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Posts posted by canadamama

  1. I Called OCC right away that very afternoon. I'm going back Sept 8th and they are going to fix it for me. No charge because I never got a fill. Call OCC they will help you. When did you get bandes?

    Mine was July 3. I don't know yet what I'm going to do after that. I might just look for a cheap flight and go back to TJ.

    I just got a new book and was reading last night and the average person needs 3 fills.

    As for you call OCC they will help you.

    Mickie in Omaha

    Thanks I just emailed Dr. Miranda and wanted to see what they could do for me. I also want to wait to make sure that my lungs are ok before I do anything and they will be able to tell me what is going on with my port once he gets the results back. THen I can go to OCC. I think I will keep going there for my fills as well! IT is not worth going through what we have gone through when we could have just had it done there!

    Lesson learned!

    Hope your trip is good and hope everything goes well! Keep us posted and thanks again!

  2. Can't you try another Dr. Are there any fill centers.?

    I'm not going back to the hospital. In fact my husband thinks I should send them the bill for my visit to Mexico to get this fixed.

    You know what is really funny is I felt the port before I went in and now I can't feel anything there. I hope its not major.

    That is exactly how I feel. I felt the port and so did the doctor on my initial visit. He said it felt good and I should have no problems. Since I went back for my xray fill I have had some serious pain and I am finding it hard to breathe. Now they have canceled my fill yet again and I went for an Xray and blood work to make sure they did not hit my lungs and the Dr. wants me to come in on Sept 21 and discuss what we should do about the port. I am feeling so discouraged and frustrated. I keep thinking I may have made a mistake by getting this done, and I could just curl up and cry! Are you going back to Mexico? and if so When? I am going to talk to OCC because I trust them way more that I do the doctors here!

    Good luck with everything! Hope all is well with you!

  3. I am having the same problem I have tried two attempts at filling, one was blind and the other was under the xray and my tummy is covered in holes. Anyways, I am going back on Sept 1 and they are going to try under CT scan to do the fill but the Radiologist thinks it might have flipped and no one knows what they are doing. I will let you know what they tell me on the 1st because the Dr. that does all the surgeries here is not keen on the fact that I got it done in Mexico and is not that nice to me. I never got a chance to talk to him about it because he just walked right out without telling me anything and left it up to the nurse to tell me. Anyways, I think the reason that this can happen is because of the belly fat. I understand your frustration and please keep me posted on anything you find out.

  4. So I went for my first fill today and after about 10-12 attempts at finding the port, they were unable to locate it. I am so discouraged right now and in a bit of pain from all the poking. Is it normal to have any discomfort with your fill? I feel like I got stepped on by an elephant. I am scheduled on next Friday to have it done by Xray, but man I sure hope there is no problem. :((

  5. I am getting my first fill done on Friday in the afternoon. Can you tell me what I need to do to prepare for it. Can I eat anything or drink anything that day. My Doctor never told me, although he is not the greatest guy because he was not happy that I got this surgery done in TJ but he is the only one in my area and I can not afford to go anywhere else.

  6. I am also from Alberta Canada and just got banded on June 25. Congrats on your upcoming date and where in Alberta are you? I am in Red Deer. I just asked for a seat belt extension when I got on the plane. I flew with westjet and they are very accommodating.

  7. Thanks Dawn...that was so helpful.

    So on the positive side...I actually feel pretty good about the last few weeks and it was a lot easier as the days went by. The first few days I felt like I was alone, and that I was being punished for some reason. I was a bit angry towards anyone that could eat at some points. However, I made myself busy and put myself to the test by spending my second day home at a family bbq with a buffet style dinner (my absolute favorite) and it was hard but not as hard as I thought it would be. Ignored the hunger pains and concentrated at not eating while feeding my 1 and 2 year old. I thought I would be wanting all types of foods that are my nemesis..but I am now feeling like first and foremost, my health and feeling better (which I absolutely feel rejuvenated each and every day) and my weight loss is far more addicting than any food out there. I am an emotional eater and I had no idea that I was until now. I guess I could say I am trying to take all the positive out of this.

