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Posts posted by jennyontheblock

  1. I had my husband give me a good backrub and also gently thump me on the back to help break up the bigger gas bubbles and that seemed to really break things up for me. Kind of like gentle karate chops all over your back. Since I could not lay on my stomach I just leaned over the kitchen counter. Good luck.

  2. May I ask why you're taking a diuretic?

    This could cause dehydration while on a liquid diet.

    But to answer your question:

    Liquid, will show up as 'weight', so stay off the scale.

    It's not a clear indication of what's really happening.

    I am taking the diuretic for high blood pressure, have been on it for about two years, so I figured that any extra water retention would be taken care of with that. I am going to switch to low sodium soups. They will be better for me and my high blood pressure anyway. So hard to stay off the scale. It was so exciting to be getting on it and be down 2lbs every morning for the first 8 days.

  3. I had surgery on 7/26 I was losing about 2lbs a day while on the clear liquids. Now that I have added soups I am gaining weight. I am keeping it to no more than 3 cups of full liquids a day like they suggested. Did anyone else start gaining when they started the full liquids? I am already taking a diuretic so its hard to believe that it could be from salt in the soups, but maybe. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Trying really hard not to get discouraged this early in the process.

  4. Thank you for your help Jenny! : ) I noticed you have a low BMI and not that much weight to lose. I was curious about your decsion to get banded.

    I have struggled with my weight ever since my son was born 14 years ago. I am pretty good at losing weight, it is the not gaining it back that I am not so good at. Like most of us on here I have tried all different things, Weight Watchers, Body Bugg, High Protein, etc. and I do good but it is just not sustainable for me. My biggest problem is portion control (I can out eat all my friends and family) at 5'11" I can pack in the food. I decided to get banded when two of my friends did and it has really helped them. I just need that extra help to keep the weight off. It seems like each year I check off one more side affect of being obese/over weight. ~~ high blood pressure, sleep apenia and bladder problems! So that is really what has motivated me to move forward on this. ~Jenny

  5. Robin,

    Hey girl, I got your message. I've been really busy but I will call you tomorrow. : )


    Protein Water Mix - Check

    Fiber Powder - Check

    Gas-X strips - Check

    Liquid Extra Stenght Tylenol - Check

    I'm having surgey next Wed. I didn't even know we needed this stuff. What is Protein Water Mix? Can we take the chewable Gas-X? What is Fiber Powder?

    The Protein Water is the Special K protein powder that you can add to water. Just to help me get protein when I am on the liquid diet post-op. Fiber powder is BeneFiber powder to add to water to help with any constipation. I don't know about the chewable Gas X but they have strips that just dissolve on your tongue. I had two friends banded at the OCC a little over a year ago and with their advice and other posts on this website I came up with these things that I though would help me over the next few weeks.

  6. I am really lucky, two of my very best friends were banded at the OCC a little over a year ago. So when I tell people that I am having the surgery in Mexico and tell them that is where my friends went they really can't be judgemental because my friends surgery went great and they look wonderful. There is also a very well respected Nurse Practioner here in my town that does fills and runs a support group and she is also very supportive of the OCC. For my family and friends that are not aware of these people I have just started the conversation with "I am so excited, now don't freak out but I am going to Tijuana to have lap band surgery!" When they start to freak. I tell them that I have done lots and lots of research and then I point out the whole Oprah and the show the Doctors and that when they need an expert on Lap Bands they have Dr. Ortiz on. At that point there really is not much they can say about it

  7. My surgery date is July 26th too! We are flying in on the 25th. I can't believe it is only 11 days away...nervous but mostly excited. Everyone makes it sound so easy...I hope my surgery and results go as well.

    We are also flying in on the 25th. Land in San Diego around 11:30am. It will be fun to meet, up. If not at the hotel at least on the Van ride over to the Clinic the morning of the 26th.

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