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Posts posted by andromeda9mm

  1. Hey Girl!

    You look GREAT!

    I'm 7 months out myself, and I'm stuck at 165 ... just gaining and loosing, gaining and loosing. BUT, this is far better than where I was. If this is the end of my journey, then so be it. As long as I don't gain, I'm all good.

    For me, just the fact that I can maintain this without feeling deprived, is wonderful. I can eat whatever I want, just smaller amounts. It's lovely.

    I'm also like you though, I have found if I have to many carbs, about two hours later I have a crash and I feel crazy ... I can feel it coming on, and I *know* I must eat something fast. I think this is some sort of dumping syndrome. I have to eat protiens and fats, and they make me feel better.

    I have heard some people go back to a liquid diet to jumpstart the weightloss again... you may want to switch to a smoothie diet?

    Again, you look great! So pretty! Keep it up!

    Meredith in Utah

  2. Happy New Year and greetings from Utah!

    I hope everyone had a great holiday season.

    Tomorrow, Jan. 2nd is my 6th month plication anniversary.

    I have lost 34 lbs and I am currently at 168 (and change). I'd like to loose another 20 lbs. I am 5'8" and I am very comfortable with how I look. If I didn't loose another lb, I would be content.

    This surgery for me was *exactly* what I needed. Let me be point blank honest. I wanted to loose weight mostly to look better. It was vanity surgery for me. For some people, they may need this surgery to save their life. Having said that, I can't believe how much easier it is to do things, like walking, etc. Being overweight is a trap, like seriously, getting out is nearly impossible.... and then, at least for myself, I would gain it back.

    I eat small amounts now. I haven't ever eaten too much, because I'm scared I'll get ouchie if I do. I can't drink liquid with food. I eat, then an hour later, I'll drink. I also eat whatever I want ... smaller portions of course. I also drink alcohol, usually daily. I am still not excersizing, but I'd like to start walking casually. We'll see. I just want to be honest with myself.

    My New Year's Resolution is to drink more water and to loose 20 lbs for 2013, so about 2 lbs a month would be awesome!

    As I mentioned before, when everything is said and done, I plan on getting some plastic surgery. I have twin skin tummy from my last pregnancy, and just loosing weight I'll def. need a tummy tuck.

    Here are some photos! (See second post for more)

    On the way to the clinic from San Diego Airport


    The Border


    Inside the clinic


    Prepped for surgery


    Getting discharged to go to the hotel


  3. Hey teamies!

    Today is my four month plicatoin anniversary. I have lost 26 lbs. I am 1/2 to where I want to be. I currently weigh 176.

    I'm starting to look pretty good, I think. :) My face and tummy really show the loss.

    Life is very normal for me. I eat and drink whatever I want. I do not drink soda, though. It's too bubbly. I do not excersize, either.

    This surgery was the perfect solution for me. I needed restriction to help me eat less, but not stop me from loving food. ha ha ha. I should post some photos.

    Meredith in Utah

  4. Hey Jonsie! Do no fret! I had the same experience. I seem to go in a cycle. At four weeks I felt I hit my first plateau, then I lost like 4 lbs the next week. So far I have done NOTHING regarding excersize, just the diet alone. I'm just chugging along and I'm comfortable at my pace. I only need to loose 50-60 lbs total, so this is perfect for me. A lb a week is all I ask. I'll be 3 months out next week and I'm down about 22 lbs. I've broken into the 170's. I eat very small meals (like 12 mini wheats for breakfast) and I drink water/black coffee/green tea in between. Don't worry, and take care. :)


  5. Hey GSP teamies!

    Sorry I've been so absent. It's busy here. school starting, we went on vacation, etc ...

    Good news, I'm down 21 lbs! It's been 11 weeks for me since surgery and I'm doing great. I've noticed a pattern with my loss. I will loose like a lb or less some weeks, then have a huge loss of like 3 sometimes four lbs. I think this also is related to my monthly cycle. Hormones really mess with me. ha ha ha.