    On the negative side - I miss my drinking and have a hard time waiting to drink after eating. Right now I am just trying it out with the soups. Just to make sure I am trained for when I start my soft solids. I have eaten a little piece of sandwhich meat and a bit of chicken in my soup....little tiny pieces. I had no problem and did not eat much but it is hard when I am just use to eating with the kids.

    All in all, I want to keep this attitude as in the past that is one of my main problems...I let myself get down! Thanks for asking....When is the big day for you again Red? I hope you are super pumped...I had a wonderful experience, they were so nice there. My nurse made me feel so comfortable and it was so much easier than I expected...and I use to obsessive about the negative! Keep us posted!!!! :D

  8. Can anyone explain to me why we are not to drink with our meals. I am almost to the end of my 21 days and want to make sure I am doing this right! I just want to understand it. Also can you tell me what you use for fibre supplements. I have the metamucil fibre pills but they are big. Can I still take it? Or would it get stuck?

  9. So today I told my cousin that I had been banded and did not get the response I was hoping for. I was hoping that she would say good for you or some words of encouragement, and I guess since she has always been tiny, she does not understand completely but why do I feel so defeated! I wish I would not have told her and yet I want to tell the world about my decision and the new life that I have. I guess I thought everyone around me would embrace my decision.

  10. I had no problems lifting my 1 year old and 2 year old the day after surgery, you just have to be careful. I would just take it very easy. I think I was told nothing over 30 lbs. which was perfect as both my boys are 26 pounds. Anyways, I am 2 weeks post op and have had no problems carrying them at all. Congrats on the surgery, and good luck with your new life!

  11. Yeah I talked to the Dr. and it sounds like it is just part of the process. She suggested liquid Advil or Tylenol. As for the rumbling in your tummy, I am having the same thing, it is growling like crazy. I don't feel hungry but the rumbling I have never experienced before. I don't really feel limited on my drinking, but I have been taking it very slow as I do not want it to hurt so I am avoiding big sips. I have not lost any weight in the past three days and I have not really had all that much to drink, but hopefully it will start coming off once I can start working out. I hope it works out for you too, keep me posted.

  12. YOU'LL DO FINE :)



    Thanks, I guess it is just really nice to hear that I am not alone. Just got to make it through this week!

  13. I am having my surgery on the same day...

    I am on day 2 of the pre-op diet of all-you-can-eat green vegetables (its already boring and gross) and protein shakes. It sucks!!! Luckily my parents are doing it with me and have devised a competition to see who can lose the most percentage of their starting body weight.

    But, I still have vivid thoughts of chips and salsa and cheese. This is torture!!!

    After my pre-op tests are done, I plan on eating everything in sight!!

    I feel ya Canadamama!!



    Yeah it is tough isnt it...I just feel like I totally get why I am the weight that I am...lol. What do you mean about eating everything in sight after your pre-op tests are done? When are you having the pre-op test done?

    So you and your parents are doing it with you...that is great. I have a hubby who loves his food and has no big problems with weight and two children 1 and 2 who are just experiencing foods so it is kinda tough. thanks for the comments and good luck with your journey.


  14. I am having such a hard time with wrapping my mind around the changes I will face with this surgery and the diet is the hardest part right now. I hate protein drinks, they are so icky and obviously I love my food. In my mind I get it, I get that I need to do it, it is what I have always wanted yet, this little devil sitting on my shoulder tells me I should just eat something! Did everyone go through this and if so, what did you do to keep yourself motivated and on track. Also any suggestions on meal replacement shakes (in Canada).

    I am not only struggling with the food, the thought of not being able to guzzle a big glass of water....I love that! I am sure it will all be easier once the surgery is done because while I was in the hospital with my c-section I had no problem sticking to the diet.

    THanks for listening.

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