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Posts posted by ghipps

  1. Not sure I'd get it done before such a trip either. I would want to be able to enjoy everything while over there. I can see her point of wanting to be healthier--I think that's why we are all here, but to me it's not going to make that much difference.

    What does the doctor say?

    Thanks for the quick reply. We're still waiting for the doc to return our call. I meant to post that part in the original post but forgot.

    Don't worry guys, I'm not looking for validation or a scorecard to help make my case. This is not going to be used as ammo to make my case. I truely want to know if I'm being unreasonable. Are my concerns and worries over top?

    Less than two months between gastric surgery and European vacation? Come on, now!!!

  2. I hope that I'm posting this in the right forum.

    My wife, daughter, and I have a vacation to Italy which begins on March 11, 2010. My wife has always wanted to get banded (she's done the seminars and the rest of the requirements) but lately she's been lobbying to get her surgery performed before our trip. I'd rather wait till after our 2 week trip (early April time frame).

    Here are my concerns:

    There IS an opening for surgery on January 15, but that leaves less than 2 months (and exactly 8 weeks) for my wife to adjust to life with the lap band. Part of our trip has revolved around "exotic" dinners, wine tastings, etc, and I just don't see the logical reasoning for her pressing forward and getting the procedure done so hastily.

    More importantly, if she was to develop any complications, that could mean more time on a liquid diet, and who wants to go to Italy like that?

    ***MOST*** importantly, if there was a REAL emergency so soon after surgery, but she was in another country, she could be in big trouble.

    Now that you've heard from the worried (though I hope supportive) husband, what are the realistic expectations? I DO understand her reasoning for wanting to go to Italy at a healthier weight (she has said that she'll enjoy the pictures better), and of course Summer is coming up and she could get a jump start on her new Summer look, but is it worth the risk of possibly still living off of liquids while on a big European vacation?

    I suppose that the diet is my biggest concern. I do expect her post-op health to be fine, and of course THAT IS PARAMOUNT (though I still say that she needs to fully heel here in the States and not across the pond). I'd just hate to see any complications arise, and have her NOT be able to eat A THING while over there. This trip was tailored around her, and I'd just hate to see her regret having the surgery so soon.

    Besides, what's waiting 2.5 more months when it's a life time change?

    Any thoughts?

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