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Posts posted by shiney42

  1. Shiney..............how much did your injections cost you? I will be talking to Dr. Q on Monday about BL and lipo and injections.

    Cheap! I think the botox was like 300, that was for in bdetween the eyes - whats called the frown and then he hits ya with some over each eyebrow so it lifts...Worth every penny....

  2. Shiney,

    I am hoping for March for a Ext TT and BL/Implants and butt....HOWEVER, I can get the EXT TT here for 500 higher than in TJ. Just dont know if I wanna stay 6+ days by myself. How long did they say you have to stay for the BL/implants?


    jezzzzzzz NY prices are sick! Ya know I'll have to pull out my file & see, But I don't care about staying by myself

  3. Oh how my face needs some balancing.. nose/chin combo. Now that I'm losing weight.. my chin is getting smaller and my nose looks bigger. Does anyone know a good Doctor in Mexico for this type of plastic surgery?


    Yes Look at Cosmed... A lot of us have been there, He'll do My BL/implant and Lipo(I'm hoping for Feb) That's with saving my money as I plan to- but what i have in my head is always different then when it's in my pocket...... LOL

  4. Hi Shiney!

    Glad to see things are going well for you!!! YAY! :D Where did you finally end-up going for fills? I'm moving at a SNAILS pace... Grrrrrrrrr.... I've been trekking into the city to Dr. Ren. Not the most convenient trip, but I'm happy nevertheless. I have 2.6 cc's in 3 fills. Although the 1st 2 fills I had felt something for the 1st few days immediately afterward, this last fill I felt NOTHING>>> :angry: AND I MEAN NOTHING!!! So it's been frustrating to say the least. But I'm hanging in there... I have another appt scheduled for this coming week, so hopefully I'll be closer to the "sweet spot" and feel that curbed appetite once again.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi -


    Hi - glad you stopped by... I have to say I’ve been very frustrated the last 2 months With NO restriction, Not feeling BAND AT ALL! But with my last fill on Sept14(?around) I asked If I still had NO restriction could I come back sooner then waiting a month cause I was getting concerned that My appetite was rather large & I was getting worried I’d stretch my band, with that Dory Ferraro from Long Island Bariatric

    Center said to come back with in 3 wks & she’d give me some more fill @ NO charge.

    So after a week I knew I was going back @ that point I was 2.4.

    My first fill in Mexico was 1.6

    second Fill with Dory I got .4 taking me to 2

    Thrid fill Dory only gave me .2

    I wanted more then But she said better to go conservative & I felt that way too. Now I was @ 2.4

    I went back for the free fill & she but in .3 bringing me to 2.7

    And I can say I feel SOMETHING! I’m not as hungry. I’m not eating as much and it’s only been since Monday But I know I’m gonna drop some pounds..

    I've only lost 20.5 pounds. Wish it was more, But I do NO exercise and Am NOT the best dieter. Tho I’ve been the best I’ve ever been the last 4 days since the fill And since I’m band.

    So I’ve been going to LI Bariatric Center right off the S.S. parkway in Levittown

    It’s convenient, it’s $175 a pop. I’m in & out Never a wait... I figure after the hoildays I'll head back to Mexico Stop in to see Dr. O And also stop at Cosmed

  5. WOW That's heavy. Meaning in thought.. LOL... Just trying to break the ice...

    OK I really don't think the vomiting is all that normal... do you mean BP'ing. Like is she throwing UP UP or BP'ing which means Burping her food back up cause it got stuck? See I don't throw my food up. I've gotten a few things caught where I';ve had to burp them up. I've also gotten a few things stuck where i just stopped eating get up & walked around the kitchen a few times so it went down... This does not happen much And it's NO good for it to happen, however it does happen... But if your friend is puking it's NOT good...

    I also don't exercise. Never did...

    I'm not shy in telling anyone that I'm band... I was fat an now I'm band cause I simply didn't want to be fat anymore. I would say she has some issues... But we all do...

  6. OK So No I don't drink with my meal, I drink right before and then I'm able to wait it out. However I have yous all beat & mine is soooo bad I mean I fell back into a mental strong hold being so fed up with feeling like I'm not band @ ALL And I mean yeah I’m eating less BUT way too much for being band.. I'm not worried about stretching my band... Cause I am able to stop eating before that full feeling... But I pick & pick & pick cause I never have a feel feeling.

    But Oh Goodness I’m HAVING A HARD TIME SAYING IT BUT I went back to my diet pill doctor and I'm back on Dp's I'm not taking a very high dosage hence I’m immune to them pretty much but I'm back to taking them... They do stop me from picking in the day time But night times a killer.. I've lost 5 pounds since I went back on them... I’m now 177 I started this journey @ 196.5

    Ok I’ll go to my corner now for being bad

  7. I am right there with you. I have no restriction. I have gained about 4 pounds back. So far this week I am holding steady the same weight but I can eat whatever I want. I bet if I had to measure it, it is about 3 cups of food. Maybe 3. I have had 3 fills, so it makes no sense that I can eat this much. I am not happy about it. I know that I have lost because my rings are loose but I am not sure exactly what is going on. In the morning I seem tight because I have phelm that seems to get stuck and I can't eat much at breakfast. But by afternoon, that is where I get the 3 cups of food in. I may need a fill, I am very nervous about it. I am afraid of going back into that old pattern. I know it dont seem like it but I bet you are eating less. I know that I am. Maybe we should just check into getting another fill. Have you had flouro on all your fills? I wish there was somewhere close that I could do that, I wonder what it looks like in there?

