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Status Replies posted by damalove

  1. havent been around, been busy w new job... havnt lost much weight but have been using cold weather as an excuse ... hope you're all doing well!

  2. mini-goal: to be 168 by jan 15th, which would put me exactly 10lbs from goal

    1. damalove


      didn't. got to 170, then floated back up to 172 and am stuck there...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. seem stuck at 178. little frustrating but overall still happy. Know I need to kick up the exercising, just haven't got there yet.

    1. damalove


      i hear that. im stuck at 175...bleh... the holidays dont help tho! last week was off the rails but got serious abt eating right again :)

      erica n i were thinking jan 15th can be our next minigoal date. im shooting for 168, care to join us n set a minigoal for that date?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. ~ just accepted a job offer, yeehawww! ~

  5. ~ just accepted a job offer, yeehawww! ~

    1. damalove


      yes! i inquired about alternative work sched during offer negotiations (i wanted to work four tens) and they almost retracted their offer too! i had to explain it was merely a request and not a dealbreaker and only then could we move forward! so i know the agony of these offer nego. so hang in there. it worked out for me, i am sure it will work out for you. best of luck!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. hey sir reeeeeee got into the 160 's! damn this feels good! @167 slow but steady and wore my size 10 jeans today!!!!

  7. Made it into the 170's. Just made it mind you but I AM THERE. Thank you Dr. O, staff and fellow bandsters. My success is largely due to all of you.

  8. NOV. MINI-GOAL: 175 lbs by Thanksgiving Eve (Nov. 24th) ~ SI SE PUEDE!

  9. check up time. my doctor is going to be in shock. in a good way, i think ..

    1. damalove


      i have my annual physical today too, so excited!! ive been seeing the same doc since i was nine, so im going to ask him to go thru my chart and tell me HOW OLD I WAS the last time i was at this weight :) also excited to see my numbers, chol/BP/blood sugar..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Recent complement that made me LMAO..."Your so pretty, have you ever thought about getting your boobs done?"

    1. damalove


      glad to see you're back :)

      how are things going? still on WW?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Only .5 lb to get to the 170's. Hoping it "arrives" this weekend.

    1. damalove


      congrats lady keep up the good work. you in on our minigoal? :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I still have a problem with my body image, but I must realize pictures do not lie.

  13. have 22 lbs til goal wt, but focusing on the next 5 lbs first...

  14. feels like she is not taking enough vitamins and is not sure which to take...

    1. damalove


      i love the vita gummies too. i take a multivite and fiber gummies, every day. theyre my yummy treat after lunch :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. 1 more pound to make it an even 40 lbs gone FOREVER!!

  16. I can start to buy cloths at regular size stores!!! woohoo...this could be dangerous..

    1. damalove


      it IS dangerous, trust me !!! congrats regardless :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. What are these fiber gummies i keep hearing about? and where can i find them?

    1. damalove


      i dont think walmart carries em. not the one nearest here anyway..

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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