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Posts posted by journeyoflife7

  1. I would like to share a technique to lose a lot of weight really fast. I think that diet is an overlooked method of losing weight. If you know exactly what kinds of foods to eat, you can reach your weight loss goals simply by changing your diet. The secret is called a “raw food” diet.

    A raw food diet is a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Keep all the food you eat raw. When you eat foods in their natural state, you avoid a lot of excess fat, sodium, and oils. Eating a pure diet will restore you body ph or acidity level. An alkaline or basic ph is necessary for optimal body functions. When you change your diet to raw, your body will begin the detoxification process and your ph will go from acidic to basic.

    Changing your body ph will reduce your craving for “junk” food. As in my experience, I craved what I ate and lost all desire for what I avoided. Raw foods had increased in pleasure of taste while processed, or cooked foods were tasteless. I felt so much better eating healthy, as it restored my body to its maximal function. The former junk foods, cooked foods, and fatty foods, I previously ate no longer contributed to an acidic environment when I removed them from my system!

    In addition to a change in ph, and eating healthy, you will have the benefits of eating fewer calories and being able to burn fat more quickly. Eating raw will make you full faster, so you will also eat less. An increased in energy is also a benefit of eating raw.

    It will help you become more active, eat healthy and stay eating healthy; your body will function to its maximal potential, and your natural ph will be restored. Above all else, you will lose pounds and pounds of weight really fast!

  2. Studies show that chewing itself causes “fullness.” I’ve also read that chewing gum will demolish your desire for snacks, which in my experience, I find completely true.

    Almonds are an interesting way to lose weight. Almonds kick into the system of our physiology affecting hunger and appetite. They help with fat absorption and hormone response. The increased fat in the small intestine causes hormones to release and a feeling of fullness.

    Almonds are a great way to lose weight. I personally experimented with them and noticed it lowered my appetite by a mile. Almonds are a great snack to eat as they contain healthy fat, fiber, complex carbs, vitamins and mineral.

    Remember people, just do it!

  3. 1) Fruits And Vegtables

    Fruits and vegetables are very healthy for you. They have a lot of fiber and antioxidants. In addition to this, eating raw fruits and vegetables will make you feel fuller, faster! The amounts of calories that fruit and vegetables have are really low. So be sure to eat plenty of them!

    2) Eat In Proportions

    Never overfill yourself. Eat until you are satisfied but do not overeat. Remember, you can always pack food up and save it for later. Remember this tip when you got out to eat at a restaurant or fast food!

    3) Frequency

    Instead of three big meals a day, eat less but more frequently. Doing so will keep your blood sugar levels in check. It will help avoid a calorie overload. Try to eat 5-6 small meals in a day.

    4) Better Choices

    Avoid fast food and processed food, they have more sodium and fat. You can lose weight just by eating home cooked meals.

    5) Be Consistent

    Do not jump into eating healthy right away. Allow yourself time to eat some of the foods you really like. A consistent change will give you more hope than a quick change and failure. A slow progression will give you faith about your overall progress.

    6) Understand Food Nutrition

    Fat free claims on products do not necessarily mean that the product is low in calories. Read the nutrition facts on the label to avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. Do not be fooled by misleading labels that can be put on any product.

    7) Water

    Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day. It helps to avoid pop,coffee, and anything else loaded with sugar.

    8) Exercise

    Exercise for 30 min – 60 minutes each day to burn off calories. This is one great way to lose a lot of body fat.

    9) Write

    Keep your progress in a journal. Write where you are and where you want to be. Tracking your progress on paper will help you focus on you dream. Visually seeing your progress will keep your motivation high!

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