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Posts posted by SickNTired

  1. CC + Slim - I have to admit I thought the same thing. When she was on Oprah, she kept wiping the corners of her mouth. Slim - remember us talking about how Whitney's voice sounded weird and you thought it was the drug voice? MacKenzie has that same voice quality to it! Eww I can't imagine.

    re: Grey's - that's funny - I was ok when George died too. What a pair of ungrateful whiners JR and Heigl are!

  2. Me tooo! I am hoping this will be a better season than last! The whole Denny coming back, didn't work well with me....got old fast and the way it was left was so sad but it was better that way......

    I completely agree! I was hoping that Izzy would die too; I am so tired of her!

    Hi - peeps I know! How funny is it that we're "newbies"?!?

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