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Posts posted by vickiruss

  1. Sorry to hear about your leak. I have never had one but I could swear that I read on here or some place else that sometimes they are able to use a thicker liquid that doesn't leak as easily as the saline, so it may be fixable without any surgery.

    Good Luck!!

    Well still have lots of restriction. Kathie did a band study which did seal it for now but no one knows how long that will last. Dr So spoke with Kathie at fill center. He suggested that they do a band study in which they send a scope in through my bully button to see exactly where the leak is. then go from there. I am planning to wait until i loose restriction before i make any moves. I still need to find out what kind of $ this will be, cuz I don't even know how I would afford to get from here to there let alone any other money. I live in Fl and the tickets will prob be anywhere from 300 on up, but will let you know when i know.


    KIM :wub:

    Talked to dr so the other day and he wants fill center to send him a report. says it is almost impossible for the band to leak the port or the tube from the port to the tube maybe but not the tube. the fill center (kathy) called me tonight to check on how i was feeling and let me know she is trying to talk to dr so. and she will let me know what he says, in the mean time have great restriction, almost a little too tight but will deal until either it starts leaking again or i loose more weight who knows.

    will keep you filled in as we go.

  3. Hi Vicki - Sorry to learn about your leak. It all depends on where the leak is. Hopefully it will be in the tubing or the port. That would be a easy fix. Band leaks are the least common in the actual band itself. Which is good. Let us know what the good docs at the OCC say....

    Sorry to hear about your leak...



    still waiting to hear from occ called again today about 11am their time

  4. Well have been wondering why i haven't been loosing weight, so I went for a fill today and found out why. My band has a major leak!!! waiting for one of the Doctors to call me back but since it is 6pm here and 3pm there on a friday guess they aren't going to call me today, has anyone had this problem and if you have what did they do and how much was it? thanks

  5. Had a fill Monday not sure if this is what everyone calls the sweet spot or if I need more tweaking. Am able to take in a full cup of food and am on the up side of comfortable. Am taking in lots of fluids about 3-4 20oz bottles a day. Not drinking with meals. I can't tell if I am feeling full about an hour later, or gas, or hungry. I know this sounds stupid and you will think I am nuts but, have even tried to get things stuck but nothing yet. Am past the 3 day zone with fill center to get free adjustment after a paid fill. Am going to try to add extra protein to each meal but if we are only allowed 1cup per meal how do you manage that. My lunch consists of 1/2c tuna and 1/2c cottage cheese. breakfast is 6oz yogurt with granola. even tried adding cottage cheese to the yogurt (sounds nasty but was pretty good at least with van. yogurt. Was introduced to greek yogurt today that has about 18g protein per serving but the plain was kind of nasty have the flavored to try in am, the plain is lower in carbs but the flavored has same carbs as reg yogurt. just not as many flavors. any suggestions PLEASE?

    Thanks Guys!

  6. Good for you! It was the best thing I have ever done. I would do it again in a heart beat! It will be a long road and not without trials. As Dr Ortiz told me and I am sure every person he has banded, "the band is a tool not a cure." If you use it correctly it will work with you if you misuse it, it will be your worse enemy. If that makes sense. I wish you the best. Don't shut your husband out. Let him in, into your world and thoughts. I am sure this is just as frustrating to him. If he is reaching out for you he must still see the true you not the outside. Sounds like he loves you and wants to be with you and chances are if he wants to be with you he wants to be there for you just as much. Put the shoe on the other foot. Would you love him less? He may be afraid of loosing you if he is trying to reach out and is getting rejected, especially if he is unaware of why. Sorry gone from suggesting to medling. I don't know you or your husband. I was severely obese when my husband and I met and married granted over the last 7yrs I have gained about 50# so I don't have the complex issues, he saw me fat and has actually grown with me to a ripe weight himself.

    Again I wish you the best. Use this sight as much as you can it got me through some really rough times, I have learned a truck load!

    • Like 2
  7. How do people do it? Have tried to get myself to the gym, but can't seem to stick with it, so I started using a work out dvd and did it for 2 mornings before work but getting up at 5am was hard enough so 4am didn't work was exausted for the rest of the week. i get home at 8pm of later and don't have the energy then. On my days off I think about it but again can't seem to push myself. Have had many people ask if I have more energy now then I did before and at first I didn't notice a dif then I started seeing myself do more around the house but now am back to dragging and doing just about nothing! Although it is driving me crazy it doesn't change things.

    So as I asked at the beginning, how do people do it???

  8. WTG! That is amazing!


    Congrats on the wedding ring!!!!! I was in tears the day I was able to put mine back on, especially when the blood was still able to flow! Wait till the day it is too big, I have days that I am afraid I may have to take it back off until I am done and get it sized! The best part will be getting it sized down instead of up!

  9. Priscilla Presley now drag queen (nice pics Lisal *shudder) and blood sucking goats...LOL :lol:

    I cannot remember laughing so hard!

    I have never heard that rumor before. My aunt who IS a nurse went with me to surgery and stated that the OCC was the cleanest facility she has seen or been in. She has been an RN in Washington State for 21 years. Tell that to your friend.

    I am also a nurse and I have to agree!!!! It was as clean and as professional as any of the hospitals I have been in here in the states!

  10. 74 pounds in 6 months is awesome. I am being banded Sept 29th and would love to be able to lose that much.

    Can you give me some tips. Things that did and did not work for you.

    How much you excersized etc.

    That is alot of weight for a woman to lose in such a short time. Today I am 282 pounds.

    Wish I could give you some of my hints, but don't know what I did that made it go so fast. I really haven't worked out. I have a gut feeling that it is slowing down! I do, however, use some protein shots (drinks) from walmart that have 26g of protein when things slow down, thanks for the reminder I need to get some and see if that will jump start things again.

    I feel soooooo good would do it all over again in a heart beat!! But thank the Lord I don't have to! LOL This board has been a great help! Best wishes!

  11. I did it!!! Finally. I am now under 200# I haven't seen that number since before I was 12yrs old.

    At the age of 12 I went to weight watchers for the first time trying to loose weight for my brothers wedding and weighed in at 201. Now 25yrs later am 198!! Weighed in on Monday and again today and it was still 198!!

    I figure I can look at it one of two ways. Either I have lost 74# in 6 and a half months or I have lost 3# in 25yrs LOL!!!

    Think I will stick with the first!

    Smiling all over!

  12. When my husband and I went for my surgery we stayed at the marriott it was very nice the beds were awesome and the pillows the bomb! But were board out of our minds! when I went for my fill my mother in law and i stayed at the lucerna and they were great espcecially one of the bell boys, can't remember his name but got us in a cab to shopping and back, gave us his card and took great care of us. would stay there again if we went back! not to mention at the lucerna you don't have to stay the night at the surgery center you can go back to the hotel with your family. the marriott you have to stay at the center without your family! good luck, enjoy your trip and your new life!

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