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Posts posted by extremelyblonde

  1. I had my lap band in May and since the March before having my band, I have lost 5 stone 5lbs (74.5lbs), and am really pleased. Its been hard work, much harder than I ever thought it would be, and I have literally and figuratively worked my ass off to get the weight off by healthy eating and going to the gym...

    The thing is, when people comment on my weight loss, I always feel like I have cheated somehow, that it has just magically fallen off overnight, and tell people that I have had the lapband. Its almost like I'm trying to make THEM feel better about my weightloss. Now I have never made it a secret about having the band, so I'm not ashamed, and there are people who completely support me, and say how brave it is, but can anyone give me some help on how to deal with people who don't know about my band, and how to make me feel less guilty?? I KNOW how much hard work it is, know that there is nothing to feel guilty about but some other people think its an easy option.

    Starting Weight 319lb

    Now weighing 245lb

    Band Inserted 14th May 2009

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