    for my first fill I went back to OCC got 1.6 in my band, then the second was a blind fill here in Long Island NY I got .4 and then the 3rd I got .2 also a blind fill-

    this last fill was on friday I just so happen to get my friend today but my other fills were always a week to 10 days before... I have never had restriction in the morning & I've been having this hungry problem since the 18th day post op I've tried just about ever tip that has been given... but I'm thankful for everyones input

  8. I got my 3rd fill for a total of 2.2 in my band and I'm hungry all the time, besides when the band was first placed and the 2 weeks after I could say I didn't have a problem being hungry, BUT now- I am never tight, in fact I wake up striving! I gained a half a pound back and I don't have that flatt(er) looking tummy I was starting to get, I AM thinking about going to OCC next month for a fill cause just getting pissed

  9. Sorry but I'm going on to my 3rd fill Thurs. I can eat everything - it's like I'm not Band and tho I'm down to 177 on a good day & bouncing up to 180 - kinda losing only 3 pounds with my last fill of .4 making it a total of 2 - It's very hard when you have NO restriction and feel like your not band, I mean I do have a eating problem that’s why I got Band in the first place - I sure hope this fill makes a difference, Cause it's hard to diet when you're hungry

    Sorry I'm NO help but there is always hope :D

    In my case I thought I would have felt restriction sooner

  10. Yes thats all I had done I had to be back at work in 4 days. Going back for LBL. I will tell you he is awesome!

    Yeah I hit it off pretty good with Dr. Q too he's really cool & I had NO problem talking with him.... I felt very comfortable

    Yeah He gave me a much cheaper price for the BL & AUG but I'd have the TT & Lipo too so I guess that's why it's cheaper. I was hoping to have my stuff done for Sept, But I've had a few unexpected expenses... So it will take me a bit longer, But I'll get there :D

  11. Shiney,

    Dr. Martinez is a lapband Doctor at the OCC with Dr. Ortiz, as a matter of fact Dr. Martinez is the one who did my surgery. They are friends with Dr. Q.....


    DOH! What a dip shit I am........ LOL

    I thought they were saying Dr. Martinez worked out of Dr. Q's office.........Don't mind me....

  12. Hi I stood at both, it all depends on what you want.

    I First stood at the Marriott cause of their reputation and new I’d be safe. I also was meeting another poster so since we were getting band on the same day & both of us were traveling solo we met & stood @ the Marriott

    However when I went back for my fill by myself I wanted to stay close to the clinic & I would be taxiing to other doctors for Consultations on plastic surgery,so I stood @ the Lucerna & was very happy there to! I think the Marriott was more business type where LUCERNA wasn’t, I do think I would go back to the Lucerna again instead of the Marriott.

    For the record I’m a very fussy person - VERY fussy

  13. I had a breat lift with aug and it was 4000. I had such a great surgery and not much pain. I really thought they were great down there. I had a nurse sitting right next to me everytime i woke up. I felt very pampered. I did not stay the night but the few hours I was there was great :D

    Hi- I have to ask -

    the $4000 BL & Aug were the only things you got done? cause if you look on the first page of this thread you'll see the prices Cosmed gave me But I would have a few things done at one time, so I'm just wondering if that's why you paid 4000

  14. Yes,, this is the only Cosmed Clinic I know of. Dr Quiroz is the owner and head plastic surgeon. He's also buddies with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez.

    I've been there twice & never saw Or heard of Dr. Martinez, wonder if he left Dr. Q, cause there is another Doc there his name is

    Dr. Carlos Castañeda Reichert :-?

  15. Lena, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, hope you're doing OK!

    Its been a great topic, and made me think about the changes I've made in this area.

    I am actually very shy about my body and have never posted this link before - as you can see I was pretty big at my tummy tuck, 200 pounds. (This is a bit hard for me). And the back and side fat he lippo'd out has never come back - and I've always had it no matter how thin I'd get.


    We each need to make our own decisions on the surgery, I'm glad I chose my surgeon, I've had 3 surgeries with Dr Nyte and I'm going in for my fourth later this month.

    I'm a big believer in plastic surgery, it can make great changes in your life - I don't think I could have gotten into exercise like I did with that big tummy around my middle - no way, no how. I know the cost is high, but the rewards are worth it if you can do it, and its something you want - go for it, you’re worth it. (However the need to buy all those expensive little underwears that are so cute and you just can't pass up - can be costly)....



    Thanks Lisa - My brother in law had emphysema & just wouldn't stop smoking, however it was conjunctive heart failure that he died from shame...............


    WOW your tummy looks wonderful unbelievable wonderful....

  16. Oh Lena,

    So sorry to read of this! You've been missed here! How are you doing?

    Thanks tootsie, it's been rough, it's also been non stop trying to get his daughter(that will live with us) settled in and signed up at the local Community college. she's 17, turns 18 in Oct. but her mom died 4 yrs ago & there's just 1 aunt on her mom side and us. so she chose here plus My husband is her Godfather.......... So it's all around hard these days
  17. Holy crap - I haven't been around to check any threads - sorry peeps

    My bro-inlaw passed away in my house on the 25th, so between my dog on the 14th & him on the 25th i've been way out of it

    but thanks everyone to posting


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