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Posts posted by vjosie

  1. What are your favorite veggies? I'd always been a big veggie-eater, but when trying to incorporate more veggies into my planned menu, NOTHING struck my fancy.

    I will say that broccoli hurts. No matter how recent my last fill, I haven't been able to handle broccoli well after my surgery.

    Thanks for listing.


  2. I got my band on Dec 22 2009. As of my one year anniversary, I still hadn't lost anything and am trying to really look deep and figure out why I am failing at this.

    I started logging at Livestrong. I typically consume less than 1000 calories per day. I know I have grown careless with some of my eating - I had a calzone on Thursday and pizza over the weekend. But my overall calories are still low which means I should lose weight right?

    I do focus mostly on protein. And avoid carbs. I decided that starting tomorrow I will start focusing more on fat.

    It's really rough weighing in week after week with no change. There have even been times over the past year that I have gained weight because I got so discouraged and started junking again.

    I've also made more deliberate exercise since my one year anniversary. This week I played racquetball twice, skated twice, and did the elliptical at my apt gym once. In addition to those, I've gradually developed a habit of push-ups with my son every night, but I still have to keep my knees on the ground (feet locked and elevated for more resistance). I do 4-5 sets of 10.

    I get advice from all over. I eat too little. I need to be more consistent with my calorie intake. My body thinks it's starving and it holds on to its fat. If these are true then why did I get the surgery? I got it to eat less and eating less is not making me lose weight.

    I talked to my nutritionist. She had me add some supplements and I've taken them every day since Dec.

    Anyway, here's my profile with my log. http://www.livestrong.com/profile/vjosie/ Maybe someone has some more advice. I planned out a menu that I know I can work with in my job. I entered all of it for tomorrow and we'll see what happens. Although my nutritionist said not to do cereal/oatmeal, I think it just might work more in my favor.

    7am: protein shake made with one scoop whey protein (no sugar), 1/2 c frozen blueberries, 4 cubes diced mango, and 1 c sugar-free almond milk.

    9am: Activia light vanilla yogurt

    11am: 1 c Trader Joe's turkey chili

    2pm: 1 packet weight control oatmeal

    6 or 7 pm: 4oz grilled chicken breast, maybe with salad greens

    post workout, only on days I work out hard for 40+ minutes, I'll have some lightly frosted shredded wheat

    All in all, here are my totals:

    Cals 976

    Fat 12 g

    Cholesterol 153 mg

    Sodium 1284 mg

    Carbs 137 g

    Fiber 25 g

    Protein 83 g

    Sugars 48 g

    What do you think of my new plan? How does it compare to your successful meal plans?

    Thanks in advance for your support and assistance,


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