    I will go to a second hand store this weekend and get some new jeans/trousers.

    I truly/honestly like loosing slowly. For me, it's great because I can and do eat anything I want, in just MUCH smaller portions. I don't feel any deprivation.

    What I don't like, is I don't get as much pleasure out of eating as I used to. I miss that 'full' feeling, if you know what I mean.

    Carry on,

    Meredith in Utah

  6. He Navid!

    I hear ya! I still tell people that 'I killed my best friend' ... ha ha ha ... My stomach was my best friend. I love food, and fun and drinks with pals. I'm at the point now where I can eat anything! I just eat a VERY TINY amount, but at least I can sample. As far as drinking, I do drink , but like Pam said, it's a small amount and you're buzzed. No carbonated beverages.

    I'm 6 weeks out and I have lost 16 lbs. For me, this is the perfect weightloss tool.

    Slow and steady my friend.


  7. Check out sleeve plication talk and look for the thread by "manwithkids". His wife had plication done at the occ and almost died from stomach necrosis months later.

    I saw that. I hope she's recovering. My heart goes out to her and her family. He also had the plication done at the same time... as far as I can tell, he is complication free.

    Of course even with the best doctors, with the best care, at the best facilities, there is always a chance of complications.

    I wonder if he ever posts here on this forum?

  8. Oh lordy ... I am 34. We get started young in Utah. ha ha ha. My oldest will be turning 13 and she starts Jr. High in a few weeks. The boys are 4, and my middle child is 8.

    I eat whatever I like, just much, much smaller portions. Carbs don't seem to be a problem at this point, but I'm not sure they were a problem before ... I just ate too mcuh. I am really trying to focus on fiber ... oh lordy, when I was on the protein drinks, I thought I would never poop again. So I guess I'd say my strategy is fiber and protein.

    I can't believe you are down 25 lbs. That is NUTS! I'm about 13-14 lbs. If I can loose a lb a week, I am satisfied. I'm giving myself an entire year to see the fruits of the surgery.


  9. Hey Ana,

    Glad to see you back on board. Sorry about the small complication ... doesn't sound too serious and I'm glad you stayed the extra day.

    Boy, do I know what you mean when you said it's good to be home! For me it was wonderful to be back in my bed.

    I could have full liquids 72 hours after surgery, is that not the case with you?

    I can eat anything I want now. I chew my food FOREVER. I also do not drink anything while eating, which is new for me. I'm sure I'll get used to it. I can even eat meat without trouble. Just chew chew chew.

    I was down another 3 lbs this week to 191. If I loose a lb a week, that is fine with me ... slow and steady. Maybe by this time next year I'll be down to 150. :)


  10. Hi Vanessa!

    I'm kind of in the same boat. I lost 3 lbs the first week, 5 the second week, and 3 this week. I had surgery on Monday, July 2nd.

    I don't think you actually 'gained' weight. I think you could be retaining water or if it's your time of the month, that could also affect things. I know I'm scheduled to start this week and I can already tell I'm bloated, but I'm like you ... eating about 800 or so cals.

    Fear not, this too shall pass.

    What are you doing for meals? I'd love to hear what other people are doing. I'm *really* trying to focus on fiber and protien at the same time.

    Your pal,

    Meredith in Utah

  11. I'm so excited for you! This is going to change your life!

    I was so scared before I had it done. I'm always scared of surgery. I'm a mother and I always think of the worst... sigh.... but it was a breeze. You will never look back.

    Yesterday, I had two different people approach me about what I'm doing to loose weight. I told them I had WLS. I'm not ashamed.

    Meredith in Utah

  12. UPDATE FOR Monday July 16th:

    I weighed in at 194 today, so that is 5 lbs for last week. SUPER excited about that. People tell me they can notice the weightloss, but I'm skeptical ... I usually think you can start noticing around the 10 lb mark. Oh well.

    I felt really good this week. I am still on mostly liquids. I do have a tiny bit of dinner every night with my family. This is my choice, however OCC requests that you are full liquids for 3 weeks post op.

