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Status Updates posted by Lindsay

  1. 10 days till VEGAS!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RevyD


      Holy smokes is this acutually you Lindsay. I had no idea you were into weight lifting and body building. You look totally amazing and I am sooooooo jealous :)

    3. Lindsay


      yesss .. this is my other life. :) I'm passionate about fitness!

    4. shmee


      wow that is crazy. you look great,

  2. 2 years today. 100lbs gone forever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B2010


      holy moses....awesome job. your body is amazing too. I'd love to body build like that. any recommendations for getting into it?

    3. AshleyMarie


      Yay Linds!! Congrats :) I am 5 lbs behind you.

    4. Lindsay


      Yes, hire a nutritionist that specializes in athletic/fitness/bodybuilding - I've worked with Cathy Savage & Jill Coleman. Google them :)

  3. 145 today. okay! I'll take it!

    1. shmee


      you rock girl!

    2. petrafarmer


      I would take it too! One day I'll get there.

    3. dewrob


      you look absouletly beautiful good job i hop i look that good when i loose the weight

  4. really really got my ass kicked today .. feeling so nauseaus, still ..

    1. petrafarmer


      What happened? You OK?

    2. Lindsay


      ahh!!! I just had a really intense workout session! All good now! :)

  5. check up time. my doctor is going to be in shock. in a good way, i think ..

    1. damalove


      i have my annual physical today too, so excited!! ive been seeing the same doc since i was nine, so im going to ask him to go thru my chart and tell me HOW OLD I WAS the last time i was at this weight :) also excited to see my numbers, chol/BP/blood sugar..

    2. canuk98828


      has to be exciting. Let us all know how it went, both of you

  6. time to clean up the diet again. Jamaica, here i come! (and the itsy-bitsy bikini!)

    1. canuk98828


      you are one of the great success. Know you can do what you need to. I also to do a diet clean up and I want to thank you for reminding me.

    2. Lindsay


      CLEAN diet and very consistent at the gym. That's all that works for me. I wish it was easier, but it's not :)

      I still go to the gym at least 5 days out of the week, regardless to how i feel ... it's been so hard, lately, with the cold weather!

  7. This month marks my 2 year Bandiversary. And it's changed my life.

    1. AshleyMarie


      Me too, Linds. Mine is on the 19th.

    2. MariMelO


      Happy Bandaversary

  8. 147. and completely content.

  9. I'm assuming it's the extra weight that makes people so miserable.

    1. canuk98828


      your new pic is awesome.

  10. Crossfit today kicked my arse. R&R tonight, getting ready for tomorrow!

    1. colleen43


      Good Luck and have fun!!!

  11. whoohoo - pushing some nice PR's at the gym!

  12. going to the gym. 'cause that's what I do.

  13. zzzzzzzzzzz .. just one of those days.

  14. My sister is married, and I'm reminded why I don't drink!

  15. feeling a million times better .. even if my skinny jeans are tight! ;)

  16. Boxing day shopping has a new thrill when you can fit into regular sized stuff - you can actually find some huge deals when you're a small and Xsmall!

  17. Apparently the colder the weather, the harder your body works to keep it's core temperature up, therefore burning more calories. Whatever. This is getting old!

  18. baaack on the dieting/training bandwagon .. my v-day treats are in the freezer,waiting for my free day next weekend!

  19. disadantage to losing so much weight; i'm always so cold!

  20. exhausted today. zzz ....

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