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Posts posted by knowgr8rlove

  1. Congrats!!!! YOu will not regret it for one second!!!!

    Everyone is different, but the gasx strips worked ok for me but didn't really make it go away. That and getting up and walking a lot. I literally did laps up and down the halls and in my hotel room after surgery. It took almost 3 weeks for it to go away for me and I still get small bouts of it here and there. But it's not that bad - i'll take it!

    Let us know how it goes!

    I'm just following the pre-op diet they gave me. Protein shake in the morning, one at noon and salad and small portion of meat for dinner. I'm also allowed as much green stuff as I want so I've been creative. Fresh green beans and peas are in season right now and great to munch on. I'm not cooking for a family any more, my kids are grown and Greg is very self sufficient.

  2. Thanks everyone for the tips and additional encouragement. My guy is going with me and we've talked about me getting UP and walking ASAP and that I'm counting on him to hold me accountable. I was pretty much the same with my gallbladder surgery a couple of years back and my hysterectomy. Getting up and walking is what helped me heal.

  3. We fly down on Weds and my surgery is on Thursday, July 2nd. This is truly my INDEPENDENCE day! I can't believe how supportive everyone in my life has been over the past few months and especially the last three weeks while I have been losing my pre-op weight.

    I'm hearing lots of talk about the painful gas, but there must be something to take to prevent it?

  4. I can't believe how the months go by so fast. July is the month of fireworks and picnics. For some,, its a celebration of independence. That is,, an independence from food. Being banded and having good restriction, you'll notice your picnic plate doesn't have the huge pile of food on it like the years before. I know,, it all looks soooo gooood! Just remember to take a little spoon of this and a little spoon of that and the band will do the rest. This topic is for those who have either scheduled their surgery or fill in the month of July. Use this topic to hook up with those who are going to be at the OCC during this month and when you get there,, you'll be excided to meet that person you met here.

    My surgery is scheduled for July 2nd. Anyone else going to be there for their own Independence Day?

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