    I have *zero* pain. The incisions look terrific! WOW! I am taking the antacid still. I've never had a problem with reflux or anything, so I can't compare pre-surgery to post surgery.

    I am low on energy however ... I'm not dead tired, but I'm not as alert as I usually am. I imagine my body is just burning that fat!.

    That is all, carry on.


    Hey friends, if you don't mind, I thought I'd use this forum as a sounding board for my progress. I'll try and add only to this thread so I don't overwhelm anybody with my ramblings/progress. I hope this will help anyone out there and feel free to ask any questions.

    About me:

    Plicated Monday, July 2nd


    5' 7.5"

    Starting weight around 208

    Date of surgery weight 202

    1st week weigh in 199

    I'm very pleased with the three pound loss. I am using my home scale, and I don't care about the decimals ... I'm sticking with whole numbers. Anywhoo ... let me tell you about surgery, etc.

    My DH and I were picked up at around 8.30am on Monday from SD airport. It was easy. There were two other gals already in the van. Crossing the border was a breeze. Once at the clinic we went through all the procedural stuff and I'd say I got in to surgery at or around 1.30 or so? Not sure exactly. I met with Dr. Miranda the nutritionist, and Dr. Jimenez the cardiologist. Had an IV placed ... watched DirecTV (awesome... just like home).

    I was achy after surgery, nothing major. Now, I have figured out whenever I go under, when I come to, I have chest congestion. I feel like have a ton of crap in my chest. I googled this and it turns out other people also experience this, so going foward, this is something I have remember ... the congestion is gone now.

    Now for me, I was STARVING. Seriously, starving. My sister, who also had this surgery almost a year ago, did not experience this and was able to eat up until the night before surgery ... sucky. Also, my tummy makes TONS of gas when I am hungry. Not acid, but gas. This is true even if I didn't have surgery ... if I don't eat every 3-4 hours, my stomach goes nuts and I'll have to take a GasX or something.... it would be fine if I could just let it rip... ha ha ha... but it just stays in my gut and is painful. Oh well. I had some broth that night, and felt a little better.

    I was discharged on Tuesday afternoon and went to the Marriott. Very nice. You get free broth at the Marriott. We left Wednesday morning at 6.30am back to the airport. Again, crossing the border and getting to the airport was a breeze for us. We were through immigration and to the airport in less than an hour. My 4th of July was lame because I was very sad, and felt sorry for myself. I was in pain from the gas and hungry. Definitely in regret mode. But on Thursday, I felt 100% better ... sleeping in my own bed was great.

    Everyday I feel better and better. I took all my pain medication, and I'm now only taking the antacid. I have also broken the rules and tried some food and drank coffee. Please don't follow my example. :) My incisions look GREAT. Seriously ... super pleased with those.

    Although I still feel hungry, it's a managable hunger. Food for me is such a pleasure, so I am in mourning I'd guess you say. This to shall pass.

    All in all, an okay week and it's getting better and better for me.


  13. Hi friends,

    Just back from Mexico today. I'm feeling very sorry for myself. I had the plication done on Monday, July 2nd.

    Overall, very impressed with Dr. Ortiz, and the rest of the staff with OCC.

    I must be a big boob, because I feel terrible. :( I don't feel nauseous and I'm not in pain, persay ... but I feel like I'm starving! My stomach is gurgling and begging me to eat. I have a lot of bubbles (gas) ... but not necessarily acid.

    Please tell me I'm going to feel better soon. I wish I could have talked more with the other patients while I was there.

    If anyone has any other experiences, I'd love to hear them.

    Thanks in advance,

    Meredith in Utah

  14. Hey Peeps!

    Is anyone out there? :)

    Anyway, looking for some details on the post op diet schedule.

    I am scheduled for surgery this monday, July 2nd. I am 5'7" and weigh anywhere from 210-200 depending.... ha ha ha. I'd love to loose 50 lbs, but would be very pleased with 40. I have been overweight since having children.

    Thanks in advance!


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