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Posts posted by compchic

  1. Why is it on some days I can't get anything down and on others I can't get enough? The last 2 days everything I ate got stuck and came back up. It hurt sooo bad. My poor family, I usually work 12hr shifts so I am not home for dinner but I have had the last 3 days off but every meal have spent the entire time in the bathroom trying to stop the pain from what ever got stuck! In fact I was worried that I had done some damage to the band. But today has been just the opposite, had cereal for breakfast no prob, then fish for lunch (one of the steamer sensations from star kist) thought it would be too much, before I knew it was gone the whole thing. then dinner was pasta with cream sauce and chicken no problem there and have wanted to eat all evening. So here is my Question, What is the deal????

    I am the same way. I usually have nothing in my stomach and I take one bite and up it comes. It is so sporratic that I never know when I am going to be stuck or not. I need to constantly keep a barf bag at hand. Does anybody else have these issues?

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