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Posts posted by BellCurveBabe

  1. How full is your band? I can see giving up if you are at full capacity but if there is room in there then fll it up!!!! Don't give up until you are at full capacity. I envy these ladies too, but they also work their butts (literally) off. Some of these ladies work out for 60-90 minutes 5-6 days per week AND limit their calories to 1,200!!! To quote Tim McGraw, "How bad do you want it?"

  2. The only time I throw up is when I don't chew well or I eat too fast. I'm sure some of those people have a messed up band...........but not all of them. I met a bandster who told me horrible scary stories about getting stuck, not losing weight, getting gas, throwing up etc. I got a chance to see her eat and that answered my questions. If you are committed to changing your lifestyle and educate yourself then you should be fine.

  3. I am getting stuck on things like chicken and noodles without any fill quite frequently. I need to take smaller bites and chew better. When that dreaded tear jerking, nose watering, hiccuping event occurs what is the best method to clear? Someone wrote that their doctor told them to stick their finger down their throat if it doesn't clear after a few minutes and other people say to walk around until it clears. What is the best thing to do for your band. I don't want it to slip

  4. I really like the EAS Advantedge (chocolate or strawberry) ready to drink shakes mixed with some extra milk. They are only 110 calories and 17 grams of protien. They taste good. You should buy 1 or 2 of a few shakes so you can find your favorite before your surgery date.

    As for going back to work....you should be fine. I am a physical therapist and went back to work 4 days after surgery. I have to crawl on the floor and lift a considerable amount.

  5. I have 4 more days until I can eat and man am I ready!!! My tummy rumbles so loudly that everyone is like, "What was that?" I stopped losing weight after the first week so either I overdid it with the creamy soups or my body is in starvation mode. Even when it's time to eat I am sticking to the pre-op diet until I get my first fill (shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and lean cuisine). I refuse regain any of that weight I lost.

  6. That was the only question I asked Dr. Ortiz before surgery because I am a physical therapist and was returning to work only 4 days after surgery. I have to lift people daily. He said as long as you are physically used to the lifting then you should be ok. He basically told me not to worry about it. I don't know if I have slipped my band or not because I didn't have a fill yet but I'm not too worried.

  7. Most of the people on this forum got their surgery at the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana, Mexico. (Click on the white rectangle in the upper left hand corner or your page)(this forum is for anyone/everyone and we like to hear other peoples experiences) The Obesity Control Center (OCC) doesn't take insurance so most of us have paid out of pocket or have taken out a loan to get the surgery. Some people didn't want to wait for the insurance company to approve them, some didn't get approved and some have insurance that doesn't even pay for lap-band. I paid out of pocket because my insurance doesn't cover lap-band.

    I felt the same way as you. I was hiding from the world. If anyone took a picture of me (other than a head shot) I would sneak and delete it from their camera because I was so ashamed of how I looked. I am only 29 and felt that I was going to waste the best years of my life if I didn't do something. I am happy with my decision and I loved my experience at OCC. Good luck!!

  8. ((Alia))

    You don't have any liquid in your band for the first 6 weeks after the surgery. This is because your stomach is swollen from the actual surgery and if the band had fluid in it then the restriction might be too much for you to even drink water. After the band has been in for 6 weeks you are allowed to get your first fill. They inject saline into the band (some people have a band that will only hold 4cc of liquid and other people have a band that will hold 10cc). Most people need 2-4 fills to reach their "sweet spot."

  9. You can call in the room using a credit card. The price says like $25.00 per minute but the desk staff told me that it is actually pesos.....so more like $2.00 dollars per minute in american. I had cell service in Mexico, but the they would have charged me ALOT. And don't forget.....the chicken broth is really really good at the Marriott. Can't wait to hear your 1st post-op posting on here. Good Luck.

  10. So today I learned something. I have been drinking the capri sun and vitaWater etc during the day to stay hydrated. Today I forgot to pack that stuff in my cooler and only had water. I started the day without any gas as usual and stayed gas free until lunch. I went into walmart and bought an arizona fruit punch drink and low and behold after a few sips I feel my tummy churning and groaning. Then the gas starts (only a little mind you because I didn't drink that much). So I continued the rest of the day with just water. When I got home I sipped a capri sun and again the tummy starts groaning and the gas comes. I am sticking to water and REAL juice instead of that gatorade, capri sun junk etc. Note: I had OJ mixed with water for breakfast and that didn't cause any gas. I ate my chicken broth for dinner and have been fine. It seems to be those sugary processed drinks that are bothering me. Hope this helps a little.

  11. I am a physical therapist also and had my surgery exactly 1 week ago (May 14th, 2009). I felt great up to 4 days after surgery, but then the gas started. I started working 2 days ago and each day when I come home from work I am so bloated and in such pain (sharp achy pain in my upper left trap) that I can barely move. The gas-x only helps a little bit. My port site is sore, but the one that bothers me is the tiny one under my left boob. It is tender like you wouldn't believe. I cannot bend down either. If I drop something in the car then it is down there for good. The worse part is the gas (and that is what is causing the shoulder pain). I can't even expel it like I used to. It is impossible for me to burp even though I feel like I need to. I also don't pass gas anymore. I am thinking about buying beano and trying that. Good luck. If I find an answer then I will let you know.

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