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Posts posted by Cristy

  1. Lisa - you're absolutely right, I would hate others to think it was done at the OCC..it was actually done in my hometown by a highly-rated, board certified physician that came highly recommended. That's why I was shocked to find out I was at 3 cc two days after surgery...he was very shocked and very apologetic. But I wonder if having another irritation to the port right after surgery has been a part of the problem. Another issue at play here is the fact that I have bipolar disorder. I have not interrupted my meds but to be in an optimum frame of mind, I need to have a regualr sleep cycle, which as you know NEVER happens in the hospital and hasn't happened since. Thanks for you input and for everyone else's. I knew there would be insight here.


  2. Hi all - I'm sure many of you can relate to this but I'm five days post-op and I would pay any amount of money to get this thing taken out. My incisions have healed nicely, but my port and the surrounding area is SO SORE I have trouble getting comfortable to sleep. I use a body pillow and prop up my tummy with the port up, not unlike when I was pregnant. But it seems to irritate it more. On my back, I get reflux, which my doctor said would go away after I saw him two days post op and he realized that 3cc had been left in my band (ooops???) I now have no fill, a really uncomfortable port site and all sorts of burpy-urpiness all the time. The only thing that feels good is walking or taking a nice hot shower with the water pounding on my back. Burping is better than sex, which I'm also terrified to consider with the current state of my port. I know it is early, but all I do is cry all day and regret ever doing this....I'd rather be fat than feel this way.

    Has anyone else felt this way (both the specific symptoms and overall melancholy) When did you feel like you had reached the point where it was worth it? What changed for you? Any other thoughts and suggestions? I'm seriously considering talking to my surgeon about removal next week and considering I paid cash to put it in (American prices) I'll probably have yo pay just as much to tak it out.

    Please help me. (Crying again.)


    banded 3/31/09

    Start - 265

    Surgery - 255

    Current - 238.8

    Goal - 150

  3. Janice - I got banded the same day as you, although I had mine here in Central California. How are you doing??? I'm struggling with the gassiness, but I just revisited my surgeon yesterday and Ooops! They didn't take the test fluid out of my band before closing me up and I was basically at 3 cc!!! I'm doing better now, but just wait for every day to go by so I can feel better and get beyond liquids. Let's stay in touch since we are on the same day! I've lost a totalof 26 with the liquids and since the banding...I'm looking forward to losing more, but more comfortably!





  4. I'm only four days post op but have had so much gassiness I'm having trouble doing anything...even clear liquids. I went to my surgeon yesterday and he actually took 3 cc of fluid out....he said he usually leaves them empty for four to six weeks and wasn't sure why I had fluid in it...guess it was some sort of residual from the testing. But it is better know, although still couldn't imagine rushing through the early week diets.



  5. Darlene - my sisters and I all had gallbladder problems and were all told upon our initial tests that it wasn't gallbladder. What you ar experiencing sounds like gallbladder, especially if it gets worse after you eat. Did your doctor do an ultrasound? Mine even didn't show up initially on ultrasound...they weren't stones but like shifting sand...they still hurt like you-knw-what. I'm new to the lapband world (only 4 days post-op) so I can't speak to possible band problems yet, but if you didn't have the band, I would definitely say gallbladder. Does anyone else in your family have it? It can also tend to run in families. You might talk to your doctor about ultasound if you didn't have one.



  6. I'm on the pill, effexor and wellbutrin - no issues here.

    Lindsay, that's great if you aren't having trouble with capsules....I'm just so afraid of a blockage. Also, did you start taking them right after surgery? I'm already tired of opening up my capsules and taking the stuff inside...its ripping up my stomach more than surgery itself. I've actually start cutting my tablets into 2s or 4s and that is somewhat better, but if I could take capsules, that would make my life a LOT easier.




  7. Hi - I'm four days post op and never EVER thought I would feel this kind of pain, despite all of the reasearch and reading I did. After the frist three days of horrible pain, I went to my surgeon and he checked my band...even though it was supposed to be empty (practice of my surgical group) it had 3cc of fluid in it. That combined with surgical swelling and nothing was getting down. I felt better but am by no means back in the saddle.

    Faith - I totally feel your pain. So many of the sites, even the supposedly unbiased ones, treat this as if it is a walk in the park. It isn't. It is more than just a lifestyle change, it is a physiological change and that is what people don't seem to address. We go in thinking we will walk out fine with just a dramatically reduced appetite and instead we face a whole host of physical issues through recovery and beyond. I know it has only four days since my surgery, but I'm waiting for the day when I feel it would be worth it. But like you, I would have it taken out today if I could. Makes me sad...especialy because I had to pay for it myself in the states ($16,500) and am sure it would cost as much to take it out.

    Hang in there faith, I will be thinking of you!



  8. My husband and I are scheduled for surgery on the 19th of Sept. He takes two pills that are kind of large, both are extended release. One is adderall XR capsule, he takes takes two a day and Welbutrin XR, he takes one a day. I am concerned because we called and they dont come in any other form. Is he going to be able to take these? We are very concerned because he needs to continue taking these. Should we contact the dr? Can someone at the OCC dr corner, answer this?

    Stormy I'm sad to see that no one answered this because I have the same questions. I take 2 lamictal, 1 depakote, 1 cymbalta, 2 rhythmol, 2 cardizem. Needless to say, I CAN"T just disreagrd my meds. I've been opening the capsules and cutiing the pills into tiny pieces, although I'm not usre I am getting all of the intended effects. Have you found any other help on this issue?



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