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Posts posted by abandster

  1. Kind of the same deal w/ me. Lost about 12 on the 21 days and then gained all but 7 of it back before my first fill. As I got fills I lost fairly consistently but really started losing when I began working out w/ it. Hit my first plateau in May and it was a doozie - only lost about 3 lbs from then until August. Part of that is b/c I wasn't keeping track of my food and also I started running so there was some muscle building there. I've started losing again these last couple weeks so i'm hoping it keeps up b/c I think if I go to my fill dr again she won't give me a fill. She didn't want to give me one last time saying she didn't think I ate enough, but I don't get that restriction like everyone else does. But I also don't get hungry very often. Sometimes around 3 but that is it.

    If you are losing 1-2 lbs a week you are doing good. I encourage people to write down that they eat and note which weeks are successful and why. Also, exercise is key.

    Good luck!


    I have also been tracking your progress. I appreciate your support. I recognize that I have not implemented exercise as I should have so I will get on that tomorrow. Also, I have not been consistant in journaling, which in the past for me has been key...

    Thank you,

    Alina :P

  2. If you look at my stats at the bottom of this post you will get a pretty good idea of how things may happen. I lost on the pre-op and during liquid phase, but then I GAINED when I went back to solids and had no fill. After my first fill, I started to lose again but as it loosened (from loss of fat I guess) I GAINED again. I don't have the willpower to lose consistently without good restriction...you can see the pattern below.

    The good news is, despite some plateaus and even some gains along the way, I'm still down more than 70 pounds in nine months! I'm certain you will start losing once you have good restriction, but that can take a few fills to feel. Until then, you'll have to use willpower more than band power, which is very difficult. Good luck!



    Thank you I've been watching your progress and you are doing awesome!!! I hope to be down 70 lbs in 9 months!!! That would be fantastic!!! I go for my first fill on Thursday so please let me know if there is anything I should tell the Dr.

    I sincerely appreciate your insight!!!

    Alina :P

  3. I was banded on August 12th at the OCC. I am really excited about this new change in my life but really have not lost as much as I would have wanted to date (10lbs)... My first fill is scheduled for Sept. 17th (locally/no fluro). I feel very little restriction... Really, I only feel a slight pain on my left side after a full meal.

    Will those of you with experience please advise as to when and how you experienced the most weight loss? I recognize that this is a transition and that everyone is different but I would really appreciate any insight.

    Thank you!


  4. I didn't have any kind of an unfill when I had my TT and Arm Lift at the end of April.

    My plastic surgeon (as well as the other two I had a consult with) would not have done a TT, leg lift and arm lift all at the same time - I asked. He said that I needed at least one of those three areas left untouched so that I would be able to better move myself from one position to another, which made sense. My arms and tummy were both sore, so I had to rely more on legs to get me from a seated to a standing position.

    Based on previous experience, there is no way I would have all 4 of these done at the same time. I lost too much blood from my combined TT and Arm Lift to the point that I have been anemic the pst few months as well as low in vitamins D and B12. My D and B12 are normal now, but my iron is still kind of low. I have been exhausted because of this and I do not want to ever do this to myself again, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

    How were your results with the arm lift? I haven't seen one that didn't leave a lot of scaring? I would appreciate your insight because I have a lot to lose and my arms are big...

  5. Where did everybody go on this thread? HOW ARE ALL YOU AUGUST PEOPLE DOING RIGHT NOW?

    I'm having the surgery next month. I'd love to hear how you're doing since your August surgery!


    Hi Margaret I had my surgery on the 12th & I am doing really well!!! Can't wait to try solids. Good luck but be confident, it's a great experience!!!

    Oh I also went back to the hotel the same day with my Mother :D


  6. Hello All -

    OK my flight leaves late tomorrow afternoon from FL to CA and my surgery is scheduled for Wednesday August 12th!!!

    I can't wait, but am nervous at the same time!!!! Please dear GOD let this work and help me to be able to make it work!!!!

    Thank you for all of the information - I look forward to sharing more with you soon!!!!!!!


  7. I think you are being hard on yourself.

    As for me, the TT & breast lift was one of the best things I have ever done. Only problem is I've gained weight and I will probably need to repeat after I get banded 8/12/09... But if I can be thin for the rest of my life it will be worth it.

    I know the hubby isn't on board right now, my husband wasn't keen on the expense either but he was very happy after the fact!!!

    I wish you the best no matter what your decision is!!!

  8. OK - I am also feeling like I need to have my last everything.... My surgery is scheduled for August 12th and my appitite is insatiable (& I know it's mostly in my head)... I appreciate you all for sharing your experiences and look forward to my new life, but I recognize that it's going to be a mental battle as much if not more than a physical one.

  9. This is a WALKING event 20 miles a day for 3 days - 60 miles total... I am still going through with the surgery and am VERY excited to change my life FOREVER. If I can't do the whole walk then I will do what I can, but the surgery is the priority at this point in my life.

    Thanks again for the info!

  10. I know how excited you feel. The hardest thing for me has been the wait. Luckily August is just around the corner :D

    My surgery is on Aug. 8th. Any chance your is scheduled for the same day??

    BE ME AGAIN - I love it!!

    It's definately how I feel, I really don't know who that big girl is in the pictures??? I am not really that big - AM I???

    Anywho - Maybe we can keep tabs on each other with motivating progress...

  11. I am scheduled for surgery on August 12th & I am also scheduled to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day in October. I have been ahead in training and am walking around 9 miles at a fast pace on the weekends. The 3 Day requires 20 miles a day for 3 days and for that training is essential. Will those of you who have gone through this please advise as to how long until I can REALLY start to walk again.

    I would appreciate any information you can provide. Also, please note that I am in Florida and it's VERY HOT right now...

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