgery. Knowedge is power, but right now I feel like my understanding is torturing me. How can I even think about cheating when it is going to help me to be a sucessful band patient??? Am I the only pre-op patient who feels like the two week diet is harder than I thought?

    I am a food sneak. I eat when no one is looking and lie about it. Are there any reformed food sneaks out there? Can anyone offer me some suggestions that will help me to focus on the mini finish line ahead. Which is loosing my pre-op weight?

    Also, since I am laying it all out there, I may as well ask. Did anyone else have food reservations? There have been a few instances where I thought of "Netties cheese enchaladas" or " ____________" insert coveted food/comfort food in the blank. I am able to talk with my husband about it and at the end of the conversation I feel much better and re-focused.

    Can anyone relate to me or have some sugestions that will aid me in my evening trails?

    Lose the weight--I did not and my surgery was postponed---the embarrasment is not worth it! Have two shakes a day and water. Get on it, you do not wnat to go through the stress if you don't lose the weight or at least most of it. To lose weight fast take a diretic, call Dr. Miranda if you need too, she will give you some tips.

    Good luck--it is all worth it in the end!

  3. Just wanted to add that I will be having my first fill on May 16th. I will be arriving on May 14th and staying at the Lucerna and leaving on the 17th. If anyone wants to meet up I would love it. Just let me know.


    Hi Kim!!! I had surgery the same day as you!!! I am thinking about going back for my fill around that time too! So you obviously booked the package deal?

    How are you doing? I have lost 15 pounds!! I feel great. I just hope it keeps going strong!

    Take care, Tracy from Canada!

  4. Well first of all your fill is determined by your fill doctor. Normally they will ask you what you have been eating and how often. It's best to have a food diary, or a good memory, when you go speak with your fill doctor.

    Also, if you are not having time to go to the gym, simply walk around the block of your neighborhood. 15 minutes of walking is better than nothing, trust me, I've been there! Please know that if you only stand in your living room, or wherever in your home, and do jumping jacks or run in place, for a few minutes it is also just as good as going to the gym. Even if you walk to the mailbox 10 times, you just did a 15-20 minute workout!

    If you start out slowly exercising, you will more likely enjoy it more than seeing it as a chore or a necessity of the day. See it's pretty simple if you really want to get your "workout" in. I know when I first started I would just walk around in my back yard, along the fence line. Just because I wasn't ready to go to the gym and face all those "gym junkies" LOL

    Now as far as nutrition, several things:

    ~Eat proteins, veggies, and starches in that order

    ~Try eating 6 times a day, instead of the 3x

    ~Count your calories (use sparkpeople.com, or calorie counter.com, or fitday.com)

    ~Drink your 64 oz of water, or other low-cal, sugar free liquids, DAILY

    ~Do not stress about the food intake if you are working out consistently! As a matter of fact, you will be alittle more hungry because you are now refueling your body for the next workout and not eating out of boredom or emotions.


    Wake up at 7am, drink 8 oz of water

    8am have 1 : small yogurt, or oatmeal, or protein shake, or 6 oz glass of chocolate milk, OR egg AND half a piece of toast, or mini-muffin

    9am 8 oz water

    10am have 1: 4oz fruit cup, or small apple, or small pear, or small banana And 1-2 tsp of peanut butter, or cottage cheese, or protein bar

    11am 8 oz water

    12noon 2-3 oz of lean protein such as fish with 2-3oz of veggies (or a medium green-salad)

    1pm 8 oz water

    2pm have 1: 6 oz of chocolate milk, or protein shake, or protein bar, 1-2 tsp peanut butter & 1/2 piece of toast (you can have jelly/jam too)

    3pm have 1: 8 oz water or 6 oz cup of juice or v-8

    4pm 2-3 oz of lean protein such as fish with 2-3 oz of veggies (or a medium green-salad

    5pm 8 oz water

    6pm have 1: 3 oz low-cal ice cream, 3 oz cup of sugar-free pudding, or jello

    7pm 8 oz water

    8pm have 1: 6 oz milk, protein shake, protein bar, 1-2 tsp peanut butter & 1/2 piece of toast w/jelly or jam

    9pm 8 oz water

    10 pm probably bed time :-)

    * you can always substitute a low-cal, sugar free drink INSTEAD of water, but I prefer water

    Did you notice that it seems like you are eating CONSTANTLY? But when you calculate the calories, its somewhere between 1000-1200... and if you exercises, technically you should be adding a few more, but that's up to you and your body. You don't have to follow a schedule if you don't want to, but it's a good way of learning to listen to your body. You don't want to wait to hear hunger growls or feel hunger pangs to eat, because then you end up eating ANYTHING in sight. Also, if you plan a little ahead of time your body will get used to what to expect and so will you.

    Alright, well hope this helps you out. What I have learned during this process, is that if you try something for at least a week or two, you will learn to like it or not. But you will alway learn to listen to your body, which is MOST important.

    Great info! Thanks.

  5. Hello there.

    I am in Victoria and am also attempting to arrange postop care and lap band fills here in BC. There are no physicians that I can find who will do the fills; however, I spoke with Dr. Cobourn from the Obesity Clinic in Toronto just today (July 16th) and he trained a nurse here in Victoria to do the fills. I have her name and email address somewhere, and in fact just messaged her tonight to set up initial contact and verify if she is the right person. I also asked if she is willing to take on patients other than those of Dr. Cobourn, and what she charges for a fill. I can let you know once I receive a reply.

    If you want to chat, my number at home is 250-294-0305.

    Best regards, Lorraine

    Hi Lorraine, I would love to talk to you about this and your surgery. I will try and call you this week some time... Tracy from Nanaimo.

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