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Posts posted by shewee

  1. I'm on day 13 and moving towards more substantial foods. Every time I even try to overeat just a bit (one more bite) I feel it instantly. I can't imagine how anyone can cheat this procedure. Having said that, I wish I was losing weight just a bit faster. I lost ten very quickly and the last two pounds came off slow. This isn't unusual for me.

    I switched to Plication the day before my surgery after talking to the doctors. This seemed so sudden after my countless hours of lap band research. Thankfully I had a lap top with me and could do some research the night before surgery. As I mentioned to you earlier, there's not a ton of info on patients with the procedure but I expected results of gastric sleeve patients to be a good measure.

    Are you exercising? I know everyone is different and weight comes off at different paces for different folks but I find that one the days that I exercise I do much better food wise and lose weight faster.

  2. Hi

    After reading all the posts on the forum it looks to me like the pre-surgery diet and the 3 week post-surgery diet is responsible for a jump start on the weight loss. After the first 3 weeks how is everyone doing with eating "normal" foods? How are they tolerated...is it necessary to eat tiny morsels of food forever? Is it comfortable to have a smaller stomach size? What I mean is.....do you have indigestion, burping, abnormal bowel movements, etc....after the adjustment period of the first few weeks? Does everything seem normal other than the portion sizes?

    I only lost 5 pounds on my 1 week pre surgery liquid diet. I had surgery 11/17/2010. My weight loss is still pretty steady at around 4 pounds a week. I am now on solid foods. I tolerate whatever I eat pretty well. Some things that are real spicy I have a bit of a problem with right now but I probably won't later. I have no indigestion (Dr. Watkins always looks for and removes hiatal hernias when he does the surgery) BM are normal.

    It is very hard to get used to eating on a small amount of food but I am happy that is all I can eat. I am slowly training myself to eat slowly, eat protein first, try to drink plenty of liquids. Just enjoy every bite since you can't take that many..

    Any weight loss surgery is a tool only.

  3. I have just learned of GSP. It sounds very promising...almost too good to be true....so I am looking for the studies and patients that can share complications and long term realities.

    Afterall, it is surgery. It is not to be entered into lightly. Can the sutures stay in indefinitely or is it anticipated that the surgery will be reversed after a period of time or weight loss goal is met? I haven't seen this addressed. What is the answer to one of the other forum members question????? How long does the stomach pain and burping last? What can one anticipate besides the desire to eat less? Also, is one night in the hospital enough? When does the doctor follow up on the surgery? Are there specialists in the states familiar with this if there were an emergency of some kind?

    Thank you for your attention to these questions.

    I can help a little bit. This procedure is reversible only if you want to reverse it. When you reach your weight loss goal you should be able to maintain if you use it as a tool just like the other surgery options.

    Everyone is different. Some have no stomach pain or not much burping, others have a lot. IMO it is not really a stomach pain as much as discomfort.

    I am not sure what you mean by what can one anticipate besides the desire to eat less. You will eat less or it will hurt like the dickens. You can't overeat but you will need to choose your foods wisely.

    For most one night in the hospital is enough. I was there 2 nights but only because anesthesia makes me ill.

    I can follow up with any doctor that I need to. Dr Watkins who did my surgery can order any test or any follow-up I need. I can follow up with my Family doctor. If there is an emergency you can go to the closest ER.

    You won't find any long term realities just yet because the GP is too new. More and more doctors are starting to do this. The studies they have done shows this to be a very promising surgery with good results. For me it worked because there is nothing foreign in my body. I have no port, nor do I have to worry about fills.

  4. I just ate about 1/4 cup of soup and got in pain again. I think my stomach is cramping like a charlie horse

    I had my GP done on 11/17/2010. I have that cramping a lot. Everyone is different and I had a lot more swelling than some others did. See if your doctor will prescribe some anti-spasmodic for the intestines. That is what Dr. Watkins did for me. Some days I could not even drink water because my stomach would cramp up.

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