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Status Updates posted by Lindsay

  1. A cheat only 1 meal (and it's not a binge eating session) a week. That's it. :)

    Easily done, if you're in the right mind set (i'm not so much, right now!) - but I'd recommend at least 12000cal a day, if you're just starting out. You probably don't have a lot of restriction yet .... ;)

  2. hahaha! My Dr Miranda goal was 155lbs, and like you, I've passed that awhile ago! :)

    Now it's just finding that spot where I'm emotionally content with my body. That's the tricky part :)

  3. Happy belated b-day, sweetness!

    And how is your back doing?? What have you done to it?!

  4. Hello Pug Mummy!

    How are you feeling?!

  5. Hey sweetness! Thanks for your support!

    How are things with you? Back on track?

  6. Hey Sweetness! Wondering how you're doing?!

    You must be getting EXCITED! :-D

  7. Hey there!

    They're a real god sent!

    Here's a quick video that I think explains it pretty well ..

  8. Heyya Angie - I don't really have an ideal weight. I'm definitely going by bf%, as even at my leanest, I can weight in at around 148lbs.

    :) It's alll by the mirror. :)

  9. Hi!!!

    It sounds like you're well on your way!

    Have you exercised prior to just starting?

  10. How were things this week?!

    Working out .. eating ...


  11. I'm not as fit & trim as I'd like right now, due to lack of motivation! ;)

    Lots of cardio & weight training! And a very clean diet. :)

  12. Oh you too, can have arms like mine!

    I'm also kinda lucky, genetically!

    But honestly, if I can do it, you can. I promise! :)

  13. Re: eating a night - are you food tracking?

    This is the only way to keep myself honest.

    I record every single thing I eat on MyPlate.com - I love that site, as it makes it really easy to track. I would highly suggest you take that route - then you can give me the link, and you can be accountable to me! Oh, won't that be fun ;) teeheehee!

  14. watch this, before you start wasting your money.

    "Penn & Teller: Bullshit!" Hypnosis (2004)[/b]

    Penn Jillette: When I was a kid, I took up juggling and thought I was at the bottom of the entertainment ladder. There was no *art* to it, I just practiced. Later I met Teller and realized I wasn't at the bottom of the ladder because magicia...

  15. Well hello, Miss Angie B!

    Hope things are going well for you ... since my last fill, the weight has been flying off. Just trying to stay extremely focused on 'mindful' eating - binging is my weakness, but I think I may be onto something. Finger's crossed!


  16. Yep!

    You can keep what restriction you need. Most have just left it be .. and made sure they were getting all of the nutrients they needed :) Congrat's on your news, though!!!!

  17. 10 days till VEGAS!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RevyD


      Holy smokes is this acutually you Lindsay. I had no idea you were into weight lifting and body building. You look totally amazing and I am sooooooo jealous :)

    3. Lindsay


      yesss .. this is my other life. :) I'm passionate about fitness!

    4. shmee


      wow that is crazy. you look great,

  18. 145 today. okay! I'll take it!

    1. shmee


      you rock girl!

    2. petrafarmer


      I would take it too! One day I'll get there.

    3. dewrob


      you look absouletly beautiful good job i hop i look that good when i loose the weight

  19. 147. and completely content.

  20. 2 years today. 100lbs gone forever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B2010


      holy moses....awesome job. your body is amazing too. I'd love to body build like that. any recommendations for getting into it?

    3. AshleyMarie


      Yay Linds!! Congrats :) I am 5 lbs behind you.

    4. Lindsay


      Yes, hire a nutritionist that specializes in athletic/fitness/bodybuilding - I've worked with Cathy Savage & Jill Coleman. Google them :)

  21. aaa! you're one of the blood clot girls! My best friend has the same issue! I'm sure you'll be fine, though! :)

  22. Apparently the colder the weather, the harder your body works to keep it's core temperature up, therefore burning more calories. Whatever. This is getting old!

  23. baaack on the dieting/training bandwagon .. my v-day treats are in the freezer,waiting for my free day next weekend!

  24. Boxing day shopping has a new thrill when you can fit into regular sized stuff - you can actually find some huge deals when you're a small and Xsmall!

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