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Posts posted by FinallySomething4Pam

  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR! You are truly beautiful and I am so happy for your success! I've lost 50 pounds, still have 20-30 to go and like you I'm taking it easy, not in a rush to lose the weight, just enjoying eating right. Hoping to be more active in 2013 (I had a total of 3 surgeries between July and October), which pretty much kept me inactive. Take care of yourself and perhaps we will both be back at OCC, getting some cosmetic procedures done. I loved the Botox and Peel I received from Dr. So.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful success story! My surgery was on July 2, 2012, so I am only a few months out but down 50 pounds. I am so thankful for the gift of WLS and all the wonderful people at OCC. Luckily my sister-in-law had discovered OCC and shared her success story with me. Each success story shared potentially spreads the word, joy, happiness and healthy lifestyle to another person. Congratulations to you and your husband!

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  3. Hi! I had the plication on July 2, 2012 and we stayed in Rosarita Beach for several days afterwards just to be near the center if there were any complications - and thankfully they're were no complications. FOLLOW THE POST OP DIET! The only problems I have had in these last few months is when I consume too many sweets or carbs - hard lesson to learn but every time it happens (the discomfort) I realize no food/candy/bite is worth the inconvenience and discomfort.

    When I explained to my primary care physician back home what I was doing, she said she would follow up with me and scheduled all sorts of lab tests three months post surgery. I sent those results to OCC and everything was fine.

    If you run into serious problems, you are going to end up at ER and they will treat you, even though you had the WLS out of the country. I think that is a scare tactic. I've lost about 50 pounds since July 2nd and it was the best thing I could have done for myself and my family.

    Hope this is helpful!

  4. Hey Team Leader - you are looking great! Is this just the best thing in the world or what?! I'm down around 45 pounds and totally agree with your summary of the "after life" following surgery. I eat what I want to, when I want, but after just a few bites I am full and even more importantly SATISFIED! That is the difference for me, not feeling like I may never have birthday cake, a donut, pasta, ever again in my life thus feeling the need to eat (fill in the blank) until it is gone. I'm a happy camper and thrilled with the results. Because I am able to eat healthily I don't have any side effects from the surgery. This morning I actually wanted the tiny sweet grape tomatoes and string cheese for lunch - and they were great. My family will be vacationing in Playa Del Carmen near Cancun, Mexico and staying at an All Inclusive and I now know with this tool that I will not drink or eat too much. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Hi, Katie: My husband and I spent the week following surgery in Rosarito and then San Diego, making a mini-vacation out of it. I remember being sore, especially when it came to getting in and out of cars, or turning over in bed. I didn't have any appetite and stuck with the liquids so I didn't have any "stomach pain," indigestion or gas pain. Another gal was there from Canada and she had a lot of swelling and retained water, but I didn't. I am now 7 weeks post surgery and have no pain - other than when eating carbs. Bread-y things just don't agree with me. But that is okay.

    You are only a few days post surgery - things will get better in no time! Wear comfortable clothing and take it easy and if you have them, take the pain pills. Good luck!

  6. Hang in there, Navid. My Gastric Plication was July 2nd. My friends and family are summer people who love to party, socialize, drink and have a good time. From the start I have continued to socialize and host parties. I just try not to make a big deal of what is going on in my life when it comes to Weight Loss Surgery.

    When we were out and I was only on liquids or soups, I would order something that I could have, and very slowly enjoy whatever I was consuming. Take your time, put your spoon/fork down, make the experience last as long as possible so you aren't finished before everyone else. I know I would ask the people I was with to describe how their food tasted. My point is that I continued to go out, the experience becomes more about being with your friends and not about eating and drinking.

    Drinking alcohol isn't a problem for me, I just can't drink very much and have to be careful with my drink choices (no sodas, no beers, nothing sparkling). About 1 1/2 drinks and not only am I full, but I've got quite a "buzz" so you have to really be careful.

    Please hang in there. I went through a period before the WLS, where I was depressed and upset about my weight, and didn't want to go out. But at week 6, I've lost over 25 pounds since the surgery and am feeling really good. I think you will be there soon.

  7. Dear Girl, I think my dropping 25 pounds since the surgery has something to do with the amount of weight I have to lose, compared to you! Your busy running after those kids and making beautiful babies. I hear you on the pooping issue. Protein Bars have resolved that problem for me, but I was feeling the same on the protein drinks. The Special K bars are filled with fiber and protein, are affordable and easy to find.

    Take care of yourself and keep up the good work! I admire you for reaching out and supporting others on this interesting journey.

  8. Present and Accounted For! I cannot believe that you are old enough to have such a beautiful family.

    Loving the 7/2/12 Plication. Had a nice conversation with a friend who had GSP 2 1/2 years ago. Her advice: keep the protein coming, stay away from carbs and sodas especially for the first three months. She relied on string cheese. Now, 2 1/2 years later, she can eat and drink whatever she wants, like a "normal" person with "normal" portion sizes. BTW, she is down 140 pounds!

    My other two inspiration angels are my sister-in-law and niece who had plication in June of 2011, at OCC, and are both down 70-90 pounds! Their advice: small portions, lots of protein, stay away from carbs. I'm seeing a pattern.

    I have run into pain and discomfort when trying to eat carbs (my weakness). No piece of bread, serving of pasta or rice is worth risking complications from the surgery, or experiencing that too full, stabbing pain.

    I'm down 25 pounds from my pre-surgery weight. I haven't started exercising yet, but have that planned in the next week or two. I'm 54 years old and my first go around with Weight Watchers was when I was 13.

    My handsome husband is being very supportive and has dropped 10 pounds in the last couple of weeks, as a result of eating healthier and drinking LOTS of WATER.

    Keep up the good work, Meredith!

    Pam Johnson - Clovis, CA

  9. Hey, fellow July 2nd GP Girl! Glad to see you are feeling better and doing better. We were there the same day and road the shuttle back to the Marriott, you were in quite a bit of pain, I was with my handsome husband who had managed to go out Monday night but still make it to OCC to pick me up! Here is to hoping things are looking up.

    I'm getting kind of tired of the chocolate protein shakes (and I love chocolate) but am enjoying the broth from El Pollo Loco's Chicken Tortilla Soup. It is amazing how little food fills me up so very quickly.

    Again, Andromeda9mm, it is nice to see you are feeling better.

  10. You ladies made me smile! I had gastric plication on July 2nd - my own Independence Day. I "only" lost 9 of the 12 pounds that I should have lost on the pre-op diet. They didn't turn me away and did the surgery anyway. EVERYONE at OCC is fantastic. I was touched by their treatment and am envious of their jobs - the idea of helping people feel better is pretty powerful. What a way to earn a living - serving others!

    I'm still on the liquid post opp diet and am looking forward to starting soft high protein foods on July 23rd. Today people are celebrating birthdays at work and there are pastries - my big weakness - set up right near my station. I thought it would be a HUGE challenge to resist, I'm thinking I could mush that donut around in my mouth. But NO, I was totally able to ignore them. Not being starving hungry is an amazing feeling.

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